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RSS Maximilian12

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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

we are talking about real life not games and ill Rather 1 shot 1 kill than having to shoot tham more than once and ak's are quicker to clean and matinee also their rugged and more reliable than the m16/m4and stop thinking where are thay made excepted from china every thing made from china brakes

-1 points

no why is it a he and not a she. Have anny of us seen him. If god love's us why did he let us have 2 world wars and contless other was and let us kill each other for oil and hate each other just because they dont belive in your religon. And they say death to america because you invade there contry and say that ther religon is not right. And if i said that a fish can talk and says that you will die if you dont say fish are cool would you belive that so god is not true and it was all made up

2 points

if some one said that in space there was a moon yes because it was proved and i can see it every night and man has landed on it but if i said that there was a small toy that told you that tree's will send you to a wood chipper if you didn't say tree's are cool every day would you believe that no only mental insane people would believe that because there is no evidence to back it up just like every other religion. If you open up your mind think out side the box you will see Jesus was made in the image of man not women because 1000 years ago women had no impotence and every pic of Jesus he is not black because 1000 years ago they where all slaves and a god's son can't be a slave no and the people that say that other religens are rong are American look I'm Australian and Atheist so tell me what you think

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