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RSS Madgenius76

Reward Points:5
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

Reparations should not be paid to the descendants of slaves. The only reason this is even been an issue is because people have seen money, land, and certain possessions being returned to Jewish people that were taken by the Nazis, but what people fail to realize is these things were not reparations, Jewish families were being given things that their families rightfully owned. The only thing taken from slaves was freedom, and that has been returned. As a Black American I can honestly say the only people in this country that have lost things that were never returned are the Native Americans. If THEY aren't paid then how can anyone else be.

0 points

Higher health care and insurance costs are due to the abundance of malpractice suits and insurance fraud cases brought forth by this "get rich quick," "sue happy" society. To say that society pays 85 percent of the medical care for unbelted drivers is ridiculous, because if that was really the case our insurance rates would be rising faster than gas prices. And considering there are approximately 304,106,367 people in the United States, the point of 5,536 estimated lives saved per year hardly seems like a reason to mandate a whole nation.

2 points

Oh sure we should do exactly that! The police have always been VERY good about punishing their own! (Please take note of my sarcasm) Government officials and law enforcement personnel have almost always been governed by the "do as we say and not as we do policy." So, please do take a picture of an unbelted police officer to your local police department and watch them try to keep a straight face as they take down your statement.

5 points

The United States should not have seatbelt laws for the simple fact that they cannot be universally enforced. I see the commercials all the time "Click it or get a ticket" but at the same time I can count on one hand how many times I have seen Police Officers on patrol with seat belts on. They can ticket me, but who tickets them? A law that cannot be fairly enforced due to double standard should not exist.

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Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Age: 47
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Postal Code: 19132
Religion: Atheist
Education: Some College

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