
WeeklyManner's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WeeklyManner's arguments, looking across every debate.

The reason of this being illegal is because it is the encouragement of death to one another and will probably be the law of "attempted murder" due to forcing a person to die by their will.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

Not to be rude, but where does SlapShot say that? I don't know where it says; is it on another debate?

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

No, confusing is serious, but true is confusing and non-sense and serious could be non-sense and life exist but nothing and anything is everything but nothing is serious and it's true but true is confusing and non-sense and serious could be non-sense and life exist but nothing and anything is everything but nothing is serious but true is confusing and non-sense and serious could be non-sense and life exist but nothing and anything is everything but nothing is serious but true is confusing and non-sense and serious could be non-sense and life exist but nothing and anything is everything but nothing is serious. What I'm saying is that there is loopholes to life.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

By win I mean that none of you will not get the right point when one of you will interrupt each other's comment.

But who would set foot on it? And as soon as we set foot on it, it may be habitable 50 years after the footprint! Habitable aside, I think who should set foot on Mars is Morgan Freeman. If he dies, Peter Capaldi. If he dies, screw it. Just choose a famous person in 2043.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
0 points

You both almost have the same bulls--t level, but Instig8or has more while you catch up, so that's why I down-voted.

I don't think Instig8or is a virgin, but his lies aren't ever going to work against anyone! Instig8or will not win, and so can you, Hellno.

Jeez, I am NOT atrag! I am telling him atrag about that because this is the most stupidest reasons. And I am really 10, so don't think of bringing up this bulls--t about both of us! Nobody uses alts on here except that one gay guy.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

I'm saying everything is real, but anything is not real because nothing is real but real in anything and everything but also real when it's nothing at every event of anything happening. Confusing, but it could be true.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
2 points

It means they would hide the cameras in the most dumbest places on the body that is possible. If it doesn't mean that, Hellno could try and tell you.

It's fine where you are going because some people would usually force people not to say something that will be "racist" or "offensive."

Car crash is probably winning because they might be involved and be the one who will be involved if you done the crash. This also works for the terrorist attack.

The meaning of life is probably meaning. "meaning what" Just meaning in general. That means you would have to just know something when it will soon become nothing by something.

"stress reliever." I don't know how that works but it shouldn't be banned unless it gets used too much like you see a fire near your house: smoke. Stress relieving would might make you lose stress, but carry too much on you at sudden times.

Famous people aside everyone, I say that this idiot on CreateDebate would provide the same proof over and over on his debate. His name is called vegan. Just straight up vegan, and that's not a creative name. His first debate was stupid as if he was providing the same proof that only supports 4 things. Might as well think he is more dumb than his common sense.

First of all, you only said America, but not every other state. But if you meant the whole world, then this is wrong. You can't blame Jesus for every little or big thing that happens. Like terrorist attacks; he didn't set those up, his creation of people did.

-----I added a space here so you can see that if you are going to dispute or support, don't use the Bible as evidence in here as if I am talking about common sense.-----

But there would only be one thing we would stop fighting about: which religion is correct telling the story. This is a common issue for what really happens in Jesus's time and what is said in the story is not correct. Sometimes some people would change parts of it to prove themselves about "what really happened."

Animals AND vegetables can harm the environment still. And of course animals will get harmed, but I don't imagine them getting harmed "all the way" dead. Despite the fact you can't eat some of the same foods over and over and over, so let me bring this up again: omnivores.

Yet we need to resort to anything to eat for a food supply for the earth. If we use vegetables, we would have too much ground about the plants. This also goes for animals, if we let them repopulate themselves fast, they will go everywhere and take too much ground, too. And vegan food does taste fine for CERTAIN people. This goes for meat too. So if you want to remove some of the food supply for the earth, then might as well take up more ground. And if you mean minorities as young animals getting killed, it only happens if it's a needed situation on low food supply. So do you want ground often being used as food or perhaps be an omnivore like everyone else would be if they needed to be.

