
Thebluemoo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Thebluemoo's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I was using the church as an example of another division that is in a similar category. So, what you're saying is, public schooling is unnecessary because it is funded by the citizens? Sure, private schools are an option, but they aren't always nearby homes, and maybe a family is having debt issues. Should that child have to miss going to school, or should its parents have to become homeschool teachers just because public schools are government funded? It is entirely necessary. Just because you don't want to pay for schooling for children doesn't mean it should be abolished entirely.

1 point

I will share with you but I need to gather it first so it might take a week or two for me to give you the hard evidence.

Understandable, I will be willing to wait as long as you wish.

Is there anything wrong with God creating the world in 6 days?

I don't have a problem with it, but I don't really believe it's possible, especially with all the fossils, tools, bones, amber and other items found that link back to before 4000 years ago.

Jesus did reveal himself to His disciples when He was on this earth, He appeared before Moses and various other people in the Bible

My only complaint with this is that I said God has never revealed himself to anyone since the events of the Bible, and what you have described comes directly from the Bible, although countless individuals have claimed to witness him.

Muhammad was a real person that claimed to be a prophet of "allah' but the reason I know that God put us here is because He created us in His image but evolution of course says that we are cell that was washed ashore on the beach and later on slowly we start evolving. Which one is better a cell or created in the image of God? Image of God of course because it means we are special and we aren't worthless according to evolution

Muhammad was among many people who were said to be prophets, including Joseph Smith of the Mormon church. According to the Bible, God did place us here in his own image, although I'm positive at least one other religion would claim the same from their deity. I would be in support of evolution in that case for various reasons, but I don't think it's a matter of being better. I think it's moreso based on which can be backed up, which I will wait for you to gather evidence before completely dismissing.

3 points

So they are unnecessary because of that? That's the government's doing, not the school board. Should I also say the church is unnecessary because they don't pay taxes at all?

2 points

When compared to what? There are currently to my knowledge, Public schools, Catholic schools, French-Immersion schools (at least where I am located), Black-Focused schools (although slim in number), home schools and private schools. I do not find anything wrong with public schools, they do their job. The government should not have anything to do with the school program, however. I do not find anything wrong whatsoever with public schools, if the parent wishes to enroll their student in a different curriculum, then that is their own choice. Public schools are necessary for the families who also do not wish to have their children enrolled in home schools or private schools, for various reasons. I believe there are much more unnecessary school groups than public schools.

2 points

Yes I can prove scientific evidence for my belief.

Please share, we all would like to see some real, hard evidence.

evolution which has been proven false

Again, how can you come to this assumption? We have witnessed evolution happen. We know for a fact, it's been scientifically proven, unlike that the world was created in seven days by a God in the sky who has never revealed himself to anyone since the events of the Bible.

There is God, there is a Jesus.

As a former Christian, this was the main reason for losing my faith. There is no proof whatsoever that links to any God or Jesus existing. Also, my initial statement was "There is no God. There is no Jesus. There is no Allah. There is no Muhammad". What happened to Allah and Muhammad, are/were they real? If not, what makes you think that you weren't put here because of them? Why do you know that God put you here and not Allah, or the thousands of other Gods?

People need to wake up and abandon evolution

Like abandoning religion at this current state, the likelihood of this happening is slim. Many religious people believe in evolution as well.

its not my fault your angry at what I believe in but sometimes the truth hurts now doesn't it because your angry for what I believe because your spewing swear words and you sound like your angry

I used a single cuss word. That is all. It also does hurt, you are correct. It hurts me that the large majority of our population believe in this. I am sorry if I have offended you, however your religion offends me.

1 point

but i think

This whole statement is your opinion and cannot be backed up with evidence. Until you can provide evidence that God comes in different forms to teach us all, to define us and to put us on a good path, I simply cannot believe this.

1 point

No one can say? I can say there are no proofs, humans have been waiting for over a thousand years for the predicted events in the Bible to no avail. Should we just forever for these to happen, and hope for the best? I apologize, but I don't think this is an accurate claim of yours.

2 points

You cannot provide any scientific evidence whatsoever for your beliefs. You have been on here just spewing out what you think, despite no proof whatsoever to your claims. You are one of the many people who cannot accept the truth, and instead, you dwell in your outdated thoughts. There is no God, there is no Jesus. There is no Allah, there is no Muhammed. People need to wake up and abandon this outdated, inaccurate bullshit so we can move on from this. I hope you never have kids so they don't have to grow up believing these lies you have been fed to believe.

