
Debate Info

We're there folks Just normal stuff
Debate Score:72
Total Votes:100
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 We're there folks (24)
 Just normal stuff (19)

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Hammerhead(67) pic

Chicago teacher brings sex toys to class, shows children how to use them

The dean of students at a Chicago school has been filmed bragging about kids playing with “dildos and butt plugs” in class while getting tips on having “queer sex.”

Joseph Bruno was secretly filmed by Project Veritas talking about the Pride Week event at Francis W. Parker School that included a visit by drag queen Alexis Bevels.

An LGBTQ+ Health Center came in and “they were passing around butt plugs and dildos to my students — talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit,” Bruno said.

We're there folks

Side Score: 44

Just normal stuff

Side Score: 28
2 points

It is no lie. They have crossed a line. They are allowing kids to be exposed to this content in schools, while banning the teaching of the bible. This was what Trump was saying. They want you to feel ashamed for believing in Christ. They ban the bible while allowing people to be senselessly taught that men can get pregnant? That is what I call criminally insane. Yes, ladies & gents. We are there.

Side: We're there folks
0 points

So what if they are exposed to this content? So instead of being educated on sex toys they ignorantly use them incorrectly? Or worse improvise?

Comprehensive sex education is the way to go. The last thing we need is somebody coming into the emergency room in the middle of a pandemic because they didn't know how a sex toy worked.

Side: Just normal stuff
3 points

mhm like what should we not tell people how to be safe while fucking now since that's exposing them too the devil or some shit. they will learn sex exist soon and we dont want a 15 year old taking care if a baby now because the education system failed them. i mean its okay to have sex toys in class if they are old enough too know and do it. also imagine having to go to the hospital because no one told you how a sex toy worked like that shit would be expensive and embarrassing.

so unless the children are fucking 12 or something its fine too expose them too sex toys and shit exposing them too it is better than making them learn the hard way.

Side: Just normal stuff
Atrag(5666) Disputed
-1 points

Who is 'they'. THEY all agree that this was wrong. One person who did it thought it was right and was dealt with.

Side: Just normal stuff
Nicephorus(223) Disputed
2 points

They all agree? Child porn is a multi million dollar industry, and the school still employs this guy. Show me where he was "dealt with". Show me where they said they disagreed with this guy's behavior.

Side: We're there folks
Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
1 point

They all claim that it's wrong you say. But they back track and say they still support lgbtpedos. This is what I call insanity and your arguments are of no use here. I will continue to speak against the alphabet mafia and they will be stopped by the law. The kids will be protected and God's Word will spread in all schools, in order to stabilize this society into a moral one like before. There will no more pride parades. NO MORE! God prevails! AND PRIDE COMES BEFORE A FALL!

Side: We're there folks
1 point

I find it incredible that the depraved antics of perverts and paedophiles within our education system can go unreported by the mainstream media and without intervention by the Department of Education.

Something is either amiss here or the leftists and wokes have our nation in a worse state than we all thought.

Does anyone really care anymore?

Side: We're there folks
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Does anyone really care anymore?

Hello N:

Of course we care..

It's just the stuff you're reading about isn't happening. There's no grooming.. There's no showing children how to use sex toys. There's no child sex trafficking out of a pizza joint. There's no encouraging children to cut off their genitalia.

There's just people tearing their hair out cause they hate anything that isn't like them..


Side: Just normal stuff
FactCheck(36) Disputed
2 points

There's no grooming..

Fact Check: False

The video in question has been addressed by the school with no denial but a defense.

“He was filmed without his knowledge or permission while describing one example of our inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming, and comprehensive approach to sex education" as reported by WGN-TV.

According to the outlet, the statement also said: “Parker administrators and Parker’s Board of Trustees support Parker’s programming, the strength and inclusivity of our curriculum, and the dedicated and talented faculty and staff that teach it.”

Side: We're there folks
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

Well, maybe it's just me.

I fume with rage and frustration anytime I hear of abuse and/or exploitation of children.

As the Irish playwright Sean O'Casey wrote; ''The whole world is in a state o' (of) chassis''. (Chaos)

Then we have the French philosopher Alphonse Karr's quote, ''The more things change, the more they stay the same''.

We think as a species we have become more sophisticated and civilized with time, but we're still the warmongering exploiters of our children and the weak.


Side: We're there folks
Hammerhead(67) Disputed
1 point

It's just the stuff you're reading about isn't happening. There's no grooming.. There's no showing children how to use sex toys

He literally says in the recording that they pass out butt plugs and dildos and show the kids how to use them. He also says they teach them how to use lube vs using spit. Do you deny that he says this in the video?

There's just people tearing their hair out cause they hate anything that isn't like them..

Kind of like when the left censors half of the population because it's not like them?

There's no encouraging children to cut off their genitalia

Really? Then how does this happen?

And how does this happen?

And what is this? biden/amp/

And what is this?

At the 2:35 mark in this clip the Head of HHS dodges like hell questions about children and sex changes. Do you deny this? And if you don't, why is he not full on denying that sex changes for children exists, which would clearly be the easy retort if it wasn't happening?

