
BabyBoomerQu's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BabyBoomerQu's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Does a thought exist if you have one? Even if God is only a thought, or a wish that we want to be true to give us a sense of importance or that there is life after death, that is a thought and if a thought exists does that mean that there is a God?

As far as God making haven and one I know has ever seen heaven or come back to tell me that there is a heaven.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Yes every one affected should know what the bill is. Especially since there is such a hoopla about it.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Not that I believe in hell...but I get the point...I don't think that our world is any different than our parents or their parents.

I think that when we get a certain age we think of such things because we then have something to guage life from.

However, I am not happy with pollution and what people have done to animals, bringing them to the end of their line.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Sarah Palin is fair game to every comedian out there. She did not waste a second making him look like a pervert...when she knew that he was taking about her slutty daughter Bristol.

Apples do not fall far from the tree.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

3 points

I do not condone what he did but he did his time. He has also been fined thousands for the up keep of his dogs. If the NFL wants him to play...he will play.

If you think about there a more violent sport? They might as well be gladiators.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

No but most Lawyers are...democracy isn't in all parts of the world. That does not make it good or bad. It just beats the alternative

We are at war with them...they are out of control. No one is safe from them.

No...make that a HELL NO! There is too much pouching as it it...that would wipe out the elephants...elephants are endangered in my book!

2 points

All comedians are different and all have special material that they use. But for me, it would be Lucy from "I Love Lucy" plus she was a cousin on my father's side of the family. Something I never knew until a few years back.

I vote for the crazy red head, Lucy!

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

3 points

I hate spiders...they have 8 legs and a lot of them are hairy and have teeth.

Some can bite you and make your skin rot away other can bite you and kill you.

I think they got here from a space ship...crawled off like a roach.

3 points

I think that Gandhi was more influential world wide, but Martin Luther King Jr. was in America.

How could there be a world with out "paying for stuff."

Even with a barter system, you are "paying for stuff"...just different tender.

It would make those who sit around and do nothing all day do something.

But...the world would be in chaos with out money. I can't even imagine it. It would be worse than the book, " Atlas Shrugged."

or was that "When Atlas Shrugged"?

No more chaos...please...

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Come on can't blame taxes on or against one party.

I say regulate taxes and get rid of parties! No Demos no Reps no 3rd parties.

Just the people...for the people. People need to unite not kept separate.

THAT is the vicious cycle!



~The Baby Boomer Queen~

The world would still have extremists with or without religion. Perhaps religion even keeps them within the norms of society.

I feel people need something to believe in for things that they can not understand.

Even those who do not believe...believe in that/some belief.

We as people are not that far from being a cave man or from the pond...which ever you choose to believe.`

I think religion has it's place for many.

And there are going to be a few who will pray for all of you who disagree or know that you are going to hell in a hang bag...

I do not think that the world would be better with out religion. It gives so many hope and for some, that is all they have. Despair is not a good thing. We has humans need hope.

I can just imagine a world with out Christmas or would be like stepping on an ant hill...if you took religion away right now, the world would be in chaos.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

I don't think I will be around to find out...but if we don't change our ways it might be sooner than that.

As far as comets hitting the earth...could be but a hundred some odd years is a long time and scientists will invent something to destroy the comets by then.

I wish all of your a Happy New year and Holiday...what ever you celebrate.

Remember your food banks they need your help.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

5 points

This is a tough one.

Science says that neither one exists.

I have never seen G_d.

I have seen , smelled, felt and heard what I think you are calling ghosts. it an illusion that one hopes for? Do we wish it so much that we believe it? Are we taught it as children so we accept it?

I think any belief is just that. It doesn't make it wrong and it doesn't make right. Humans need hope. it is the only thing that separates us from the primates....well that and the ability to accessorize...LOL

G_d is good and ghosts as you call then can be too.

SO, I am sitting on the fence with this one...If I had to vote...I would vote for ghosts

3 points

I haven't checked out who else is up for nomination against Hillary. Been sort of busy...and it Obamas' task.

I do not want someone in office just because they are black or a woman. I want who is best for the job.

