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RSS Lzolview

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

To be rational, aren't you curious what makes you think as a Human. Well, what you thought cannot be grasp. Lets take your words, its all just magical thinking. But where does the act of thinking came from? it implies something eternal, something that goes beyond the reality, bridges by our brain.

You know, the content of the bible does not simply speak of truth value, but of how and why, and believed by many men, are the reason, justifiable reason why such an after life is probable. the thing is, only a fool would try to argue that there is no such an after life when all the pieces of evidence to believe so is in us.

1 point

To be rational, aren't you curious what makes you think as a Human. Well, what you thought cannot be grasp. Lets take your words, its all just magical thinking. But where does the act of thinking came from? it implies something eternal, something that goes beyond the reality, bridges by our brain.

You know, the content of the bible does not simply speak of truth value, but of how and why, and believed by many men, are the reason, justifiable reason why such an after life is probable. the thing is, only a fool would try to argue that there is no such an after life when all the pieces of evidence to believe so is in us.

1 point

Do you know Socrates? he claimed that he knew nothing. Yet, we all know how far his level of intellegence than a lot of brains. And here you are, an athiest, boasting that you are smart. For me, not to offend you, it is still smarter in a little way if you do believe in God than not believing him. You dont know what's beyond death, aren't you? haha

1 point

Define good. How could anyone be called 'good' when in any aspect of human nature, even in instinct, does not conform to what is desirable. Socially, he has been hate by many. Theistically, he killed a carrier of life. He made no future, and bought a hell in the society.

1 point

I think your reason as suffering from theistic paternalism is an irrational, and I think does not justified why church and state should be separated.

lzolview(8) Clarified
1 point

You want a definition. I give you one. God is the power that constitute the Self. Self is the relation that relates itself to its own self which is posited by that power. now, if you fail to be a self, you could always ask someone "what is God?" You cannot put an immense vast ocean in your brain through using a cup. in Words, I cannot put the idea of God in language, but it doesn't mean we should take away God in the Government, or in the people.

lzolview(8) Clarified
1 point

Do you mean that there is no God because those things happen? or Do you imply how could a God let those things happen?

well, God is never an object of experiences, nor of your thought. Kierkegaard would answer those events as "they fail to be God's.


1 point

I affirm tonton. God's beingness cannot be associated with other beings since it would defy the idea of "God".

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