1 point

Wrong. Judaism was around easily 1300 years before Christianity was even formed. I don't think your claims are right, since countless religions have existed before Christianity, including, but not limited, to: Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Epicureanism, Jainism, Stoicism, Taoism, Hinduism and the other pagan religions. Many stories from the Bible are lifted from other books, notably the Epic of Gilgamesh (ripped off by Noah's Ark), Horus' birth from the Egyptian religion (ripped off by Jesus' birth), the Egyptian Book of the Dead (ripped off by the Ten Commandments), the Assyrian King Sargon's birth (ripped off by Moses' birth), and even Joseph from the Old Testament (ripped off by Jesus). Oh, and learn to spell "researchers".

3 points

It's a fictional book designed to brainwash people into following and giving money to a certain organization. The Bible has limited truth, if that, and shouldn't even exist. The fact that it still exists in modern society is just a sign of how idiotic people can be.

1 point

It would contradict his omnipotence because he is not able to create a rock so big he cannot lift it, just like you cannot create a worthwhile defense against this.

1 point

Christianity is not a religion its a relationship with Jesus Christ

You've got to be kidding me. How dumb are you people? You just blatantly believe in blind faith without even questioning it!

Christians don't use scare tactics to convert people they tell them about Jesus and how He loves and saves people from whatever sin they committed.

My ass they don't. "Believe in this or you will rot in hell for an eternity"? "You're going to hell because you don't follow God's way"? Christians EVERYWHERE use scare tactics to have people join them, and apparently it worked on you as well.

1 point

Yes, there is a reason; the big bang and evolution.

You can't just assume that everything is proof of the existence of God, when in reality it is not. I would like some actual evidence before you jump to conclusions.

2 points

God is all powerful because....he is the creator...

Pics or it didn't happen.

I'd like some evidence of this, please.

1 point

Pictures or it didn't happen ;)

Where's your proof? Do you have any? Let's hear it. If not, then you cannot back this up and therefor your statement is wrong.

1 point

If you believe in the bullshit the bible says, and that being gay is wrong, then I think someone better put YOU in a mental hospital. Hypocrite.

1 point

"John 1:3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made"

If you're going to resort to having your fictional book back you up, then I will use a quote from your fictional book to debunk your claim.

0 points

Homosexuality is NOT wrong in any way. How is it wrong to like someone of the same gender, because your book says it's not right? Yeah, well the bible also says it's okay to sell your children and that it's okay to have slaves. Is that okay? So, in this case, it's okay to sell your children and own as many slaves as you want, but being gay is bad? What about the priests who have been caught molesting young boys, that sounds like a homosexual act to me. Stop being such a hypocritical bastard, let people be the way they want to be, not by what your book says.

2 points

We all love an animal that can rip your flesh off and can cost your hundreds in the case of lawsuit, right?

1 point

You've probably never had an education judging from your horrible punctuation. A cat is a loving, faithful friend that will be with you until the day you die. Cats love to sleep with you if they are indoor cats, an example of their kindness. Dogs like to go for walks, but not all people do! If it's -24 C outside, it's a snowstorm and Rover's scratching the door, you have to go out there whether you like it or not. What if the dog is picky and takes close to half an hour to find a spot? Nobody likes that. Oh, and guess what? Cats love to play and have fun too! Cats fetch, cats play with flashlights, cats play with little items, cats run around, the list goes on. Something tells me you've never had a cat in your life judging from your comment, as you know as much about cats as you do meteorology.

1 point

Dogs break furniture more often than a cat will scratch furniture. Yes, cats will scratch furniture, but if it does that you can get it declawed or keep it out of the room the furniture is in. With the door bell ringing, Sparky the Labrador races down the hallways, knocks over a vase, and assaults the visitor with a mouthful of "Woof!" You cannot do anything about the dog knocking something over, and unlike cats' scratching furniture, it cannot be dealt with.

1 point

Cats are a much better pet than dogs. They are loving, affectionate, and good around the elderly. While a dog may bark and growl at visitors, cats will always either hide or brush against them, as a sign of friendship. Cats also don't smell bad while a dog can be pretty putrid to smell, especially after a swim. Cats make great indoor and outdoors pets, and better at dogs at being either.

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