
KittenGirl's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of KittenGirl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I'd call all three "DANGEROUS"

Dangerous countries existing isn't us being in an all out war.

1 point

Obama told us the war over there was over, and that he ended it. Are you claiming he lied?

1 point

That's what we need, stronger laws and better ways to prevent those "overstays", and the judges to process the punishment of the lawbreakers.

The Democrats will never let it happen, and will call anyone who opposes them racist to end all discussion.

1 point

Have you noticed libs never propose situations that poverty stricken women with 5 kids could possibly pull off?

1 point

Most people don't have 30 foot ladders, would be very noticable if they did, and don't know where tunnels are before ICE fills them.

It doesn't have to keep all out, just some. Some is success.

Probably why Democrats were promoting barriers before Trump was President.

You are also pretending that a woman can easily, and quickly scale a 30 foot ladder with child in hand, and find a way to drop to the other side or hoist a 200 pound ladder over the other side with children in hand. Nonsense.

1 point

If that makes me "f'd in the head", so be it.

This type of language running through a mind is the path to automatic failure. It takes no responsibility for self improvement or being informed about the truth.

1 point

Does a warmer Earth make things better or worse, and why?

I only ask because oscilations and cycle changes are inevitable with or without humans, so humanity had better be ready for them with or without pollution.

2 points

There is a human nature. It's why people get addicted to drugs, which are the easiest path to euphoria.

1 point

No, because most people aren't listening to talk radio, and are watching tv. And most new immigrants don't know the difference, so they get one story that is completely fake, and believe it until and if they study reality.

I've seen people on here still referencing stories that have been retracted or proven false.

0 points

If you are successful it's not because of your choices

You are a failure because you freely chose to be a failure.

2 points

She was a bartender months ago, and without being a climatologist, tells us the world is going to end in 12 years.

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