I do think she has traded a lot of her standards, since she started out, in politics. I do feel she is sleeping with the enemy. So, I do not trust her. People and companies who were on her hit list are now some of her biggest contributors.

Feel she is qualified...sure...more so then Rice was. The token black and woman...they hit two minorities with that stone.

Do not get me started on Rice, I do not like her. (smile)

I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have to say though! Most of you are more informed then me. You are out there whipping it up.

See ya' in the funny papers...

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

I am really sitting on the fence on this one...perhaps there should be a category for that reply too...

I disagree with The Republican, though. Most of our hostiles are waiting to talk to Obama. Obama is for peace, as wars are costly and lives are lost...but never think for a moment that he wouldn't defend us.

If McCain and Palin had gotten in office, I would say YES as they are both war-like personalities.

In case you hadn't noticed, the world sighed a sigh of relief when Obama was chosen. Get your heads out of the sand from losing and look around.

Or is peace a bad thing to you, too?

Anything can happen. We are just very lucky that the criminal WORLD terrorist, that we had in the oval office for the last 8 years hasn't gotten us into worse WARS!

Being the new kid on the block doesn't mean that you are going to fail. But Bush, who had 8 years to get it right...will go down as the WORST President for America, ever. We are lucky we did not get blown to smithereens with him at the helm. Count your lucky stars...or go buy a lotto ticket, it is your lucky day!

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Hello Master-debaters...

I like the new front page...easy to navigate....I like the hot subject matter...BUT...there is always a but with me...LOL

I think the title should be is sort of lost on the page makes me wonder if I am on the front page.

As most of you know, if you have ever been to BabyBoomerAdvisorClub (BBAC) I am more of a magazine style blog...I love pictures and am pretty eclectic.

But I do think the title should be more pronounced. Look at it from a new persons stance...or birds eye.

Well, there you have it you asked for my opinion and as you know, I am not one to hold back .

Since I haven't gotten the opportunity, I do want to mention that I am still so very happy, with the Election...I hope you'all are too.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

0 points

I think it will be our down fall, in the end...computers or robots will take us over...I am afraid to go into toy stores as I might be attacked!


Vote Tuesday

Obama Mama


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Tough??? What is tough about it? What is tough about making that decision...???

He took bribes...oh sure everyone is PC and doesn't say the big "B" word...but that is exactly what he did and being a senator for that long make "ME" wonder if that is the first time.

He ought to resign and he ought to be in jail. Hang him high, off that balcony that he didn't seem to notice or electrify him in that hot tube that he didn't see or thought he bought for 100 dollars...

Do you not think that betraying the trust of the people you represent is more than a boo-boo or a slap on the wrist...come on you'all are being to passive and that is the problem with America today...we need to throw some more tea in the bay...and some real crooks in jail...get mad America...the crooks are draining us dry. And the little middle class people like...ME...are pissed off AND LOOSING THEIR HOMES!

There! Aren't you sorry you asked me?!?!?!?!?

Southern smiles and RANTS...oh and world peace...


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Well, I don't know about you but I am going as "The Bridge to NOWHERE" can you think of anything scarier???

I can NOT abide Sarah Palin, so any time I can get a knock in I will!

I have already voted...have you?

Southern Smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

4 points

Oh people...this comes down to matters of the church again.

All religions have different views on this. When it comes down to it...Religion should be out of the schools and government and in the homes and hearts.

What I do think is important is that "should children be taught to believe that gay people are evil or different." Should you be teaching your children to hate or look at people who are different though eyes of immorality? What message is that sending them?

This was their teacher, I imagine that they already knew who their teachers partner was. And gay marriages are legal right now, in California.

What a person sex preference is, no child's' business...nor ours. for that fact.

Should you not be teaching them that love is good and hate is wrong?

I don't think that in today world that children think anything about much about gay people. They see it every day and probably have someone in their family that is and if they don't then they haven't come out of the closet yet...because of such attitudes.

Love is the John Lennon Said "IMAGINE...a world with out hate...

