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RSS Regreg21

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

They should be liable because it's their wrong actions and because when I was in fifth grade, our recess monitor said that since fourth grade did not clean up on time we all got walking recess. Walking recess is when you have to walk around the gym for the whole recess and you can't talk. I got upset because we should be free to do what ever we want during recess and so I sat down to calm myself down. The security guard walked over and grabbed my arm and told me to come to the dean. I asked to let me go and he continued to pull me. He then told the dean that I told him,"I'm not doing s*." When I got home my shirt was ripped and I red marks on my arm from him grabbing me. We called DCFS because he put his hands on me without permission from my Parents or legal guardian. The next day they wanted to give me an in school suspension for something I didn't do. So they called the police and the police watched the tape from the gym. Let me remind you that there were almost 70 kids in the gym talking. So how did they find my voice out of all of the TALKING kids. So I went home after getting a police escort. The point of this story was since the officer for the school works their the principal believed him immediately without hearing me out because I was a kid. I only got mad because they took the only fun part of school away because of another class.

1 point

The shouldn't have to wear uniforms because if we just dress in clothes we feel comfortable and they will a better time learning and paying attention in class. Even on field trips they should be able to dress down but this time with a field trip shirt to let them know what group they're in.

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