
Hmb556's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hmb556's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Eventually the sun will explode, that is inevitable. The generations alive then should definitely move to a different planet, so I think maybe Kepler 22-b since that is the best planet we've found so far.

1 point

If you are talking about the end of the universe, then if there are multiple universes we ought to be able to open wormholes by several billion years from now. Those could let us find a new universe and start anew.

1 point

Those 2 B-2 bombers we flew by them? They can each carry 16 nukes. Right now we have 20 of them(I think). That's 320 nukes if we arm and fly all of them over N. Korea. U.S. intelligence says their missiles can only reach Alaska so most of us are probably safe. 320 nukes on planes that can't be detected vs. missiles that can't even reach the mainland. I think we may win

1 point

With NASA going down the crapper since Obama cut funding, the private industry is the only way I see space exploration progressing.

1 point

If someone comes in my house with a gun, I'm not going to take the chance of letting them shoot me.

1 point

How could the companies that make the software make money and stay in business if they didn't charge for their products? They could put ads in, but I doubt that makes a whole lot of money and they're just plain annoying.

1 point

I thought they already had that, it's called autopilot. Just kidding, but if they get the robots to be able to take off and land, then it will have faster reflexes, and it can have a connection to the air traffic controllers and automatically know where all other planes are and the weather and other hazards.

1 point

Yes. If we can identify the genetic markers that increase our chances of cancer and change them around so there is almost no chance of cancer, wouldn't that be good? True, there are risks of changing genes and having unintended side effects, but the benefits outweigh the risks.

2 points

Tank. You can just close and latch the top hatch, then it is pretty impossible for them to get in. They can just crawl through the window of the truck if they get up to it. I would still rather have something like and AC-130 instead though.

1 point

Just out of curiosity, I wonder how effective it would be to launch it at the sun. If we can build a space elevator that is anchored by something in geo-synchronous orbit and then shuttle it up on that, it won't take much to nudge it towards the sun.

1 point

No, because if we abolish them here in the U.S., how do we know that other countries will not abolish them in their country? Mutually assured destruction doesn't work if only one side has nukes.

1 point

Books don't run out of batteries. Sure ebooks are more compact, but you can't beat that new book smell.

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