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RSS Tanvi1

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

man keeps thinking and thinking either about his personal life or about family ......he is worrying and to worry is an emotion . we hurriedly pass through the accident because we are concerned about some thing more important ...being concerned is an emotion ..when a man is drowning ...we are thinking of a way to save him .......empathy is an emotion..fulfill the needs of family....we care ...about them is an emotion ...Although we are highly intellectual, emotion is what drives us. ... When you have a difficult day on the road to achieving your goal, story behind setting India free...emotion not only sitting and shedding tears .....if given a right path works miracle !

1 point

why do you try and save a drowning person ...? empathy ..that is an emotion.....Although we are highly intellectual, emotion is what drives us. ... When you have a difficult day on the road to achieving your goal..this was the idea of the independence of India .....

1 point

i am with the topic'' humans are a bunch of emotions''....OK ya humans are a bunch of emotions.....and i also agree that humans also have logic...but how many of us feel angry or sad when we are disappointed ? we do ! humans do have a bundle of it is ......war.......,charity homes,giving money to the beggars etc....all this are based on emotions ...we feel angry .......which results in war ...we feel pity which results in charity homes and giving beggars money or whatever in daily life ..humans moods fluctuate ...we may be sad , angry.....and so on daily life we all come across many issues but first we react to , if a loved one is dead ,....we cry ...some do not ...but they feel sad ! humans also have logic like they said , newton had logic.. ...don't you think newton would have what all changes he has done ..and how he realized the logic behind ? give it a thought !

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