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RSS Sharpiron

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Okay good Chad, let us apply this definition to my previous contentious argument with you. I argued that anal sex and also using a plastic/wooden/steel rod in a sexual act are irrational. Further Chad, when we are aroused, our body reacts by producing lubrication in preparation for intercourse. Therefore using other body parts in sexual acts are irrational, don't you think? Morality constrains us, it qualifies right and wrong, it not alien to us it's built-in, coded, programming into our humanity. The concept of the original position is based upon this inalienable human trait. Moralism (which we both obviously hate) is a bully, it attempts to devour and threaten others. Therefore don't confuse morality which is innate with the hypocritical self-promoting moralism. In addition Chad, my view is in the minority now, because of the shifting goal post, look at the Argument Ratio or the Debate info above.

1 point

Chad what your concept of ethics and morality? I do not understand your point of view.

1 point

When you operate outside social norms you are classified as a Deviant. Your anus or a plastic/steel/wooden rod is not a sexual organ; therefore using them in a sexual act should be considered abnormal, shouldn't it? Having anal sex is like trying to eat food with your eyes (it just was not design for that). The normal curve is used in all fields of studies to classify what is acceptable and what's not. It also determines when mechanical plants are to be changed, unearths systematic errors and blunders. Of special concern are systematic errors, which are frequently caused by miscalibration. This error in a system also produces normal curve, but skewed. Thus, shifting the goal post thereby making previously deviance behaviour acceptable. That’s why you (ChadOnSunday221) can no longer see that gay marriages are immoral and unethical; it was a slide of hands. Attempting to make us believe that homosexuality is an identity and not a choice was the tactical manoeuvre. Where will this post be in the future, who knows? Chad we may wake up one morning a discover that rape, child porn, sex with animals, lowered age of consent, etc. are now social norms.

1 point

That you operate outside social norms you are classified as a Deviant. Your anus or a plastic/steel/wooden rod is not a sexual organ; therefore using them in a sexual act should be considered abnormal, shouldn't it? Having anal sex is like trying to eat food with your eyes (it just was not design for that). The normal curve is used in all fields of studies to classify what is acceptable and what's not. It also determines when mechanical plants are to be changed, unearths systematic errors and blunders. Of special concern are systematic errors, which are frequently caused by miscalibration. This error in a system also produces normal curve, but skewed. Thus, shifting the goal post thereby making previously deviance behaviour acceptable. That’s why you (ChadOnSunday221) can no longer see that gay marriages are immoral and unethical; it was a slide of hands. Attempting to make us believe that homosexuality is an identity and not a choice was the tactical manoeuvre. Where will this post be in the future, who knows? Chad we may wake up one morning a discover that rape, child porn, sex with animals, lowered age of consent, etc. are now social norms.

1 point

I feel for you Timbo7834, but welcome to life as a human. I to have choice issues to resolve and intend to spend my entire life working on them. The other issue I ignore. Therefore it is clear that our views differ on what is choice?

1 point

The definition of true freedom captures the essence of all contemporary debates. Whether we accept it or not, freedom has boundaries. Morality and ethic governs these boundaries. Thus, as knowledge increases, we venture beyond established limits. Understandably so, but as we enter the uncharted, morality and ethics must continue to govern us (they are the lamp to our feet). As a consequence this is where knowledge and wisdom diverge. Allowing Gays to marry is in my opinion the moral tipping point where all things deviant (which you love) would gain legitimacy. This is a knowledge driven venture only without understanding its ultimate impact on our society.

1 point

My concern of what is next is a plausible question. This is obviously an emotive topic for you, but you need to do your research, especially on the age of consent. Yes, the number of species observed with homosexual tendencies is vast, but does this makes it moral, ethical or "completely harmless"? Who draws the line when it comes to patterning animal behaviour? Moralism and morality are opposites and thus there should be no confusion with each other. I am not homophobic but do have a phobia for lies being portrayed as truth, and I also have a plausible fear of the impact of these positions would have on your society. Heuristics as scepticism should not be a resting place for critical thinkers, hence considering the outcome (“what comes next”) of this revised moral position on your society should not be so offensive to you.

1 point

Science prides itself on making observation and via extrapolation forming plausible conclusions. Crude as it may be, my conclusion of a world without morals does not seem so far-fetch when considering the exponential increase in challenges from contemporary moral reformer. What is the reason for this? People do not what to be viewed as immoral or unethical. I concern is what's next? Lowering the age of consent to 10yrs? Freedom to have relation with animals? Just based on observation of what moral and ethical standards are under attack, one can conclude eventually we (mankind) will be living in a world without morals.

1 point

Science prides itself on making observation and via extrapolation forming plausible conclusions. Crude as it may be, my conclusion of a world without morals does not seem so far-fetch when considering the exponential increase in challenges from contemporary moral reformer. What is the reason for this? People do not what to be viewed as immoral or unethical. I concern is what's next? Lowering the age of consent to 10yrs? Freedom to have relation with animals? Just based on observation of what moral and ethical standards are under attack, one can conclude eventually we (mankind) will be living in a world without morals.

1 point

What evidence do you have to discredit people who have claimed to have become straight? There is a famous singing who publicly claimed that he was gay and is now straight, is he lying? Where is your evidence? It appears that you have a confirmation bias. I understand what you are attempting to say but, a world with a population of 90% gay cannot exist indefinitely (Sex for pleasure and not procreation, even a 90% heterosexual society would be in danger of becoming extinct).

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