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RSS Lyradnat

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree that when a star, regardless of his profession, fails, the products he or she endorses will similarly be affected. However, one cannot compare a sportsman with say, a singer.

The headlines Britney Spears generated for shaving her hair bald and staying in a drug rehabilitation centre cannot be compared to those of the recent Tiger Woods scandal. A singer's meteoric rise to stardom is starkly different from an athlete's gradual rise to fame. A singer only relies on her voice and popularity to climb to the top of the heap of his fellow singers, while an athlete toils for many years fine-tuning his game to be at the pinnacle of his game. This involves qualities such as determination and strong mental fortitude. This would thus make the athlete more of a role model for children worldwide as compared to the singer. When he or she fails outside the sporting arena, as in the case of Woods, his financial connections would not be the only ones crumbling. Instead, the fall in his image would have a greater impact. The image of him as a great sportsman and more importantly a great person in the minds of millions of children worldwide who idolized him would be completely shattered.

My point is, the failures of a sportsman would have a much greater and deeper impact on others compared to those of other celebrities. The commercialisation of sports thus risks manipulating the ethics and morals of young children when it enables wider access to sports for the people, and this effect is absent in the impact of the failures of other stars.

Daryl Tan 09S04

1 point

Another problem is that this boom in sports commercialisation has a dividing effect on the society. Although it has been mentioned numerous times that this commercialisation has "brought sports to the people" and more people are able to enjoy sports due to greater access, a fact that has been ignored is that only the upper portion of society - namely the wealthy - are the ones that enjoy this privilege. One cannot deny the fact that tennis courts are only housed in condominiums and bungalows and are glaringly absent even in "high-class" HDB flats. One might argue that this dearth of tennis courts in these spaces of Singapore is due to a lack of space and interest. Does this mean that the ubiquitous basketball and mini-soccer courts should share all this space? Are they also implying that only the "high-class" or wealthy know how to enjoy tennis? All I am saying is that the way sports are commercialised has a negative impact on social systems, as when it is used to display social class, it effectively divides society into those who are able to enjoy sports and those who do not enjoy this privilege.

Daryl Tan 09S04

1 point

One social problem which has arisen with the commercialisation of sports is that the prevalence of gambling has increased exponentially over the years. With the advent of the radio, television and subsequently the Internet, people have more access to sports news, allowing more of them to hop on the bandwagon of gambling. More often than not, this form of gambling is illegal and often huge debts are incurred. This results in many social problems such broken families and suicides.

Daryl Tan 09S04

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