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RSS Mthibodeaux0

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Exactly! HOW is that justifiable?? I don't and never will understand the hypocrisy of our Christian nation and killings of so many people. Even our own.

1 point

I don’t think that Truman should have dropped the bomb on Japan. Japan was ready to call it quits anyway. More than 60 of its cities had been destroyed by conventional bombing, the home islands were being blockaded by the American Navy, and the Soviet Union entered the war by attacking Japanese troops in Manchuria. America’s refusal to modify its "unconditional surrender" demand to allow the Japanese to keep their emperor needlessly prolonged Japan's resistance. Even if Hiroshima was necessary, the U.S. did not give enough time for word to filter out of its devastation before bombing Nagasaki. Japanese lives were sacrificed simply for power politics between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

Conventional firebombing would have caused as much significant damage without making the U.S. the first nation to use nuclear weapons.

1 point

Well said, morally speaking, it was the wrong thing to do.

1 point

Although my vote was in opposition of yours, you bring home some very valid points. This falls perfectly into the category of favoring the collective and not the individuals. Debtor relief is not supported and creditors run amuck. The states are more in touch with the needs and issues of their people, at least more so than the federal government. Thank you for your thoughts and opinions, definitely has me thinking a little more about it!

1 point

Beautifully stated ddelany1. Throughout the world, America is noted for our individual rights and freedoms. On the contrary, we as an enormous whole, need to have boundaries. Within the boundaries of our freedom we find protection, both individual and a country.

1 point

My vote goes to ratification of the Constitution. Hamilton said it perfectly when he said that ANY government could become oppressive and that ratifying the Constitution would make tyranny almost impossible. Hamilton also insisted that ratification was not for want of power but for the zealous advocacy for liberty. Religious and distinct interests had many people worried about the stability of America but this is exactly why ratifying the Constitution would be in the Americans best interest. This way no one single religious, political, economical coalition could take control and oppress the rest. Our INDIVIDUAL rights would be sacred and protected.

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