
DarleneJ's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DarleneJ's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

LoL! You're funny....OK, $10 is my highest bid...I'm "frugal"....LOL!

1 point

We are speaking monetarily here right?! The other kind of cheap...I'll start the bidding at $5.00...LOL!

3 points

Ain't nothing wrong with being cheap....a little cheap goes a long way.

2 points

No doubt....all the Jack and all those women....LOL!

And it's nice to see you Hellno. Missed ya!

2 points

No, haven't been around for awhile. Been very busy. And thank you!

Me either, cheap. I prefer to think of it as "frugal". LOL!

2 points

I do on occasion, for "medicinal" purpose. Bad back. So once in awhile a couple of puffs before bed allows me to sleep more comfortable. Beats a handful of pain killers.

2 points

I'm shocked. Truly shocked. NOT! A little Jack I assume. ~)

1 point

Sounds good to me...have a good one igorpasko! Sleep tight!

1 point

Your boyfriend puts you to that a good thing...LOL!

2 points

I like what you have to point of disagreement. I do believe Perry IS ready for prime time. I think back to the Democratic debates, I watched every one of them, I think Hillary kicked Obama's ass every time...and he still took the nominated. I live in Texas and Perry has done good for our state in a lot of ways. One point of contention, not tough enough on illegals. It's kinda a double edged sword in the border states. I hear time and time again small business owners, particularly in construction, say that illegals are much more dependable the whites for showing up for work and working their asses off. A sad commentary in these times.

Birther....I missed that. You just made me grimace! NOT a smart move.

I must also concur, Herman would make a great VP. Compared to Biden my cat would make a great VP.

2 points

Curious...why would you support Obama? What has he done that gives him political merit in your opinion.

2 points

I don't agree regarding Perry. His had plenty of money in his coffers and has come out with a couple of great ads. Against Romney and Obama. He recently added some seasoned political staffers to his campaign. A good move and is setting up feet on the ground in Iowa.

I predict Herman will begin dropping in the polls. He has made a coupe of gaffes that he will be remembered for. Bachmann is all but out of the running. We'll see.

Herman is indeed "the flavor of the month". I like Cain very much as a person. But Presidential, I don't see that in him. And he has less than a million dollars to play with...hard to run with the big boys without big money.

2 points

Personally, I don't think Paul has a hope in hell. He's down in the polls and has been all but ignored by the media. I have two major concerns with Paul, his stance on illegal drugs and security.

But stranger things have happened, Obama was elected.

2 points

Agree to a point. Being a little older heart will always belong to Sean.

1 point

LOL! I'm available and I'm a pretty good shot...for a girl.

1 point

Well said. Unfortunately true. Sexism is ingrained from an early age.

1 point

The MSM literally slobbers of the man. Apparently the decline of their numbers is not enough incentive to sober them up and get real about the current condition of the country.

1 point

I can not imagine being married to a Liberal. Voting for Obama would have been enough incentive to empty my 9mm into him.

1 point

It may be all the criteria considered by some. Chauvinism is alive and well.

1 point

Thank you for the compliment. ~)

I am interested in who people may consider a serious female candidate for the office of President. After the conduct of the media during the 2008 campaign in regards to first Clinton and then Palin...I believe, unfortunately, many still do not consider a female seriously as a leader.

1 point

Now remember, according to Joe you must include your bust size at the beginning of every campaign speech. Men, what ya gonna do! ~)

2 points

NOTED! In the future I shall endeavor to be as controversial as possible. My bad! ~)

2 points

LMAO! But of course...what else could possibly matter. In the future all male candidates should have to drop their pants...I'll bring a ruler. ~)

2 points

I say we should NUKE the bastards. Obama's a bit of a mongrel isn't he. Literally and figuratively.

2 points

I never drink to get just so happens that on the rare occasion (like last Friday when I had 8 Screwdrivers and was giving my husband lap dances) I say to myself "what the hell" and then spend the next day holding my head and hugging the toilet bowl. Needless to say, it'll be a while before I do that again.

2 points

Depends on the anything this point, more of a compliment.

Supporting Evidence: I believe in.... (
2 points

I couldn't agree more. The viciousness directed at female politicians is unfair and unjustified.

2 points

They are whacked. Like you, being an animal lover is one thing...but PETA often goes to the extreme.

2 points

Gee whiz...wonder who that could possibly be. Yuppers, great offer for any Obama supporters no doubt. LoL!

4 points

Absolutely....a talent beyond compare. Nice to see you Koda. Hope all is well. ~)

2 points

Well Joe. They have become increasingly easy to spot of the past three years.