Southern smiles and world peace


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

PS...if the teacher that got married is reading these..."Congratulations!"

3 points

OH dear...thank you for the invitation. But I think I am out manned and going to be out numbered here. You'all are so bright and knowledgable.

I am not a mathematician or a financial adviser, nor do I play the stock. I am just your regular person, who is fed up...

I am, like Joe the plumber, up to my knees in crap and debt and living under my means, since 911. I see a collation between the two and have my own ideas as to why that happened. I am still looking for that plane that hit the Pentagon...but that is another story...

If John McCain said, "it is raining out side." I would run out side and look for my self. I find him totally unbelievable right down to the fact that he and Cindi have gotten assistance to to live...he has 12 houses...if it was like the great bail out that just happened. Cindi has more money than G_d and he has more money then Jesus.

And he {JOHN McCain} isn't my friend. So, when he says..." my friends," I know he is not speaking to me. I haven't ever received so much as a birthday or Christmas CARD FROM HIM and I don't celebrate the later....

That giant knot on the side of his face scares the holy crap out of me. Coz, I can't see Sarah Palin running the country any more than I could.

So, I guess I am with most of the Jones Generation and hoping that Obama "IS" about change.

Things are not going to change over night. It is like will have to be a long steady change. But the American people seem ready and willing. I know I am.

I hope I don't find out 4 years from now that I was sleeping with the enemy. Politics make strange bedfellows.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Ask Susan B Anthony and many like her, why I should vote...

It is my right and my privilege.

NEVER surrender a right or privilege...

And this election, I feel is very important!

Never forget where you come from...


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Is this question for women having sex on the first date or for men having sex on the first date???

Well now...what a choice...LOL...ofcourse NO...and I do not care if he/she has been your best friend for 10 years...NO

For men or women...NO

The first part of any relationship is always the

should last as long as possible. Make that "I want you feeling" go on as long as possible. Enjoy that new or old renewed relationship grow and get stronger.

You don't build a house with out a foundation...if you do, it will fold in the end, when a good storm comes by.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

0 points

That is a good point...that is exactly what Howard Stern does...LOLOLOL


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Why didn't Howard go to Southern Alabama and ask some white, rednecks who they were voting for and give cross references? And see how they did. Then I would be impressed.

Of course people vote for for they relate to. Be it black, religion, pro-lifer, handsome, old fart, pretty, Vet. or party ticket.

Yes, people are not informed about one of the most important decisions that they can make...but what interests me is is the Electoral Vote that puts the President in the White House. Doesn't matter how you vote.

I have friends who vote straight party and to me that is just as ignorant.

Should Obama win, is Howard Stern going to yell, Obama won because he was black? I think not...Howard Stern is just Howard Stern.

I don't take Howard stern too seriously, after all he is all about political satire and the creator of who done it while you weren't looking...Americas Bad Boy and muck rucker...

I think Americans are rather lazy when it comes to politics. And I think a lot of them know that politicians lie so much it is usually the vote between who comes off looking the most sincere and convincing.

People take their right to vote for granted. Wake up America...look around, one day you might not have that right, like so many other countries. 911 was just the beginning of Big Brother really taking over.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

I think it will go even further than Virginia and Florida...

I think Obama will take Nevada as well. Nevada is too progressive thinking to go for what the McCain Palin ticket is spouting.

I do think that McCain distancing himself from Palin is not going to help him. What was he thinking...just to get the women vote and say "look even though I am an old geezer I have a good looking woman running next to me." Or was it all that and the religious fanatic vote he was looking for.

I think Obama did better at picking a running mate the McCain and that will be what gets him in the White House.

Your small town mentality (nothing against small towns) will vote for the McCain ticket. But that is not the electoral college, now is it????

I just wonder how many votes the good old boys and the KKK have in their pockets?

Texas is who I am concerned about...who will take Texas. It is any ones' bet on Texas!

Hopefully people have had a belly full of Republicans, these last stressful, war filled, high prices and recession filled 8 years and they will go Democrat.

Good Luck America...

