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RSS Qv23shanerr

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree that the economy in China is strong, and the unemployment rate is very good because it is very low.

1 point

I don't understand how the USA could be better if they have more aircraft?

1 point

China will be the superpower of the 21st century. China has a very high GDP growth rate, saying that they have a stable economic growth rate. Even though the USA has more man power in their military, China is a very strong military. China is a communist country, saying that they do not have as much freedom to have freedom of speech, they have a very good political stand point on what they should say or do. China's power and political stand point, they will be the superpower of the 21st century.

1 point

I agree, the US was not right to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan did not have any allies and could not prepare for this event and it killed many innocent civilians.

2 points

I disagree, the U.S.A. did not have the right to drop a nuclear bomb on 418,000 innocent civilians. The people that lived there did not deserve to lose their life to a country that was only protecting itself; as well as not caring about the people living there.

1 point

The USA was wrong to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US should not have dropped nuclear bombs on Japan because, of the devastation that these weapons cause. Japan did attack the US first, destroying our naval ships in Pearl Harbor. The Japanese continued to battle throughout the South Pacific and were ruthless, making the US believe they would never surrender. However, at the time that the bombs were dropped, the war was coming to an end, Japan was running out of resources, and they were vulnerable. The US should not have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with an atomic bomb because it was cruel to attack civilians in this way. It also started a new kind of warfare. Now that the US has used an atomic bomb, many other countries in the world have developed nuclear weapons to protect themselves. Many people worry that nuclear war will break out between nations and cause worldwide devastation.

1 point

I agree, the US should not be concerned about North Korea testing nuclear bombs because most have been unsuccessful. North Korea has threatened the USA, but if North comes close to hurting someone, the US will take action.

qv23shanerr(12) Clarified
1 point

Sure North Korea has threatened to kill US citizens, but the US will take action if North Korea comes close to trying to kill a US citizen.

1 point

The 5 do not need veto power to protect other countries. The country could need something that the 5 vote against veto and the country never gets help.

1 point

I disagree, the 5 should not be allowed to do whatever they want and control the worlds' opinions on what a particular country should do. The 5 should face consequences when they make the wrong decision. The country that is at the center of a debate, or experiencing a problem and asking for help should have the ability to use a veto itself. This would give the country that would be the most affected, to have more influence on decisions affecting them.

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