3 points

Love it! All true....just so you know, I'm not crazy. Just a little unwell. ~D

I'm not crazy. Just a little unwell. Matchbook 20
4 points

Or Liberals. Same diff. As in, "You can't have my hard earned money". Liberal, "That's not fair, we deserve a share of your hard earned money to expand our socialist agenda."

2 points

Apparently every site as a the same antagonist who can piss off others just by the act of breathing.

5 points

Queen rules! Freddy had the most powerful clear voice. The man was a genius.

Queen...Somebody To Love
1 point

Been there. And yes, a break in between relationships is a good thing.

2 points

Agreed. I can't call you names to your face...where's the fun in that. ~)

6 points

The history of our planet shows dramatic climate changes since its creation.

3 points

Depends on your definition of torture and under what circumstances.

Yes...regarding issues of national security. I have no qualms with those who have threatened a terrorist act or have committed/been an accomplice to an act of terrorism being "tortured".

2 points

Astro Hole's influence on SH is evident. SodaHead should change its name to VirtualHead.

3 points

I am proud to say my addiction has not yet reached the level of carrying my laptop to the bathroom....yet.

1 point

I want one!!!! Every time Obama talks I hear Charlie Brown's teacher. Annoyingly grating.

1 point

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww...WTF! I plead ignorance on this topic. Funny though.

2 points

Thanks for the chuckles...literally LOL! Lets see, I'm a extremist, I'm in denial, I side with terrorists. Hmmmmmm...yuppers, Garry77777 is the nicest guy I know.

1 point

ROFL!!!! I bet. Works for me on occasion. More times than you can remember, I'd say you're doing well. ~)

1 point

Hmmmmm...a widely used expression. You get the point exactly. It's easy to say "I love you" or "I will/am going to do....". Actions speak volumes.

2 points

Always...I can talk as pretty as the next person. I learned very early on in life that my actions have power. I admire people for doing not just saying.

1 point

I couldn't agree more! I am always more impressed by ones actions than words. Actions speak more to the character of a person.

2 points

One of his best films in my humble opinion. Worthy of watching. I think you would enjoy it.

2 points

I get that when I'm trying to up vote you too...annoying is right. I promise I'll do you that is. ~)

2 points

Wonderful outlook Sunset! And love does find us. Some times when we least expect it. ~)

2 points

LMAO! Too funny Sunset! ~) Hellno might get some relief from that relationship!

2 points

Great answer Hellno. I am supposedly related to him. My great grandmother was a Dunham. My aunts were ecstatic. Me, not so much. Ugh!

1 point

Agreed. The man is the epitome of a Liberal cretin. He makes my skin crawl worse than Obama does.

1 point

Now that Herman Cain is entering the race I'm paying a lot more attention to him. I like him. But I love Allen West! He's great and I think he could do the job. I'm afraid however he hasn't got the experience just yet. Then again, that didn't stop the rise of Obama. And West has two things going for him we know Obama doesn't (actually a lot more than two!), you could never question his love and loyalty of and to his country.

Read this Hellno...Cain is a possibility.

1 point

LOL! Poor babe! If I wasn't a happily married woman I might be tempted to make an offer to help you out with that dilemma...LoL! Luvs ya Sweetness! ~)

2 points

I agree with everything you said. As for Sean, unfortunately he retired from doing films a couple of years ago. Broke my heart. He is the second sexiest man on the planet. After my husband of course. ~)

He has done a lot of great films. Two of my favorite: The Hunt for Red October and Finding Forrester.

2 points

I could not agree more. Time for him to go. And not soon enough.

1 point

Liberals want to fundamentally change the very foundations of America to suit their ideals of utopia.

2 points

I must say I can't argue with your logic. I tend to be very possessive.

2 points

In that case you can be forgiven....LoL! ~) I assume when you have female company you change your ways!

2 points

I haven't been spending much time on SH. Not the same with most of my best friends gone.

1 point

From our exchange I would have to say I agree Hellno. He's "special" alright.

2 points

And you've hit on some great examples. Yes, that "reset button" routine was comical. I bet Hillary was looking for a head to chop off after that one. I agree Hellno. Obama's lack of courage has been on display many times. But his dithering on giving support to the Iranian protesters was one of his most pitiful.

1 point

I concur. ~) If only "friending" could solve the world's problems.

1 point

I am very aware of the stances and claims of both sides. Which is exactly why I stand with Israel. Extremism...LoL! I'm not the one bursting a blood vessel.

2 points

Occasionally forgetfulness is acceptable. However chronic behavior is punishable. ~)

1 point

LOL! Excuses excuses! I don't care. I want the seat down when I go into the bathroom. It just looks better. Not to mention its also more sanitary to put both lids down. There are certain things I do not look forward to cleaning up.

