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RSS Orangeright

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8 most recent arguments.
4 points

its easier to talk to your friends as a kid and being a kid ur friends dont really mind if you're poor they don't really care about backrounds or what you're mom or dad does as for a job,

face it, kids just talk to their friends about a more wide subject than most adults do

1 point

name is rather common but i still love it when my friends and bro call my nickname

it makes me feel lightheaded and i like that feeling

it just does, i like good feelings

1 point

of course it matters who your shit goes to , you've been working for that all your life, you were taught to live for it and without it you more so, die

and that beats the whole purpose of wills and lawyers and a whole bunch of movies involving disputes over money after dying

1 point

yes they can, by refusing to give euthanasia to you but you can still kill yourself

2 points

it is illegal and furthermore physicians do have the right to control other peoples' lives cause they can give you a lethal injection or pull you're life supporting system. if we just let them die. everybody would be dying because of a midterm that they know they won't pass or if they were emotionally hurt by a loved one.

2 points

it does matter because then if you're dead who would be responsible for you're death would have been seen to the public eye as helping you end your life or to murder you on purpose. Some people murder their relatives for large inheritance of money.

1 point

i agree with you because if the patient is in a depression or if they are an nfant, newborn, or a person in a coma they cannot make decisions on they're own and their legal guardian or family member has to make it for them

2 points

its not bogus if the person cannot make the decision of commiting suicide because they're an infant, newborn, or simply in a coma

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