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Southern smiles and world peace,


I don't think it is creepy. Every one wants to have there own immortality...or 15 minutes in the sun. Perhaps this was his.

At age 24...I cant imagine why he was even thinking about death.

My Father wanted to be standing as well. He wanted one of the telephone drills to dig his hole and just place him in a body bag standing up...he always said that it would save so much more space, if everyone was buried that way.

The guy that invented the Pringles can was buried in one. What a sense of humor! I have a post on my blog about it:

How funny is that?

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Pluto is a Disney character!

It has been a planet for years and, all of a sudden it isn't a planet???

What is that all about?

I think it is still a planet.

Who knows what is making it have a different orbit. It could be heavier on one side...could have been hit by asteroids who knows what goes on out there. We have not seen it all.

Earth is very lucky, that it has been a long time since it has been really hit.


The Baby Boomer Queen

6 points what we have have brought the church into politics. Which is something that "I" do not accept.

Is the question, "should we trust someone who has had an affair" or should the question be "should we trust any politician?"

In a High School civics's class, the question came up, "was it a matter of class distinction that accepted relationships out side the matrimonial boundaries?" Most of the class voted that it was.

Now, I did go to a very influential (monetarily) school...I think I was the only one that didn't belong to the Country Club. But I found that very interesting.

Then I thought about when people die...when a man in a low income family dies you will see the widow weeping and wailing...and for a good cause ...where is that grocery money gonna come from now?

But when a rich man dies, you only see the widow dabbing at her eye with her hankie. Either she is on some good pharmaceuticals or she knows there is an insurance policy and there will be groceries.

SO...beating around the bush (excuse the pun!)...upper class seems to accept this practice of immorality more then the middle and lower class.

ME...I say keep religion in the church ...point no fingers at anyone because who can throw the first stone? I do not condone affairs and I do not trust politicians. But, I do believe that this issue is a morality issue that should be decided in the church not the government.

Men (not all) have cheated since the beginning of time and will probably continue to do so.

Most cheaters are liars and most politicians are liars. So, why is everyone so surprised? Do the math...

I have NOT heard anything negative about Obama and being a cheater...My roommate told me tonight he (Obama) was a Communist. I tried not to laugh in her face...but I don't think I did a very good job of it.

When just last month she told me he was a Muslim. And if he was...which I do not believe him to be...does he not get the privilege, living in America, to worship whom ever he wants.

Well...there you go...I have gone off the subject again.

John McCain...adulterer

John Edwards...adulterer

Two rich boys who do what what they want regardless of who it hurts. They are not my hero's. And there is no difference!

See ya' in the funny papers...

Southern smiles and world peace,


The Baby Boomer Queen~

0 points

This is a subject that I could spend hours writing on.

Instead I will summarize quickly [don't fall over in a dead faint on this subject! LOL]

First let me state that "I am against war."

And I believe President Bush is an International Terrorist.

Small men have Napoleonic attitudes to make up for their inadequacies. Look at Hitler.

On Tony Blair...birds of a feather flock together.

'Nuff said!


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

0 points

Equal...LOLOLOL...excuse me while I roll around on the floor laughing my big white butt off!

Women are not is still a mans world out there.

And all those good old Buddha's stick together.

Granted things are better. But they are not perfect. FAR from it!

Remember when blacks were not long out of slavery, they got to vote before women did.DO NOT get me wrong I am not a racist... I am only trying to prove a point about how women are/were treated. Why didn't "we all" get the right to vote!?!?!?!

I could not tell you how many times a man got more pay then me, with NO experience, just because he was a man and a family man.

Yet, I have to pay taxes for schools when I have no children...where is the balance?

I know of a man who has 7 children and doesn't support any of them!

Bottom line...sisters keep fighting. Never give up. Demand what you deserve.

AND ONE more come when you are a strong woman, you are called a bitch or a lesbian (NO offense to gay woman...those aren't my words)...but it is funny that they bring sexuality into it when it is the work place and try to attack one's sexuality...just another way to try to put a woman in her place.

And when a man is strong, he is called a good business man.

