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RSS Nassersaqer1

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The modern technology aims to provide ease and simplicity to our lives . The majority of people believe that books cannot be replaced with modern technology and books will always stay the main source of information , but i believe that technology can replace books and can do more . Books can be hard to deal with since students complain about the heaviness of their backpacks and for example if you needed to read a book at the midnight and the library was closed what would you do ? You would probably sleep and wake up the next morning and go to the library . Whereas if you had a laptop , tablet or even a cell phone you can easily gain access to any information you need at any time you desire and not to mention that you can even watch videos , images and even share information easily with the help of the modern technology . This is why i believe technology can replace books .

in terms of graphics and dynamics both are great but i still prefer to fifa 16

2 points

There are a lot of researches that are related to this topic and most of them say that music were invented to control our minds and keep our minds away from the right things !

0 points

I dont thing that high achievers will still be able to keep achieving high grades if they will skip grade levels since every grade differs than the other in difficulty

Right ! we are living in the age of technology and let us exploit it and use it in the right way .

Really ? so you are trying to say that learning using modern tech does not make you feel free ?? . Well i think it is absolutely opposite for a lot of reasons , if you think that writing notes , planning etc can make you feel free then computers can do more than that :) ......


okay so there were a lot of researches made about learning using books and computers and according to these researches students who use computers are more genius and intelligent since they have the access to too many sources for their desired topic where as students who read books have limited accesses to the information they need , on the other hand those who use computers get unlimited access to the information they want for example ( they can watch images , videos and a lot more ) about whatever they want .

well , we can also depend on modern technology as our main source of credible information as well :) !

I don't see any problem with having voids , in fact it just gives us an option to replace the bookshelves with anything we want or we like . Nowadays companies from all around the world are depending on modern technology to do their work so it is expected to see less books , less bookshelves and more computers or laptops . I am not just talking about the books we own or that we see in our offices , I am also talking about the books in general . School books , most of the students are complaining about carrying heavy books , pencils and pens . Rather than depending on a difficult and an old fashioned way of learning or reading why don't we exploit the easier way of doing it . Technology has saved our lives by making it way easier than how it used to be , We can replace 10000 and more books with a laptop which is way easier to carry and to deal with as well . Let's say that you wanted to know some information related to a certain topic , would you rather go to the library and look for what you need or would you just turn the laptop on , go to google and get what you need ? . In fact if you use your laptop you will not only be able to read About the topic you chose but you can also watch videos related to that topic , which will help you to understand more about the chosen topic .

I don't see any problem with having voids , in fact it just gives us an option to replace the bookshelves with anything we want or we like . Nowadays companies from all around the world are depending on modern technology to do their work so it is expected to see less books , less bookshelves and more computers or laptops . I am not just talking about the books we own or that we see in our offices , I am also talking about the books in general . School books , most of the students are complaining about carrying heavy books , pencils and pens . Rather than depending on a difficult and an old fashioned way of learning or reading why don't we exploit the easier way of doing it . Technology has saved our lives by making it way easier than how it used to be , We can replace 10000 and more books with a laptop which is way easier to carry and to deal with as well . Let's say that you wanted to know some information related to a certain topic , would you rather go to the library and look for what you need or would you just turn the laptop on , go to google and get what you need ? . In fact if you use your laptop you will not only be able to read About the topic you chose but you can also watch videos related to that topic , which will help you to understand more about the chosen topic .

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