I don't think this is necessary because you would cut off half of the work for farmers who help the animals and kill them for food. We need the non-vegan foods to have other extra food to a food supply otherwise we would spend the whole entire time eating foods that either are not sweet, no taste, not sour, or not salty. (depends on how you modified the food)

While the vegan foods may be healthy, we would only have those type of vegetables and that's all. Meat and vegetables comes in a different way of being modified as a mix with meats while vegetables will not mix with each other and often just be separated

Same thing that happen to me! I punched 3 people in the face and they are friends. I made them best friends by chasing them 3 miles with a rusty snow shovel! And yet my age is 10...

This is what happens;


That is the real answer on why both equals 4.

There is problems in the world, but it doesn't mean ALL will fail and collapse! "So if there is global warming, does it mean life is gonna warm up the earth so much that we will be sun miniture?" is what some idiots will say about problems on earth. There may be some bad things that go and gone, but nothing stays permanent and never goes away on earth! Global warming isn't going to last forever, yet it's lasting for a very long time! Also the resources of the earth; stop using something over and over and just use a new type of resource that is always right in front of you when you get something under earth: STONE.

Guy, girl, thing, I don't care what you talk about and what matters about if what he is. All I care about is what he does and doesn't effect many people. Despite the fact protesters who is part of Annoymous went down a street and forced people to donate to a homeless man

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

And yet you still didn't decide to realize there were quotations in between "caring about points."

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

(he's talking about you: a person who "cares about points.")

He was talking about how instig8or was a point farmer while you are a legit debator. Farming and decent explaining is not hard to see which is better.

Edit: Why am I taking this joke seriously?

However, he is not a bad guy because he may invade privacy, but doesn't tamper with it enough to effect everyone, instig8or.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

No, I said that you will need to talk about things to get to peace, however if a debate lasts long or is being too aggressive, it will be a war.

instig8or, this isn't true at all. Hellno wouldn't impersonate people, as if he already has this only account. Saying I am someone else too won't prove enough things that I am someone and so is saying someone else is this other person.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

Actually, I only hit you with a sock full of pennies but now it's pillows since that was the mistake I did back then. And yes, DDO does suck. It would repeat some debates too many times and the character limits and only yes or no questions on their debates. (p.s; sorry what I did back then.)

Used to be a debater on, since all I see was gaming gaming gaming and useless questions that will never get too famous for the amounts of useless questions they supply, so that's why I moved here! Also in real life, I am the best person to lose to on debates since I keep tossing them facts and jokes to their face. Like the vanilla and chocolate post I made a couple minutes ago before this post. And yet here I am here, being part of teenagers and a few fake-age people and a only adult as a debate website. Welcome to CreateDebate...

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

Be it or eat it? I wouldn't be chocolate or/and vanilla because I would get eaten. Should've said eaten.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

And yet Strawberry is in 3rd place... wow. Actually, if you think about it, it makes sense. Strawberry (covered in chocolate) aside, chocolate may be the best, but both vanilla and chocolate is running out of their own supply. Cocoa and full cow gutt- utters I meant is running out mostly for root beer, bars of itself, and ice cream, of course, might be the reason.

Yes, it shouldn't be illegal. Although child abuse is a law, spanking children depends on the way that they are being harmed. If a weapon is involved, it will be illegal. If it is bare hands and it is from out of nowhere without the child even knowing what they did wrong can also be illegal. So while it might be illegal, it just depends on how harmed the children was.

To make it short: It depends on how they were harmed that make it more illegal.

I choose choice. Heads, tails, or choice? Difficult tails to choose... Impossible coins aside, I can't find any nice things about both places since they have a good amount of criminal activity while America is a rebellion to ourselves; the government.

