
Maplecat's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Maplecat's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Some aliens probably do (The more advanced ones), but us, for example, are not 100% certain. (More like 99.5%)

1 point

A bit, here and there. I watched alot of commercials ;) M&M;commercial was by far the best.

Maplecat(70) Clarified
2 points

~Im not actually clarifying, i just chose this because I am nuetral and bringing up something that influences peoples opinions.~

A reason it is considered so horrible is because of religion and personal morals.

1 point

Horrible AND stupid. It does not matter who the person was, the body (not necessarily the soul) is a pure thing and it is extremely inhumane to perform this act.

1 point

"damage psychology of children and learned them to be bad and cruel"

This happens verrrry rarely.

And plus, that is why we have TV and video game age ratings. It is usually the parents fault for allowing them to watch it.

Oh no! Not the children! Children watching Extreme violence is not advised, but we can not shelter them forever. How do you think they will react if they ever run into a violent situation? We can not pretend they do not exist. (Usually the exposure to violence on TV is the parents fault, NOT the channels)

4 points

TV is bad and good (But mostly good)

Bad: -It can harm the minds of young children (oh no! not the children!)

That is why we have TV ratings! Example: TV-14

Good: -Spreads information, opinions, and ideas rapidly

-Also provides a source of entertainment

1 point

Im not saying some god that truelly loves us does not exist (By the way that is not the question we are debating based on the title of this debate) BUT the thought that he listens in to your prayers all the time along with a billion other peoples is stretching it a bit. And if this is true you must consider this...

"He gives a busy man,

a second try.

But leaves a hurt girl,

leaves her out to die."

This poem is about a children that get sexually abused, is God answering their prayers?

2 points

He is stating what he thinks he is true and if you believe in god then you should believe in a god that loves people, not a jealous god that is angry when someone doesnt believe in him.

1 point

Agreed! I don't understand why it is such "an issue"? This is what iI have been trying to tell people

1 point

If they proposed an idea to fix the issue then maybe more people would listen and do something about it. Right now they are complaining about something they can not (At this time) correct.

Maplecat(70) Clarified
3 points

Math is not JUST to make "Student's life more harder". It is used to create almost everything we use today. It is needed to build houses, make an iPod, build instruments, create new medicines

1 point

Math was discovered. It is used to show the patterns of the earth. Who would think it was created?

1 point

They should be monitored by their parents, but I do not see why not.

1 point

Yes, but if abused should immediatly be restricted. Like death threats, hunting too close to homes, or a history of crimal acts.

1 point

Based on intelligence, abilities, and adaption we are not equals. But just because we are not equals does not mean we should treat them poorly, animals are still living things and should be treated with respect. Remember, you can tell alot from a man in how he treats those below him.

1 point

It is not smart, but it is not the governments job to watch over our health. How would you feel if the government made a law that said everyone had to exercise for an hour a day?

+This comment is not for or against abortion If abortion is legal then why would their be a law saying a pregnant woman can not smoke (assuming it is for the health of their baby)

1 point

I don't think that is exactly how it works (Saving money so you can get it over with and not having crappy jobs when you get older) but ANYWAY! Jobs are good, they give the teens spending money and teaches them about the "real world"

1 point

I was anti-fastfood for years, but then I realized a huge reason they were not shutting down or losing lawsuits. Choice. As unhealthy and disgusting as they are it comes down to peoples choices and them eating there. Nobody shoved the food down their throat!

1 point

13 or under is obviously wrong, but 14 or above does not sound like such a bad thing. 80% of children don't Really want a tatoo hey just say they do because the think it looks cool, but once they consider the pain and how perminent it is most do not get it. [16+ can get tatoos today]

1 point

What most schools do is make the student take 4 years of a single second language. As someone who went through this I can honestly say this is a huge waste of time. You remember the basics and that is it, the rest you forget. Im not saying a second language is bad, I just think it would be better to have a foreign language class that teaches the basics of multiple widely used languages. Like Spanish, French, and Chinese.

1 point

Seperate Church from Government. Im tired of having to say it over and over.

1 point

Seriously? Hello?! Having babies is not our only ambition or "purpose"!

1 point

I put girl because i am a girl, but the whole boys are better than girls or even girls are better than boys debate bugs me. Why can't we all be equal and treat each other as such?

1 point

THANK YOU! This exactly what I've been trying to say to people for years! The bible is not factual evidence! It was written stories and opinions by people. It was changed throughout the years as a political tool. It does have some good morals in it, but is far from a good argument.

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