
Hammerhead's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hammerhead's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

When they look out upon the populace, they don't see CITIZENS. They see criminals who haven't yet been caught.

And criminals don't look at cops and see citizens. They see people in their way of committing crimes. Why is that never your take in even one, single instance?

1 point

All I'm saying, is that strict enforcement of the tax code would MORE than pay for itself..

The government just passed a bill for $1.7 trillion dollars that not one of them has read, and you're worried about whether Joe Blow might have gotten away with not paying ten bucks on his taxes. Jesus fucking Christ.

1 point

That they're in denial, can only mean they deny the efficacy of the vaccine.. I wonder if they'll deny that.

COVID appeared, and the flu disappeared for a year. You believe it vanished for a year? Yep, your stupid ass thinks the common flu vanished off of the god damned planet for an entire year as billionaire pharmaceuticals racked up more cash than anyone in human history by coincidence.

2 points

Statistics ain't your long suit, huh?

Aren't you the moron that has been shown London statistics where they illegalized guns, gun deaths went down, but murders with knives went up to such an extent that murders overall went up by over 200%? Yeah, you are that mother fucker.

2 points

Just, how in the fuck would the state MAKE SURE everybody is given a copy?? Do you know just how fucking STUPID that is??

They just spent $1.7 trillion on a bill none of them read, so they could easily print us each a copy and pass them out at a public place. What, a billion dollars to get us a copy is too much? Get the fuck outta here.

1 point

They're SHORT, easy to understand, and don't use any big words.. They tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about your interactions with government.

And they tell me to grab a gun.

1 point

You and the Democrats wanted to see those tax returns, so show us what spooky bullshit was in them. Everything I've seen shows that there's nothing in them that is abnormal for a multi millionaire or billionaire. Come on there Pinnochio. You told us there was something sinister in them, so where's it at?

1 point

None of that is a crime, and massive business losses are common to all billionaires. The Democrats said there were crimes in there, which was their claim for why they must see them.

1 point

Atheists have killed more than all religions combined, and the religion of Wokeness is a mind virus for the mentally handicapped.

1 point

It is absolutely hypothetical and improbable. However it's better to answer these questions before somebody gets shot, rather than after..

You watch the cops on YouTube.. Me too. It doesn't look so improbable after viewing those videos..

So you think the cops are going around shooting people all while thinking those same people shouldn't have the right to a gun to defend themselves? Jesus Christ man. How fucking dumb are you?

1 point

No excuses. The left was good with bannings, so now I am. Fuck em. You had the one ring of power. Your words are violence. Your anti right wing speech is hate speech. You chose how you yielded it. Now, except your new reality.

1 point

It's just the stuff you're reading about isn't happening. There's no grooming.. There's no showing children how to use sex toys

He literally says in the recording that they pass out butt plugs and dildos and show the kids how to use them. He also says they teach them how to use lube vs using spit. Do you deny that he says this in the video?

There's just people tearing their hair out cause they hate anything that isn't like them..

Kind of like when the left censors half of the population because it's not like them?

There's no encouraging children to cut off their genitalia

Really? Then how does this happen?

And how does this happen?

And what is this? biden/amp/

And what is this?

At the 2:35 mark in this clip the Head of HHS dodges like hell questions about children and sex changes. Do you deny this? And if you don't, why is he not full on denying that sex changes for children exists, which would clearly be the easy retort if it wasn't happening?

1 point

I'm a lib

No you aren't. Liberals don't believe in forced maskings, forced vaccinations, shutting down businesses for years, arresting surfers alone in the ocean or arresting mother's alone at a park with their kid, etc. You're a fucking Communist.

NOT because of what I watch on TV

Yes it is. You use media buzz terms and words all of the time on here. You didn't pull that nonsense out of any independent, free thinking mind.

but because I believe in truth, justice, and the American way

You sure about that? I haven't seen you address any of Biden's corruption even once on here despite mountains of evidence. Have I seen you asking about Roy Epps on here? Nope. Have I seen you questioning why an FBI official worked for Twitter? Nope. Have you talked about Eric Swalwell having a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy? Nope. How about Dianne Feinstein's assistant that was a Chinese spy? Nope. If a Republican had hands even 10% as dirty as these people, you'd be losing your mind on here. You aren't for truth or justice or anything that even remotely resembles those things. If you can't admit it to us, at least admit it to yourself.

1 point

When I was in 5th grade, I took a course called civics.. It taught me how the government works.. It wasn't hard. I was in 5th grade, for crying out loud..

The right wing abandoned the teaching of civics, so it can inculcate the masses. It's clear that you NEVER took a class like that.

