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RSS TimothyB

Reward Points:4
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1 point

It is true that being able to do things such as eat with others and have face to face interaction can help relationships to grow, but it is not completely necessary in order to have fellowship. You may not be able to see someone's face but that does not mean you cant build relationship with them, which you say is what fellowship is more focused on. Virtual churches allow people to talk with each other and build relationships that way, and you also create an avatar so people can see how the other person actually wants to be seen. So you can talk to people and see them for how they want to be seen. This type of fellowship also allows people that are more closed of to be able to open up to other believers as they don't feel as much of a risk as they probably wont see them in real life if they don't want to.

1 point

As it is true that we don't see people meeting in extension in the Bible, we must acknowledge that they were not capable of interacting over the internet like we are. As for Paul wanting to be with the church, this just shows us what type of person he is. He enjoys being with people and fellowshipping in that way. There are however people who feel much more comfortable interacting with people over the internet.

I feel that it has become very evident that you can feel joy and comfort by interacting with people over the internet, we see that this is possible from dating websites. People can spend time talking to people and getting to know them and get joy from it. I think this shows us that online interaction can allow the same emotions to develop that face to face interaction does.

1 point

2: Virtual church allows people who have problems interacting with people in person to still be able to meet other believers. There are many people in the world that are much more comfortable talking to others on the computer instead of in person. Are we as a church supposed to tell them they can't do this because it isn't real church, and as a result they don't come in person and then never interact with other Christians at all? With virtual church they can meet people all over the world and fellowship with them while learning more about God. Virtual churches also allows people to check it out risk free as you can be whoever you want to and there is no pressure of judgment from others. This allows us to reach more people with the Gospel and win them to the Lord.

1 point

1: It is still fellowshipping with others even if you are not physically there. One of the main points of church is too have fellowship with other believers. Some may say that since you are not physically with those people it isn't real fellowship, but the definition of fellowship is "Friendly association". Online churches defiantly meet this criteria as you are able to associate with people through typing and even verbally with microphones. Just because you aren't physically with the person or can't see them doesn't not mean it isn't still fellowship, we can not limit ourselves to believing this.

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