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RSS Nsaks1

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Flipped learning is an effective instructional strategy because it provides instructors with an opportunity to focus on higher level thinking, delve into greater depth on topics and maximize class time. Students benefit from flipped learning because they can learn at their own pace and have ownership and control over their learning. Students can no longer be passive learners. As a result, student engagement increases. When using the flipped classroom strategy, instructors can recognize the diverse needs of students and utilize different tools that address all learning styles.

Flipped learning is not simply watching lectures prior to class. Educators who implement flipped learning must carefully consider the design of the course. For example, to assess learning prior to class, students are assigned an online activity such as participating in a group discussion or writing a private journal entry. As a result, teachers can identify learning objectives that need reinforcement during class time. Students are not likely to complete online activities without an incentive. As such, online activities should be graded. If instructors grade at home activities, traditional assessments are worth a smaller percentage of the student’s overall grade, which reduces the stakes of exams. It also provides an alternative avenue for students to demonstrate learning. Designing a course that incorporates flipped learning is time consuming and is initially more work for the teacher. However, the benefits of flipped learning outweigh the disadvantages.


Bart, M. (Ed.). (2014). Blended and flipped: Exploring new models for effective teaching & learning [Special report]. Madison, WI: Magna Publications.

Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Why you should flip your classroom. In Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day (pp. 19–33). Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved from

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