My nephew goes to school at a rural public school. He's 13 and has taken Civics. Do you just make shit up as you go along?

1 point

You assume, that because you get your politics from FOX News, that everybody gets theirs that way too. That's a big mistake.

Hunter Biden had a laptop with sensitive emails on it. Guess which network covered it. It sure as shit wasn't CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the Washington Post or the New York Times now was it?

1 point

You assume, that because you get your politics from FOX News, that everybody gets theirs that way too. That's a big mistake.

Hunter Biden had a laptop with sensitive emails on it. Guess which network covered it. It sure as shit wasn't CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC or WBC, now was it?

1 point

Can the social media site tell the state government to get fucked?


Is this your advice for Elon Musk? Is it not the Democrats who are up in arms that a private company that they were fine with for years is now pro free speech and has fired an FBI agent that Twitter had in their ranks? Is it not the Democrats who are now investigating him when they ignored him for years?

1 point

Couple things.. If a gay baker only baked cakes for gays, he'd go broke quickly.. Given that reality, it can be assumed that the majority of the gay bakers existing customers are Christian..

A dodge to not address whether they would have to bake a cake that contains a verse that says "for a man to lie with a man as a man lies with a woman is an abomination."

Therefore, the question is, should a customer FORCE a gay baker to do the very thing he's in business to DO.

Someone has preached to us a for a while now about private companies. And bakers are in the business of baking and not in the business of making religious, woke or political statements. Some bakers just want to bake don't ya think?

1 point

And the actual killer himself was a leftist. You want us to focus on his mentally handicapped acting father who was an actor in ultra liberal Hollywood and lives in ultra liberal California why again, especially when leftists are known for pretending to be right wingers as they do racist and fake things? And more importantly, why are you dodging and not focused on the actual killer? Are you just a sick, twisted fuck or what? It's bizarre to see that an LGBTQ bar is shot to bits with five dead, and you have no interest in the murderer at all. In fact, you seem fine with it, and we all know why. You don't care that gay people or that any people were murdered. You care that you get to live in this fake world where you can pretend Republicans hate gay people, women, minorities etc while the left attacks them all if they don't vote as commanded by the party of the billionaires.

No actual person says uh I'm a Conservative. I hate gay people. Get better actors. No one believes the left anymore. You're the party that has literally dressed as the Klan at a Bush rally and yelled the N word like it was nothing. You've faked so many hate crimes and hate speech that no sane person believes you anymore. In fact it appears the left is perfectly comfy in sheets and blurting out the N word just so long as no one knows it was them.

1 point

Nothing else can be said in the face of such ignorance

The media has to reverse back to a 2018 event where everyone involved says Trump didn't know the guy because they are so desperate to keep the guy out of office. It didn't work then. It won't work now. Everyone knows Biden is associated with the Klan, so the tactic kind of loses its effect. Believing anything the media says after your having seen thousands of examples of them provably lying on this site is basically childish at this point. Grow up.

0 points

Too bad for you that the OP left a link to the story.

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden's son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.

The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden's laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son's business dealings in Ukraine.

Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.

Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong "sucks".

1 point

Nah. Acting like a psychopath when you have the power and then retreating to poor me, have mercy on me is an act of cowardice, and is dishonorable. They have no honor. Vote like your life depends on it. The wolf is just wanting time to attack us and slander us again as soon as it thinks it is able.

0 points

Lies. As per usual.

Left wing sources make the same claim but not until a week later. They had to admit it because in their own piece on NBC, it showed his house, and right wing people jumped right on the flags in full display. But if you want to say left wing media is lying, I'm sure as hell not going to stop your ass. Go ahead. Say your first true thing on here and call them out for lying as if they aren't your rich masters. And even if there was none of that, mediabiasfactcheck is an ultra left wing outlet that has nothing to do with "fact checking". They are there to run cover for the left, and that's it. And then I went ahead and watched the video, and it's sources are Al "newsguard certified" and are left wing sources. They even put the links to their sources at the top of the comments.

1 point

Let's say he did.. Does that mean the attacker should get off??

No, it means he wasn't a right wing MAGA super Trumper like the left lied from the rooftops immediately and falsely.

Does it mean that Pelosi deserved it?

Pelosi probably "deserves" a lot of bad shit, but that doesn't mean we support the kangaroo justice that the left seems to endorse. We could take your standard, get a warrant and check her for ticks to look for evidence of a crime. You'd come on here and freak the fuck put, but we don't think like you, so World War 3 hasn't happened in America yet.

1 point

How many "it was an extremist right winger" false flags is this now?

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