
BabyBoomerQu's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BabyBoomerQu's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Does a thought exist if you have one? Even if God is only a thought, or a wish that we want to be true to give us a sense of importance or that there is life after death, that is a thought and if a thought exists does that mean that there is a God?

As far as God making haven and one I know has ever seen heaven or come back to tell me that there is a heaven.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Yes every one affected should know what the bill is. Especially since there is such a hoopla about it.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Not that I believe in hell...but I get the point...I don't think that our world is any different than our parents or their parents.

I think that when we get a certain age we think of such things because we then have something to guage life from.

However, I am not happy with pollution and what people have done to animals, bringing them to the end of their line.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Sarah Palin is fair game to every comedian out there. She did not waste a second making him look like a pervert...when she knew that he was taking about her slutty daughter Bristol.

Apples do not fall far from the tree.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

3 points

I do not condone what he did but he did his time. He has also been fined thousands for the up keep of his dogs. If the NFL wants him to play...he will play.

If you think about there a more violent sport? They might as well be gladiators.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

No but most Lawyers are...democracy isn't in all parts of the world. That does not make it good or bad. It just beats the alternative

We are at war with them...they are out of control. No one is safe from them.

No...make that a HELL NO! There is too much pouching as it it...that would wipe out the elephants...elephants are endangered in my book!

2 points

All comedians are different and all have special material that they use. But for me, it would be Lucy from "I Love Lucy" plus she was a cousin on my father's side of the family. Something I never knew until a few years back.

I vote for the crazy red head, Lucy!

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

3 points

I hate spiders...they have 8 legs and a lot of them are hairy and have teeth.

Some can bite you and make your skin rot away other can bite you and kill you.

I think they got here from a space ship...crawled off like a roach.

3 points

I think that Gandhi was more influential world wide, but Martin Luther King Jr. was in America.

How could there be a world with out "paying for stuff."

Even with a barter system, you are "paying for stuff"...just different tender.

It would make those who sit around and do nothing all day do something.

But...the world would be in chaos with out money. I can't even imagine it. It would be worse than the book, " Atlas Shrugged."

or was that "When Atlas Shrugged"?

No more chaos...please...

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

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