I can't imagine anyone calling Donald Trump a bitch!

When that changes, I will know that we are making some progress! Until is a BIG raspberry for ya'...

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

It will not effect me. If it isn't cash I do not buy it!

I do not believe in truth and lending...LOL What an oxymoron that is!

The economy should not be run by the mortgage companies or the banks.

The American dollar has lost its backing already.

The only people who can afford a loan anymore are the ones who don't need it.

There are many issues wrong with this country and this is one of them.

You will not see me throwing my self out a window over a crash in the stock market.

And Alan Greenspan we are not good buddies. He doesn't even know my first name!

No bank holds my mortgage.

There are no credit cards in my purse.

Only a debit card so I can book a flight or a hotel room.

I do have a boat but it is paid for...paid cash for it! SO, I will not be jumping that ship either.

I remember when credit cards started...are you old enough to remember that??? I thought then, that it was evil and I still do.

America and more than half of it's citizens are in has been the American way for more than half of a century.

But not for me.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

When I first saw this argument, I almost did not reply. I thought to my self, " are these people insane, that they would even ask this question!? Have they no new subject matter?"

Well, curiosity's got the best of me and I decided to look.

I have been out of the loop for a few days and did not know what was going on.

BUT...there is always a BUT or a HOWEVER, with me! LOL

To be the press and leak ones prayers and/or to want to know someone else's prayers...I am flabbergasted!

Yes, I know the press...but come on...I don't want to know what kind of underwear he wears or even the, I sure do not want to know something "as personal," as his prayers. HERE, I draw the line in the sand, with my big toe!!!

Granted it is a public place. BUT, I do not think his prayer was public.

It was Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

His actions and past actions speak for them selves.

Being President has nothing to do with a mans prayers.

This is between him and who ever it is that he worships or the faith he believes in.

Those of you who think differently...I will pray for you! And you can't listen!!!


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

There will be NO tears in my beer...

Much ado about NOTHING! LOL

I do not drink beer.

As if there was anything that we could do to stop this transaction!

Well, it appears that Cindy McCain will be even richer after this transaction. If it was my company and I was her age...I would sell too!

BUT...every day another chip of the American Rock gets chipped away.

Their coming to America...the American to all...

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Author of

0 points

ETHICS: moral issues or "rightness"

MORALS: ethical judgment or "perception"

Poses the question...

Which can first, the chicken or the egg...very much like morals or ethics !?!?!

6 points

I am not financially savvy like those of you, who have written...BUT...I am a tax payer.AND I SAY HELL NO...notice that was a HELL NO...not just a NO!

These companies have been milking "the people" out of money for a long time. Making big bucks.

Why isn't the government offering to help people from losing their homes...why isn't the government taking care of seniors...why isn't the government providing health care?

Instead they are wanting to help Mae and MAC...HA!

As you know one hand washes the's all so cozy with Bush...the oil companies, the mortgage companies, the drug companies, the war...

If Mac and Mae aren't solvent, big deal...small, medium and large companies close every day and new ones open.

The same thing happened here in Florida when the storms came thru. And when 911 happened. We all lost. We all tightened our belts and kept going.

Who were the biggest cry babies...the utility companies...who makes the most profits...that is right, the utility companies..who got increases and assistance...the utility companies.

Suck it up Mac and Mae...welcome to the real world where you just might have to dip into funds you are paying your corporate heads, who sit on their big pompous butts or your stocks might not pay such big dividends.

Well hear this, I did not invest in your future. So, it will not effect me! I do not believe in you then and I do not believe in your now!

The rest of us out here are eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, with out the jelly!

I have no empathy or sympathy for them!

Put them on the cross and light it up!

Southern smiles and world peace,


Author of

0 points

I prefer FaceBook.

I have never cared for MySpace...but I do used Facebook, especially for business.

So Facebook it is


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Richard Pryor...hands down...not only was he a great comedian but he was a good actor as well. I loved his facial features. His loose energy filled the stage.