I would actually kill for GOOD reasons, too. Some reasons may be dumb, but I'll just take the kill for those people as repeatedly beating them up. And I do see death as a different way instead of sleeping. I take it as one of my biggest punishments to anyone. Some of the people I know should be killed: a child DRUG DEALER, a slow-running person destroying fragile decorations on holidays, people who use graffiti in my park for only ages 5-13 at the park, people spraying a flammable object everywhere at the park and lighting it on fire, cop killers near my area, abusive dads and moms, trespassers, pranks that were too physically harmed to others, people who would shoot guns in the middle of the night, and archenemies that take things too far. Yeah, these people should be killed because they are making an impact on the public causing harm to many people. Heck, I should also be killed because I'm chasing teenagers out the park with my rusty snow shovel and almost hitting them, even if they do nothing wrong. I have a very strict thing for age limits... except for myself... you see I MADE THIS ACCOUNT.

What the parents are basically saying that any newborn should die. They should be respected because they are people of the future. Imagine giving a baby away to another uneducated person and the baby would have made the new type of transportation called the hoverboard. Now imagine KEEPING the damn baby and will make the hoverboard immediately.

Too many to count to kill to kill more. Check my profile age and prepared to be shocked. I would kill people who would interact with me too much, a person breaking the rules and quotes "innocent," people who would hurt me, and others!

Now where did I place my winter shovel again?

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

Hmmm... hard choice. One place is not trusted, another aimed for terrorists, and another one that will probably too protected. TOO PROTECTED.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

I'm not an alt person; I just got here and in 2 days, it's chaos. And yes, VB is trying to get points. While I am under 16, I'm just here to see the most stupidest answers and disprove them and try to disprove people who are right. So disproving people who calls themselves "smart."

The media is not racist, it's just that the place is not that famous and won't be seen often bad happening to them. Africa is not being talked about except for... those people "asking for donations to Africa"... and how the droughts is the only thing they usually talk about on Africa. I'll try and see what the Middle East has in the edit to see if they have anything shocking...

Edit: The Middle East looks like they suffer a good amount of criminal activity and police aren't that well to stop it... at all.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

This is getting off topic of the debate, so I'm just gonna end it here. Not that I'm trying to avoid this, I want to stay on topic and not fight over a famous person while the guy never will talk about the farmer.

It's ok, but sometimes you don't even know some people are gay, such as ASAPScience on Youtube! It'll only make you uncomfortable if they interact with each other way too much, making it awkward for some people.

Probably not possible. We just started supporting Paris even more when the attack just started. Take it as Facebook, cares about it so changes their filter, yet not a big help dressing in their clothes. I still wonder if ISIS was actually responsible... I haven't heard any terrorist attacks that they declared. We still need proof ISIS did it, besides a ISIS person there. He might have been there, but didn't start his OWN attack YET. So it might not be ISIS.

WeeklyManner(132) Clarified
1 point

Talking to himself? Dude, we don't even use the exact same grammar and I do mean I'm 10. If you believe this, it's dumb. Atrag isn't me or anyone else.

I seen you guys fight over and over and the only thing you called instig8or is VB. Both of you have issues; point farmer and bad joker.

They would want to look like they are smart like they did good when really all they wrote down was "potato potatoe" 4534 times. I know I'm smart, but I don't represent that I am smarter than anyone dissing on people. Others do diss on how wrong they are.

Yes, you should stay away from some CD users that try to try and get attention, such as instig8or. A point farmer which tries and get attention. I actually made up my mind about him, thinking he was this good guy with attitude. Then I realized he just a man who would farm for points, trying to "fertilize the plants to make it bigger and get a bigger benefit to him rather than the plants." He would get points to try and get on the leaderboard.

Another user to stay away from is people who would prove points, but shame at the same time. Such as when I first visit this website, someone was talking about cheating on a test is fine unless it's your friend and only for FAT people. Those people should be alerted that it offended people and should be removed.

I hate to say it, but you should avoid people who are too nice and explain things too much, such as ME! I explain things too much, wasting my time typing long sentences just to prove an easy answer and nice people who does things like "john:you suck ||| peaceguy:you are a perfect person! ||| silence for a while"

Those type of people will make things awkward. Even though this never happened, it will happen sooner or later.

To make it short; Stay away from people seeking for attention and people who explain points in a rude way.

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