1 point

Apology accepted. ~) Takes a little work by both partners. To me, it is the courteous thing to do.

1 point

A hypocrite...really. It is extremely obvious we are never going to agree on this issue. I have always and will always stand with Israel. I bid you adieu.

2 points

An opportunist. Understatement of the century. Indeed Obama played to the masses. Disenchanted Republicans, weary Independents and of course, he was a Liberal Democrats wet dream. He played not only to the country but to the world. For those of us who didn't fall for the flowery rhetoric and the promises of hope and change, who questioned his lack of experience and character, we stood shocked and stunned as he rode the tide of discontent all the way to the highest office in the land. Like a bad dream...and now we are all living the nightmare.

2 points

Nobody actually believes in freedom. So speaks people who have never been without a certain amount of freedom. While I can not dispute the role of the US is not always a pleasant one or that wise decisions are always made. I do hold out faith that fundamentally we adhere to certain values and ideals.

2 points

Agreed. Well stated. I think we could have done more for the people of Iran. We are seeing uprisings in the Middle East. Seems to be catching. I hope the end result will be a more stable region. Unfortunately a lot of blood must first be shed.

2 points

Methinks you are being a tad sarcastic. And I deplore Facebook.

2 points

I agree. It is a tough one. Where and when to intervene. Still, I feel an obligation. Call me an optimist. Would it not be to our benefit to have democratic minded governments in place in the Middle East.

1 point

Hide my bias. About as well as you hide yours. Israel a terrorists nation...what a crock of bullshit. Palestinians reap what they sow. They are not interested in peace. They are suckled and raised to hate everything and everyone Jewish. While thousands of Arabs live and thrive in Israel. Palestine's worst enemy is themselves.

1 point

I am in total agreement with you! My husband needed to be retrained...lucky for him he catches on fast...LoL! I love the glue story! And I've been there, cold wet bottom in the middle of the night...didn't help any that I was slightly inebriated. ~)

2 points

Another 4 years of Barry. I may have to convince my husband we should retire to Costa Rica ahead of schedule.

2 points

A chance? Yes. While on some levels Trump makes me cringe. I find him a little crass. Then again, I cringe more at the thought of Sarah Palin getting the nomination. Right now I am not seeing a viable candidate to defeat Obama. And times a wasting. Tick Tock.

0 points

Freedom and security go hand in hand. You can't be guaranteed one without the other.

2 points

Now that I see a few old friends here it's an added incentive to stick it out and spend some time here.

1 point

It's all in the eyes and heart of the beholder. Attributes other than physical appearance can add or subtract from a persons attractiveness.

2 points

I know you make me swoon Hellno. Intelligent, charming, heart be still. ~)

1 point

I do believe that it is the duty of the US and others to give aid to people's who have the courage to rise up against dictators such as Gaddafi. What say you?

1 point

All to true. Classic actresses embraced a lot qualities we rarely see today.

2 points

Merci mon ami! ~) I have my moments of lucidity. This is one topic that brings it out.

2 points

I have missed your ugly mug and shiny funny disposition! I see a lot of our friends are here...I will make a point of hanging around more. ~)

3 points

I've never met a clown I liked. When I was four a clown at a friends birthday party just gave me the creeps. I never forgot that or the feeling of uneasiness. Sorry clowns.

1 point

Whether my dreams are good or bad. I believe each dream deals with a part of your life. Both conscious and subconscious thoughts.

1 point

My 40's without a doubt. Self discovery and married my soul mate. Like fine wine life gets better with time. ~)

2 points

Obama lacks character, morals and a conscious. He is a narcissistic psychopath.

3 points

Yes Israel has a right to exist. And to do so peacefully. Questioning Israel’s very “right to exist” is a well-employed tool of Israel’s detractors to call into question the Jewish state’s legitimacy as part of an effort to undermine her.

2 points

At this point 56% of Americans are in favor of repealing Obamacare. You're right. The people don't want this and the Dems don't care. Perhaps if the Democrats had taken more care and consideration from the very beginning instead of ramming this albatross down the throats of Americans they would not now be in such a precarious position. Note, this is what happens when Democrats give the country the middle finger.

2 points

You are correct either way Hellno. The most glaring example of voting strictly along race lines. Obama garnered 95% of the black vote in 2008. Now try to tell me every vote cast for him by black voters was based solely on his proposed policies.

1 point

One day they came to the world...who knows of which world they had came from and could not appear anywhere else that was not Hollywood.

Divas of a time when actresses really deserved to be called stars, because they shone in every scene.

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