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RSS Travissummer

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

i disagree with your argument although you do have very good facts in your debate. you are not wrong about women being taxed on certain items which can be seen unfair by anyone who pays attention. although there are many reasons that men are payed more for the jobs they do, let me explain why. to start this off women are very strong individuals who are half of the reason we have some of the things we have today. but there are just some jobs that women are incapable of doing where men have to step in and do the job. many jobs like construction, heavy equipment, certain jobs in the military, and so on, women just can not get the same amount of work done. im not saying that women are any less than men, just that women do no carry the same traits as men. there are certain things in this world that separate men from women for a reason. if we were treated equally, females would not be able handle some of our day to day jobs. this is why i disagree with your argument on equal pay for men and women

1 point

In 1938 during the Great Depression minimum wage was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to help rebuild the economy. There are many people that live a normal life because of minimum wage, others despise it for many reasons. in this debate i will show you the pros and cons of minimum wage.

Minimum wage is a nationwide currency that gives a minimum amount of currency to any one who is employed. there is a large number of people who think it is very helpful and good for keeping the economy healthy. the nation wide minimum wage is set at $7.25 per hour, although it ranges from state to state. many believe that it should be raised as it is to low for anyone to live off of and that it should be raised. proponents of raising the minimum wage state that a higher minimum wage will help create jobs and grow the economy. while some may agree with this, you shouldn't ignore the downfall that an increased minimum wage will have on the united states economy.

what people who agree with the increase in minimum wage don't realize is that doing so would actually force businesses to lay off employees. this would raise unemployment levels which would cause 500,000 people to lose jobs. according to raising minimum wage would increase the price of consumer goods. so, if you look at the big picture, raising the minimum wage would put us in the same position in the economy as we are in now except in a deeper poverty. also any low skilled workers who were looking to get a job would have a harder time getting hired because companies would have to pay more, so paying someone who is a risk wouldn't be beneficial to the company. in an online article called, "The balance", the author states that an increase in minimum wage would give an incentive for employers to invest in automated processes and technology to take human employees place. so once again many americans would be out of work.

all in all, people will always have their own beliefs on whether minimum wage should be increased or not. although before choosing a side you should take a look into the benefits and the downsides of raising minimum wage. our economy could be greatly affected by this and all of our lives will feel the affects as well

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