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RSS Ultimateyeet

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Students should have the option to wear whatever they want, because it expresses personal fashion and style, not sexism or rape. Honestly, if you feel uncomfortable because you saw someone showing their shoulders, then YOU are the problem, not us.

1 point

Dress codes are becoming even more of an issue in schools spread across America. I am a female, and personally, I feel extremely offended by the dress code in my school. "NO TANK TOPS, DRESSES CUT LIKE TANK-TOPS, SHORT SKIRTS, SCARVES, HATS, SHORT SHORTS, V NECK SHIRTS, CROP TOPS, VISIBLE UNDERGARMENTS, OR PURSES", just to name a few. I'm sorry, but what exactly is the problem with showing your shoulders or legs? How is that sexual towards boys? My friend once got dress coded for wearing shorts to school when it was 90 degrees. I'm extremely sorry that we girls are hot in the summer. So how would you feel if you told a girl to go home because she was wearing shorts, when a boy is wearing shorts and a muscle tank right next to you? Schools need to start teaching males never to have a sexual opinion towards girls. Dress codes prove everywhere that wearing a tank top is "sexual, not age appropriate and sign of rape". If you are categorizing women or feeling uncomfortable because they are wearing shorts, then YOU are the problem, not us.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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