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RSS Selmasana

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6 most recent arguments.
2 points

freedom of speech should be a natural right. everybody have the right to express their opinion without any pressure because if we everyone express his own idea we will have many ideas which created diversity and that's what can lead to progress.

but this right is not limited , it's necessary to have limits in this rights for example a person should not insult another person under the pretext of "freedom of speech"

respect should be a duty before someone gets this right.

Also,giving feedback is part of freedom of speech but people should learn how to give feed backs, I can see most of the time people giving feed backs that really hurts. but the person who just gave this feedback could express it in other way without hurting anyone. that's why we should give constructive feed backs and not destructive: if someone wants to criticize something he has the right to do whatever he wants but he also should help to give solutions. that's how the word can improve

1 point

it's for sure that everybody can go through rough times so we become pessimistic about everything or some people are just pessimistic it's part of their personality.

according to me, we should be optimistic about the future we always should have hope about a better future for us and for future generation.

but we should not only be optimistic we should work hard to make our dreams come true and make what we were optimist about a reality so we keep being optimist.

also, being optimist about the future makes us live better, we become happier, and we can see everything from a good perspective

1 point

there should be schools on rainy day, if we go to school on feet, we can just you use an umbrella if it's not so rainy or we can take the bus and if the parents drive their children to school there should be no reason to be absent or to close schools for a day.

but there's an exception if it's a really bad weather like it's a hurricane or a storm it's better to stay at home and review some lessons..

1 point

I think that banning school uniform is a bad decision as students go to school to study , build their future and make new friends... not to org anise a fashion show.

the school I study in we weren't not supposed to wear uniform and i can see some students bullying others for wearing unfashionable clothes and we all know the consequences of bullying on the students especially teenagers.

Also,as we all know that education is allowed for everybody and there should be no difference between rich and poor. uniforms will be the best solution to stop inequality between students. school should be a place where everybody coming from different places, social environment can be friends , can study together and are treated equally.

1 point

I think that museum shouldn't be free for public, only for students or children under age of 12 to encourage them to visit museums , make their homework easier and more effective (if they have one for summer) and know more about science, cultures, history... but for others it should be paid because if you want to know more about something you should be ready to pay for it

1 point

I think if we don't use internet for bad things, it would bring more good than harm as it would be just like a small world where everybody can meet and discuss (or debate) just like we are doing right now. also, most of people who know how to use internet for good can easily get information and become more intellectual.

but we should not be blinded with its good as we all know that nowadays most of the people use internet to harm other people

About Me

"hi everybody , let's debate !!!!!"

Biographical Information
Name: selma bchir
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Tunisia

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