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RSS Sflowers

Reward Points:3
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2 most recent arguments.
5 points

I'll dispute my own argument. Which wasn't an argument at all. The poorly made point was:

1. ADDIE isn't the problem. Let's not attack the tools and get down to brass tacks. What IS the problem?

2. Take any process / approach model you like for soup to nuts problem solving. Now distill that to its base elements. I'd be surprised if you don't still see Analysis / Discovery, Design / Architect, Develop / Production, Implementation / Action, Evaluation / Prove. Back to #1. ADDIE isn't the problem, maybe we can redirect our attention to a root cause that's more relevant to the problem now? :)

So, in closing, I'd like to suggest that the argument whether ADDIE is relevant or not has 'had its day.' It is what it is.

4 points

Interesting how we get hung up on acronyms. I don't see ADDIE as a process. I don't really see it as a framework either. It's a set of outcome variables that are common to design and problem solving disciplines.

Why variables? Because they vary by the presentation of symptoms, the people that the problem impacts, and a slew of other stuff.

YMMVADDIE. The folks on the 'it has had its day' side indicated that Evaluation being along at the end is a major contributing factor to ADDIE not living up to its potential. I agree. Plus, take a look at the last three letters. Could this be why so many solutions fall into disuse? Because ADDIE ends in DIE.

ADDIE isn't a one size fits all checklist and it's not going to fit everyone, or every situation, the same way.

The bigger question, to me, is - why would we point a finger acronym as the cause of industry failures? Isn't that like saying 'I can't walk very well because my crutch is messed up'? It shouldn't be a crutch at all. Maybe a walking stick.

A good problem solver is going to make their tools work for them, not the other way around. THIS is the crux of the problem. IF we make a better crutch, we still won't fix the walking problem.

The root cause of failure isn't ADDIE. Fail design and fail alignment is fail. Soylent green isn't ADDIE. Soylent green is people.

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