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RSS Muzie5

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I think you've brought up very good points. Remember, people, in communist countries you will be living at the governments' idea of where your comfort level should be.... not what it currently is in America. So, if you are middle class now, you will lose almost everything you have so you'll be equal with the rest of the world. Yes, they may provide you a house, but you will not be able to choose where you live. They will "give" you a house (if you're lucky). And, they ration food to you for the month. You can't decide to run out and pick up some steaks for a bbq with your friends. You can't stop by the Dairy Queen to give your kids a treat after their little league game. You can't spoil your kids at Christmas like most Americans seem to do. You won't be going car shopping. And, all the while, the government are elitists... meaning, they have all the riches and fancy things and personal choices... not you! Most people who support this are left wingers who rant and rave about CEO's being more rich than their employees. Well, how is this any different??? You work at a job they give you and they keep all the money and tell you what you get to have. No college, no freedom of religion (or lack of), no Facebook, no truth on the news (not that there's much of that anyway). If you like Communism so much, move to a communist country... but leave MY country just the way it was founded.... on FREEDOM!!!

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