
CrapWeasel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CrapWeasel's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

There is no right wing media. This was debunked in the 1980s.

1 point

Seeing that you are cool with Muslims coming into your country, just stop being a bigot and be cool with the Christians that are already there.

2 points


Libs dressed up like pussies and brought their kids.

Libs cried when Trump won.

Rather than sticks and stones, libs say "words hurt".

Libs can't tell you how to pay for any of their nonsense.

Liberalism is the perspective of a naive child.

Which child's video game you playing today nom?

2 points

These idiots can't even agree with themselves about exactly how childish is too childish.

Libs dressed up like pussies and brought their kids.

Libs cried when Trump won.

Rather than sticks and stones, libs say "words hurt".

Libs can't tell you how to pay for any of their nonsense.

Liberalism is the perspective of a naive child.

1 point

You are afraid of guns much less have the ability to hurt anyone. You'd hurt yourself.

1 point

Take a deep breath, relax, and contemplate

Only libs would need to be convinced to not lose their minds over Disneyland.

4 points

I debunk half of these stories every day. As can be expected libs never fact check themselves, nor do they care.

1 point

Has it always been this way, or is this all new?

2 points

Yep, they are! Spend a half hour in a room with Trump and your ears will be PACKED with it! Open your mouth and you'll get another barrage! Soon every orifice you have will be overwhelmed with the urge to empty itself of all the CRAP!

The other thing is, Trump calls the meetings and doesn't invite them or ANY OTHER Democrat, so, how can you debate?? Oh, I forgot, Grab your phones, Chuck and Nancy …. TWEET him into submission! :-(

You didn't answer the question or reference the topic. All they had to do was give their real position. They didn't want to give their real position. Tell me what Democrats are going to do to prevent diseases, gangs and terrorists from crossing that border.

-3 points
-1 points

Michael Cohen jailed for three years as he says it was his duty to cover up Donald Trump's 'dirty deeds'

He was the lawyer, and Trump's legal council. Trump isn't accountable for his lawyer choosing to do legal things of sny kind. Trump isn't the legal ecpert in the situation

Cohen is. But forget what lawyers are saying. Nom knows everything. ROFLMAO

1 point

After months of following me around to spread your HATRED for the Jews

I am thoroughly confused. Don't you have to be a Jew hater to be a lib?

0 points

I looked at the link. He called Joseph Goebell's the Communist Propaganda master. Pretty stupid Nom. Lying is just your thing. Maybe you should just rethink being a liar and become a truth lover.

1 point

If you punched me, you'd wind up twitching like a dying insect. You don't even know how to throw a punch, little snowflake girl.

1 point

You just admitted that Islamists are Nazis. You aren't a swift one are you?

1 point

Your problem being that they actually practiced Socialism.

3 points

Right Wingers Tell So Many Lies It Is Depressing

Your life is depressing with or without right wingers. You should move out and get a job.

-1 points

This coming from someone who defends beating your wife and covering them up and killing gays because these particular far right loons are brown.

0 points

"Duke of Retards", being a title, should be capitalized.

The person referenced may also be referring to the group, "The Beatles".

1 point

Looks like a butt touch at the very least. I'm sure he rather enjoyed it.

1 point

I would fly in from ISIS territory to Mexico, then join a caravan to blend in.

1 point

If Trump did know him well, the Democrats would whine about that.

2 points

2nd, I'd investigate ANTIFA and any ties to Soros and Hillary under the RICO Act.

I agree with this. Half of the carnage we see on the news was intentionally orchestrated by Soros' funded institutions.

2 points

The way you get all of these investigations shut down is to threaten to investigate Feinstein's Chinese spy and Hillary's connections to Fusion GPS and Uranium One. Go after the Clinton pay for play scheme. I want to also know where Pelosi gets all this fundraiser money and from whom. I want to see some money paper trails on some Democrats.

3 points

I don't love Trump. I just saw the Democrats coming to try and steal even more from me and put a Trump lock on the door. That's all.

2 points

It's kind of funny that they told us that if they took the House they'd investigateTrump. I guess they are too dense to realize the FBI has been investigating his sock drawer to his underwear drawer for the past 2 years and found nothing. Maybe they can find something that the FBI missed from their cozy offices in D.C.

1 point

I'm not bronto. You are nom though. And you are off topic too.

1 point

1 Tombstone

2 Ghostbusters

1 point

Diffugere nives, redeunt iam gramina campis

arboribusque comae;

mutat terra vices et decrescentia ripas

flumina praetereunt;

Gratia cum Nymphis geminisque sororibus audet

ducere nuda choros.

Inmortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum

quae rapit hora diem.

Frigora mitescunt zephyris, ver proterit aestas

interitura, simul

pomifer autumnus fruges effuderit, et mox

bruma recurrit iners.

Damna tamen celeres reparant caelestia lunae;

nos ubi decidimus,

quo pius Aeneas, quo Tullus dives et Ancus,

pulvis et umbra sumus.

Quis scit an adiciant hodiernae crastina summae

tempora di superi?

Cuncta manus avidas fugient heredis, amico

quae dederis animo.

