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RSS Sorianokarla

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I believe that we should have homework for elementary school children, but we should definitely keep the homework to a minimum. We should have a system where certain classes have their own day to give out homework. For example, math may get Mondays, science may get Tuesdays and etc. We shouldn't have homework and homework piled onto us each and everyday.

First, students may have after school activities including sports or arts and crafts or something of that nature. It definitely isn't easy for us to balance out these kinds of things, and this is coming from someone who is still in school. Our mind isn't built to focus and balance out about 10 things that have to do with school, it can't even handle two at times. Everyone isn't created the same exact way, you may have some students who are able to get all of their work done in time, but then there are others who aren't able to. Don't compare those students because the students who don't complete all of their work may have problems at home that are conflicting with their ability to do any sort of work.

And yes, all of that work that is given out will go over with what you have learned in class for that day. And it will definitely help you prepare for any upcoming tests and exams by refreshing your memory. But if you're required to cram all of that information in one day then you won't be able to remember anything for your tests and exams because there will be so much that's circling your mind.

As I have said before, I believe students should have homework but we shouldn't be given so much all in one day. This also goes for projects as well. Having three or four projects all due and assigned around the same time, plus the homework that is already given to us is too much for students.

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