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RSS Puyuyu

Reward Points:11
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

'the real intention of the foreign power is to exploit the country resources for their own use' by saying this , are you trying to say that it is for sure that all foreign powers that provide help is trying to exploit the countries' natural resources? you also mentioned that coltan is exploited by foreign powers and thus they do not gain improvement in terms of economy. the natural resources of china is also being exploited by California apple company.but despite being exploited, china is still able to progress to be top three in economy status

8 points

the presence of a foreign power often helps to deal with the economic problems that a country is facing. problems such as financial crisis is inevitably faced by many countries, especially during the global financial crisis that is ongoing. due to the financial crisis many countries' economy are affected in many areas. for example some countries such as America who experience a rise in unemployment rate and a decrease in standard of living. another country who was badly affected by the financial crisis is Greece. the Greece government faced increasing deficits and the market turmoil centered on Greece, which had a budget deficit in 2009 far higher than the country had forecast. this led to the interference of European union (EU) and the International Monetary funds (IMF) to put together a €110 bn bailout package for Greece in early May 2010, marking the first rescue of a Europe area member. this levitate the Greece government's burden on their huge amount of deficits. therefore the presence of international organizations are able to help to deal with the economic problems.

1 point

you might want to improve your paragraph by giving more explanations on why technology has allowed 'woman to be able to participate as jobs are now "less back-breaking'. furthermore ,you could have elaborated more on how technology has helped with the rise of women in the workforce in your example.

1 point

Can be further improved by stating your own stand, whether you agree with chan's statement. you gave good explanation that linked back to the question. maybe you might also want to state what are the sexual education that the students are learning.

1 point

good explanations and elaborations. you were also able to link the explanations back to the question and answers the question. good examples were also given to elaborate on the point that you are justifying:)

1 point

you might want to elaborate more on the explanation as to why allowing birth control has lead to the empowerment of women. you also only stated the opinion of other people but haven't state whether you agree with his statement. and you could have elaborated more on the example of singapore.

1 point

Chan claims that high divorce rate due to gender conflict, can be resolved with the understanding of the two's differences. i personally believe that this claim is too simplistic and thus disagree with this statement. The difference between the two might not be the only reason as to why couples choose to end their marriage. Other factors such as busy work schedule of both parties, infidelity or even abusive behavior of one party might also be the reason for the high divorce rate. thus, it is too simplistic to say that just by solving the gender difference, the high divorce rate would be resolved. take Singapore for example. nowadays it is common to see young Singaporeans getting married at a young age. however, some of them are not well prepared for all the consequences of marriage and after a few years, they ended up divorce. therefore, other reasons also contributed to the high divorce and this cannot be resolved just by having a better understanding of the differences between the two sexes.

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