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RSS Mollymoose

Reward Points:1
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2 points

Yes, the Trump administration has transformed our political climate, as well as, to a degree, how the government is run.

What has made our democracy strong is an adherence to democratic norms, like mutual toleration and forbearance, as well as strong democratic institutions.

Since his election, Trump has undermined our norms and democratic institutions. He appointed loyalists and his own children to high ranking political positions, he undermined judicial authority (once threatening to break up the nineth circuit court when it ruled against him), and has gone to war with the concept of free press (threatening unfriendly media outlets with antitrust action and litigation and deeming criticism "fake news"). He has used the Justice Department to try and change up rules that limit his power, such as suppressing votes by attempting to stop the expansion of absentee voting. 

This style of hardball politics did not start with Trump, but accelerated under his leadership. The consequence is that both democrats and republicans must play hardball if they are to win. For example, democrats are now considering packing the supreme court. We are seeing a government that no longer strongly adheres to democratic norms, and that will certainly take a long time to fix.

Additionally, Trump has worsened what we might call the epistemological crisis, or post truth problem. The country is now divided about what is true, and is more polarized than ever. Conspiracy theories are thriving, and are impacting how people vote and how they treat fellow Americans. There are politicians, such as Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who are gaining votes because they believe in conspiracies like the existence of a deep state.

Trump also signed an executive order last week, Executive Order 13957, that would expand the number of civil servants a president can appoint from around 4,000 to hundreds of thousands, and would remove protections for hundreds of thousands of civil servants, allowing them to easily be fired and replaced.

Trump has made clear his intentions to consolidate as much power as possible, and especially if reelected, would increase the power of the presidency.

Trump has also been able to transform the judiciary, appointing hundreds of judges to lower federal courts, as well as 3 supreme court justices. These judges serve lifetime appointments, and will ensure that Trump's legacy lasts far beyond his presidency.

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