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RSS Suziehan2000

Reward Points:21
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7 most recent arguments.

they think that they hate them. if they were not there, would they be the same? there are negative sides in everyone, but there are positives in everyone and without them, there may be no you.

Well, I understand that you can dislike and feel very annoyed at your family, but if they were not there, how would you feel? would you feel the same? yes, sometimes they can annoy you and you feel like that you hate them, but the truth deep down in you is that you really do love them, although you may not be aware of it.

3 points

My point is that there isn’t a reason for such a change when it is and always has served us perfectly. The flag has served Australia well for over 100 years as the chief national symbols by the law, custom, and traditions. The question is, why change it? There are no compelling reasons to change the flag. It was chosen through an open public competition, which suggests that it was a popular design. My point is if it was popular, why do we need to change it? The majority of the citizens voted it as the best designed, and wanted to have the design as their flag, to represent the country and the people.

My second point is that the flag represents Australia and should be honored with no alternation. The unique combination of devices has created an attractive and meaningful flag, which by law, custom and tradition is Australia’s chief national symbol. Our flag should be treated with dignity and respect as it represents every single Australian citizen equally, whatever their background, racecolorur, religion or age may be. The current flag is already well known internationally and its distinctive and attractive design is effective in promoting Australian identity overseas. Imagine this, we are at the Olympic grounds, and Australia has just won gold in swimming like they usually do. The top three flag goes up. The Australians look at the top flag with pride, all the other countries look at the top flag. But suddenly, an unfamiliar flag goes up. Firstly, the Australians find it unusual, and secondly, the international nations have no clue which country came first. What would the world’s reaction be?

In conclusion, the Australian flag should not be changed. The Australian flag has already served the nation well for over 100 years and there are no compelling reasons for such a change. Also, it represents Australia and can be recognized by both Australians and international countries.

2 points

Firstly, we’re sending the wrong message the students. The wrong “message” is being sent to the offending student who is suspended out-of-school. That message is: “You as a person are so repugnant to us that you do not even deserve our attention or support.” Also, Giving students a free day or two off doesn't feel like punishment for most kids, especially those who may already be hostile towards school to begin with. Imagine that you are home, whilst everyone else is at school. What would you be doing? For most people, they would probably sit in front of the TV all day and watch Big Banf Theory or play XBOX.

Secondly, we’re not addressing the underlying issue. Suspensions do nothing to teach appropriate alternative behaviour nor address underlying issues that may be causing the bad behaviour. An analogous situation in the adult world is the fact that prisons are full of people who knew precisely what might happen if they were caught. The reason that most students obey the rules has more to do with the expected benefits that come with acceptable behaviour than fear of punishment for misbehaviour. School can be a very rewarding environment for those who have the dispositions and skills to function in it competently.

Thirdly, the students fall behind academically. Educational institutions are designed to educate children, not just punish them. If the student then misses school work, his or her grades will decline, further increasing the student’s detachment from the academic environment.

Students may find themselves in more trouble. Out-of-school suspensions leave kids at home unsupervised and able to cause more problems. If parents can’t be home to supervise them, their children could endanger themselves.

0 points

well, so do doctors and stuff train a lot but they don't get paid as much as the sports people? shouldn't they e the one paid more because they save lives not just entertain people.

2 points

no, of course not. they are bad for your health and if younger ones take them, it wil effect them more because they're not as strong, and if hey start at younger age, the more tey will take them. is that wat the world wants? for everyone to be alchoholics and smokers? i don't think so. also, the more we have people smoking, the more people in this world will get affected. did you know by just smelling the cigarette, it is 80% of actually smoking it? this means that when you smoke, not just are you affecting yourself but others too.

also, if you drink all the time, it'll be a bad influence. when you drink, it makes you want more and what if you drink drive? not just are you against the law, but has a high posibility that you'll hurt innocent people.

7 points

No, junk food should NOT be banned in school cafeterias.

Firstly, banning junk food can result in binging later on. Every human nature wants more, when things are taken away from them. Taking away junk food from children will be ENCOURAGING them to want more junk food than they would have desired before. Then, without noticing, school WILL be encouraging the children to want more. People say that junk food is the leading cause of childhood’s obesity. However, wouldn’t banning junk food become the new leading cause because the children will desire it more? It’s like cigarettes. Just because some places are banned for smoking, do you think that they WILL NOT smoke out of that area? It stops nothing. In fact, it encourages more of it.

Secondly, schools should educate children about healthy choice and encourage them to participate to physical activities. Banning junk food does NOT teach children HOW to make good and healthy choices. Just simply taking junk food away does not teach the children anything. It just simply takes away the CHOICE of having junk food. Are schools not meant to teach the children HOW to make the right choices, not FORCE them not to have any junk food? Instead of forcing the children, would it not be a smarter idea to educate and inform them about junk food and encourage them to do more sports?

Junk food should not be banned, because if they are banned, it will encourage the children to desire more of it, and will not teach the children anything. I hope I have convinced everyone and once again, junk food should not be banned in school cafeterias.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: NO, it should NOT be changed
Winning Position: YES-no suspensions
Winning Position: no, they are not paid too much

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