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RSS Simretkaur

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

you can give a specific example like: Cameroon's annual debt payments will be reduced by 40 percent over the next five years. But Cameroon will still pay, on average, $280 million per year during this period. The projected payments far exceed the amount the country spends annually on education ($239 million) and health care ($87 million). The total relief is about $2 billion, but it will be spread thinly over the next 20 to 25 years. The amount looks especially inadequate in light of the extremely high level of poverty in Cameroon, where one-third of the children are malnourished and 60 percent of the population lack access to clean water.

2 points

good para.. spelling: political..

good use of example but maybe you can use a more current example like Iran as foreign countries though do not support Iran's use of nuclear power and with the fear of a world war 3, countries are hesitant to intervene directly as Iran may see it as an aggressive act..

2 points

Mr Chan Wai Leong claims that the advancement in technology has caused gender revolution. I agree with this point as with technological advancemnets,women can now also do jobs that were once thought of as a 'man's job'. For example, previously men used to cut down trees with axes and by cutting it further into smaller chunks, carried to their various destinations. However, now both men and women can do this job by using advanced tools like motor-powered saws and the whole tree itself can be moved using a crane and placed onto lorries and transported away.This way, women would also be contributing to their conutry's economic growth and not just the men. This would improve the productivity and efficiency of a country's labour force. Therefore, advancement in technology has allowed women to work and earn a living for themselves instead of being dependant on men to be the sole bread-winner of a family.

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