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RSS Solar

Reward Points:2
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1 point

I can only speak from what is happening in our community. We are being forced into regional garbage sites within the larger centers in our province. We live in a rural area where our families have lived for generations. Our garbage site was closed and now fancy brand new very large trucks pick up our garbage once a week and our recycle bins every two weeks and haul them to the city garbage dump a two hour round trip.

We have loads of land available at low cost and we can run a efficient site and cover the garbage. Land with clay base no waterways close by and yet we are being forced due to recycling to pay triple the cost to haul our garbage over long distance. The cost of wear and tear to our roadways and the use of fossil fuel that continues to rise in cost is very evident.

I am trying to be open minded but find it hard to consider recycling a vial able alternative to protecting our environment.

Meanwhile the large sites continue to raise fees for dump age and we are caught. Farmers who have no place for garbage are forced to make there own pits or drive into the city. If waste reduction with out common sense prevails I am very concerned for the future.

1 point

I can only speak from what is happening in our community. We are being forced into regional garbage sites within the larger centres in our province. We live in a rural area where our families have lived for generations. Our garbage site was closed and now fancy brand new very large trucks pick up our garbage once a week and our recycle bins every two weeks and haul them to the city garbage dump a two hour round trip.

We have loads of land available at low cost and we can run a efficent site and cover the garbage. Land with clay base no waterways close by and yet we are being forced due to recycling to pay triple the cost to haul our garbage over long distance. The cost of wear and tear to our roadways and the use of fossil fuel that continues to rise in cost is very evident.

I am trying to be open minded but find it hard to consider recycling a vialable alternative to protecting our enviroment.

Meanwhile the large sites continue to raise fees for dumpage and we are caught. Farmers who have no place for garbage are forced to make there own pits or drive into the city. If waste reduction with out common sense prevails I am very concerned for the future.

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