R.I.P. George Carlin.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

I say NO GO! NOOOOOOooooooooooooooo...I feel that the press controls to much of what the public sees and reads. What it boils down to is what the major press mongers want you to believe...

Politics is a prime example of that. If you can't tell by reading which side the wind blows can by their pictures...they will always be unfavorable on the opponents side and great pictures on the oppositions side.

Subliminal messages...NOT FAIR!

They don't care if they get busted because any advertising is good advertising.

What is a slap on the wrist...

I do not want to see what is not true. Give me reality.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

Author of

2 points

From my TV set...if I had is too hot!

There is a little town called Williston Florida where it is still an old fashioned 4TH of July...starting with a parade. Music and politicians and lots of food under the stars.

If I go any where that is usually where I wind up.

Second choice would be the beach.

Have a safe and fabulous holiday.


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

2 points

Where do you guys come up with these you read this one on a bathroom wall!

Here's my womanly take...if it is sex...than that is exactly what it is...Ask Pres. Clinton what the definition of sex is. I think he knows now.

With robot or a real person. I think that both parties should know. Actually you are taking away from one to give to another...even though it is a robot. This is a big taboo.

That makes it unfair or cheating...

I is still SEX!

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~


Well there are a lot of great arguments and feelings on this debate...but if I had to pick a side and I do...I would say society.

A point in case...just this week a woman died in a hospital waiting room. Laid there for over an hour and died. The room was on surveillance and a security guard even came into the room and did nothing. There were other people and children there. No one did anything.

This woman belonged to someone...someone's mother, sister, or daughter. She was not a piece of meat on the floor.

There are many reasons why people are homeless. I for one have been a couple of times.

Ask the people of Louisiana and Florida what it is like. Ask the homeless what it is like...ask the children.

It amazes me that the Government will take care of people out of this country and not take care of the people in this country. It says a lot about who we are and where the greed is.

The homeless are not all uneducated.

I see them.

I do not step over them.

Not all can be helped, but all can be prayed for. But, prayers are not enough!

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

...for more rants...

2 points

I wish that Mr. Heston was here for this one...He would have had a lot to say on this subject!


What ever freedom that you have and you give away, it will NOT be given back to you. This is how the government works, especially the one that we have now.

Wake up people! If you don't want to carry a gun or have a gun...FINE...don't...but do not try to take mine away!

Some say that the Declaration of Independence was written for then, not now...I disagree. Our liberty and the pursuit of happiness is still an every day issue.

I have a gun...I will use it if I am forced to...I am a single woman and if anyone was standing over my bed or caught by me in my house...that person is up to no good and I have a right to protect my self. I have the right to protect my self anywhere.

Any one in my house will be shot and killed...they will not testify against me. They will not come back and try to get even with me...they will be dead.

Now, some of you out there extreme...well wait until you have been in an issue the way that I was and lets see how you feel when your face is broken, your ribs are broken and worse! Lets see how you feel about this law then.

Ask all of the victims out there if they wish they had a gun when something hideous happened to them!

Gun bans will not stop criminals from getting guns.

Hello, they have them already...most did not go to the local pawn shop, gun show or Walmart to buy them!

Guns will stop criminals from getting you!

I see it very simple and anyone wanting to discuss this with me...well feel free...I promise not to shot you if we disagree.

As Mr Heston said..."The only way you will take this gun from me, will be from my cold dead hands!"

And the rest of you social deviants and criminals out there...beware if you come in my house with out my will think that you have entered a roach hotel...because you will NOT leave alive!

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~

...for more of my rants...

3 points

I am tired of old farts...let's get some change in there...someone who wants to talk peace if they are able.

I am tired of war mongols!

But isn't the electorial college that puts the prez in???

OH dear, I was having a George W. momment....


2 points

NO offence Rev...but religion should not interfer with science and science should not interfer with religion...two different structures! Apples and oranges...both of which never fall far from the trees.

Stem cell is cruetial to many illnesses...I know, I have one that could benifit from it, but by the time the dust settles it might be too late for me...

THAT is how important stem cell research is.

Southern smiles and world peace,


~The Baby Boomer Queen~


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