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RSS Qv23anskatej

Reward Points:12
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4 most recent arguments.

The North Korean government's main goal is survival - and direct conflict with the US would seriously jeopardise it. As BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus notes, any North Korean attack against the US or its allies in the current context could quickly spiral into a wider war - and we have to assume the Kim Jong-un government is not suicidal.

The North Korean government's main goal is survival - and direct conflict with the US would seriously jeopardise there survival.Any North Korean attack against the US or its allies in the current context could quickly spiral into a wider war - and we have to assume the Kim Jong-un government is not suicidal.

0 points

With the Veto powers Intact, we have seen, time and time again, where the Veto powers have been used not as a format to address legitimate threats to National Security or In support of Protection of Lesser Nations, but for the Political Insularity of nations.

0 points

If everybody is equal before law, then every country is equal before international law. The five permanent members holding the veto power have jointly or severally defied UN General Assembly decisions passed with absolute majority. Thus the veto power has always been, and will be for ever, an undemocratic instrument wielded by the world powers to their own advantage as defined by their respective governments regardless of human rights international law.

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