Side: We're there folks
Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
1 point


Side: We're there folks
Another-AIt(21) Disputed
-1 points

There's just people tearing their hair out cause they hate anything that isn't like them..

You are not and have not ever been a Jew. If you were really a Jew, you would provide for the site a family tree linking you back to Jews and not monkeys. You cannot do that because there is no family tree to show us. You are related to the Perazine apes found only in a small area in Asia minor. They are your father's and no one else.

Side: We're there folks
1 point



If you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza joint, and MOST of you do, you're due for a brain adjustment.

If you believe that libs are lizard people, who drink the blood of babies they murdered, and MOST of you do, you're WAYYY passed your expiration date..

If you believe that Biden is dead, and James Woods took his place, and MOST of you do, you're ready for the loony bin.

If you believe that JFK will appear and HELP Trump fix the world, and MOST of you do, you drank WAYYYY too much koolaid.

If you believe that Trump is still president, and MOST of you do, you're up for cancellation...

Simply said, we can't have a bunch of deranged MAGA fucks running around.. They should be FORCED into conversion therapy. That works, right?


Side: We're there folks
-2 points
Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
4 points

Whose idea? WHOSE IDEA? YOUR IDEA! LGBTPEDOS' IDEA! Who else is guilty of such things!

Side: We're there folks
ash_noth3re(14) Clarified
0 points

MY IDEA??? damn i didn't know a fucking minor that is IN SCHOOL WAS IN CHARGE OF YOUR SCHOOL SYSTEM. man I'm in the fucking Philippines what the fuck do you think I'm doing? "oOoOoO I'm sabotaging your government OoOoO" at least i dont put butt plugs or bullets on children unlike you. i dont own sex toys so fuck you.=D

Side: We're there folks
Dr_Batman(1523) Disputed
3 points

You do not hold the right to ask how old kids are. They are not old enough nor is it right anyhow to indoctrinate youth into the senseless lgbtpedo ideologies. I reserve the right to protect all the youth in this world. Boys and girls have the right to live normally and heterosexually. Gender/sex cannot be changed and never will. This is an absolute universal truth. All lgbtpedo activists and drag queens will be executed on sight for their crimes against humanity. Their hypocrisy will be exposed first and then they will be silenced by God's Holy Wrath.

Side: We're there folks
2 points

Joseph Bruno was secretly filmed by Project Veritas 


Project Veritas, huh? Aren't they ones who dressed up as a hooker and her john to catch somebody doing bad things?

They ARE, aren't they?? So, no.. I don't believe 'em.

You have no idea how utterly ridiculous your post is, do you?? Of course, you think the libs run a child sex trafficking ring out of a NY City pizza joint.. So, OF COURSE, you buy this shit.


Bwa, ha ha ha ha ha.


Side: Just normal stuff
Undertaker(15) Disputed
2 points

Project Veritas, huh? Aren't they ones who dressed up as a hooker and her john to catch somebody doing bad things?

That's your response? They disguised themselves to be able to record, so the recording never happened?

They ARE, aren't they?? So, no.. I don't believe 'em.

If you disguise yourself to get the recording, I don't believe a recording exists. That's your position?

You have no idea how utterly ridiculous your post is, do you?? Of course, you think the libs run a child sex trafficking ring out of a NY City pizza joint.. So, OF COURSE, you buy this shit.

Strawman and a red herring all in one. Another claim being true or false has nothing to do with a video where the dean of a school says they pass out dildos and butt plugs. Project Veritas had nothing to do with the case you've brought up either. So there are actually 3 logical fallacies you have used here in one retort, none of which respond to the actual topic or even attempt to refute it.

Side: We're there folks
1 point

That's what he does. Every time. Ex-con is a liar and a false judaizer. Don't listen to his nonsense. He is a troll.

Side: We're there folks
1 point

What is this website's users liking the questionable source Project Veritas so much. Veritas deceptively edits. Also, cherry picking is often worse than a straight lie. The fact that they have extreme bias is reason alone to ignore them.

Supporting Evidence: Extreme bias project vertias. (
Side: Just normal stuff
1 point

Time to leave woke's Planet Earth.


Side: Just normal stuff
1 point

So instead what abstinence only education? Just look at STDs and teenage pregnancies in red versus blue states.

"The states that voted Democratic in the last two presidential elections have the lowest rates of divorce and teen pregnancies. And the red states had the highest. " NPR

Supporting Evidence: NPR red versus blue states. (
Side: We're there folks

I am going to argue with just normal stuff. I didn't take an hour or anything to deep dive to figure out all the circumstances. I did read a yahoo news article which is way more reliable than nypost.

Project Vertias is a questionable source and thus anything they say can be discarded. Ironically I created a similar debate not realizing this one existed over here: MasturbationBeTaughtin_School

Joe Bruno is a hero. In this age of the covid-19 pandemic we need to practice safe sex. The healthcare system is already overburdened.

Supporting Evidence: Yahoo news Chicago school sex toy. (
Side: Just normal stuff