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RSS Serenag

Reward Points:5
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

To conclude, the ownership of a gun has always been a threat to society. Many incidence have happened due to legalizing of these guns. As stated in the second amendment the militia and the government must be able to protect their people, and to insure this there should be no ownership of these guns. Without these guns there would be a decrease of murders, robberies, homicides, and rape/sexual assault. America is the land of the free, America was born upon liberty and protection.

0 points

Your rebuttal is invalid, please read the first paragraph, the sentence, in the attached link. It states that a person who is carrying a gun is more likely to get shot.

2 points

You have disputed your own argument when you stated that 1527 criminals are killed by an armed civilian. The only way that an armed civilian would be able to kill the criminal is if they were able to own the gun.

"If you kill the murderer, the quantity of murderers will not change"

- Winston Churchill

0 points

Your argument is not sound because your information is invalid due to the fact that it only states information from 1973 to 2000. This link shows the murder and crime rates as well as numbers from 1960's to 2012. This also shows that your gathered information is outdated whereas ours is recent information (2012).

1 point

Charles Branas PhD, said that those people who are carrying a weapon for defend themselves are 4.5 times more at risk to be shot compared to those who don’t have a gun. It means that a gun might not be the most reliable type of self-protection.

2 points

When Christy Salters Martin attempted to leave her husband, she was shot with her own gun. She now says that “Just putting a weapon in the woman’s hand is not going to reduce the number of fatalities or gunshot victims that we have. Too many times, their male counterpart or spouse will be able to overpower them and take that gun away.” woman-safer/284022/

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