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Reward Points:18
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Please forgive me, I was think in a christian view and forgetting that there are other gods out there.

1 point

There are a lot of other ways to vent anger and I'm sure you could scream other words to relieve stress and if you don't have the ability to scream then how can you swear it doesn't even relieve stress that well the best thing to do for stress is things that will benefit you like running or sports. There are thousands of words in our language I'm certain that you would be able to come up with you better and less crude words.

1 point

a world wide community of education learning and entertainment. Basically it is like the world on a screen

1 point

This game has great music and I really like the cartooniness of it. It also has a new kind of game. How many games have you played were you have a ship and you sail around the sea

2 points

I believe the parent should make the child do some sort of sport or hobby but as to what that is it should be completely up to the child. I'm sure everybody has something that they like.

1 point

Has evolution undergone the scientific method, how could you do an experiment on it, how could you have a conclusion to it? And in science classes teachers teach theories and that is what this is. It will not go completely through the scientific method unless it is fact and it is not. It is just a theory and it would be wise to expand ones mind to all theories rather than a limited amount then if one of the people being taught these things might have the opportunity to solve one of the theories and not have incomplete knowledge of the current theories of science.

1 point

yes, I think it does. The government was made for the people by the people therefore it at least reflections the general populations ideals. But it certainly doesn't represent all of society.

1 point

I think that people should know their culture. But I think it is important to pay attention to all cultures if we truly wish to learn things in our lives.

1 point

It's a bad game it doesn't help people with anything that is useful at all.

2 points

Yes you should . Think of this if he doesn't exist you won't loose anything from believing in him. But if he does exist you can avoid any punishment that would come from not believing. It is always best to cover ones bases.

Winning Position: College?

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Biographical Information
Name: Demosthenes 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States

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