Cum semel occideris et de te splendida Minos

fecerit arbitria,

non, Torquate, genus, non te facundia, non te

restituet pietas;

Infernis neque enim tenebris Diana pudicum

liberat Hippolytum,

nec Lethaea valet Theseus abrumpere caro

vincula Pirithoo

1 point

You should put bananahole up in there. He deserves the position.

1 point

Is it racist to say that if black people KNEW what's good for them, they'd be Republican?

I've heard this from minority Republicans, so you tell me.

2 points

He should have fired Rosenstein and flipped the Democrats the bird.

1 point

And, YOU want US to believe him... Dude! He's a fucking NAZI

Sounds like my argument fot not believing lib media.

1 point

Is citing a NAZI ever a good debating technique?

Probably not. He said a lot of leftist things, and most leftist things are unhinged nonsense.

1 point

Of course there are false prices on everything. That's how capitalism works. The price of goods are inflated so that the seller can make a profit.

False logic that ignores that it is the libs upping taxes. Hootie also whines that the right cut taxes. Why? He's a Marxist who can't answer even basic questions about how the Marxist utopia will inforce its ideas.

1 point

Here's where Nom disappears and claims a week later that he went on vacation.

1 point

Now we will hear from those on the Left screaming about extreme mental illnesses and the need for medication, to justify what is happening today.

This one supports your claim rather well.

3 points

Angry lib Alec Baldwin slugged somebody. I'm a lib too. Should I feel guilty?

No. Cory Booker is your rep. You should feel guilt that you actually help people who cry over flowers & squished flies, and don't understand basic economics get into office.

3 points

Let's get REAL (and reasonable), and just "adjust" the 2nd so it makes SOME SENSE in today's world! HMMMM?

Such as?

2 points

Repub governors SAY they support coverage for pre-existing conditions, but SUE to stop it

Dishonest headline.

Stopping a piss poor bill that has one thing you like in it is not the same as simply opposing the one thing you like in the bill.

Your dishonest attempt is the same as someone creating a bill that says we get to:

Punch you in the face.

Pour boiling water on you.

Beat you with bats.

And you get Superbowl tickets.


Then you reject the bill, and I say you must be anti Superbowl tickets.

In reality, the bill sucked.

1 point

ANYONE who supports white supremacy, racism and nationalism has blood on their hands every day, somewhere!

Let's consider basic facts.

David Duke and Robert Byrd ran for office as Democrats.

Bill Clinton defends the old klan because "you had to be a part of it to get elected as a Democrat in them days."

Hillary Clinton refers to Robert Byrd as her "friend and mentor".

The most brazen of antisemites are elected officials on the left.

The left refuses to condemn Louis Farrakhan who calls Hitler a good man, calls Jews apes, and called Jews termites just the other day. And then several Democrats have strong ties to him.

The Neo Nazis condemn Trump for being too "pro Jewish and pro Israel" then blast a Jewish service in Pittsburgh with rapid fire.

The founder of "Unite the Right" is Jason Kessler, who in past interviews claimed to be an Obama supporter as recently as 2016, and records show he voted for Obama, and was a part of Occupy Wallstreet.


Pretty sure AlofRI has no interest in condemning the brazen and open antisemites flooding the left.

1 point

Obama dropped more bombs than all non world war Presidents in history combined. You're a dishonest liar at best. At worst, well, you know.

2 points

I'd say axe it and stop making half the country pay ridiculous amounts to fuel a "free" system for the other half. If my kids can die in the streets, so can theirs.

Thanks for boosting my premiums to ungodly amounts and fining people without insurance. You guys are saints.

1 point

Democrats said they wanted kids to not be seperated from their families. Trump orders it. Democrats sued him, and blocked it. Reason; you can't hold kids in cells while their parents are vetted.

The Nazi death camps that weren't death camps during Obama's tenure because he did it less but some but less but only some.

2 points

Do you like it better said this way? "The media is very unfair to me, and that makes them the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE"..

If you are a supposed "media" outlet and attack the majority of the country, what does that make you to them? Their good friend?

Something like labeling us all Nazis and white supremacists despite that I have never knowingly met a Nazi or a white supremacist.

Let's consider basic facts.

David Duke and Robert Byrd ran for office as Democrats.

Bill Clinton defends the old klan because "you had to be a part of it to get elected as a Democrat in them days."

Hillary Clinton refers to Robert Byrd as her "friend and mentor".

The most brazen of antisemites are elected officials on the left.

The left refuses to condemn Louis Farrakhan who calls Hitler a good man, calls Jews apes, and called Jews termites just the other day. And then several Democrats have strong ties to him.

The Neo Nazis condemn Trump for being too "pro Jewish and pro Israel" then blast a Jewish service in Pittsburgh with rapid fire.

The founder of "Unite the Right" is Jason Kessler, who in past interviews claimed to be an Obama supporter as recently as 2016, and records show he voted for Obama, and was a part of Occupy Wallstreet.


And finally, violence of the similar kind happened under Obama often. Libs never blamed it on anyone's "tone" or "the political environment created by the President.

Is Trump responsible for some aggressive rhetoric? Yes. Has the media ever not used militant rhetoric? No.

0 points

If Capitalism died off tomorrow, the next warm age or ice age is coming regardless. Socialism did it they will say.

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