
Brontoraptor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Brontoraptor's arguments, looking across every debate.

If the enemy of my enemy LIKES me, am I obligated to LIKE him back or HATE him?

Oh, and seeing Nom is your enemy, I suppose you are obligated to like me for being his enemy due to his hating Jews and using the propaganda word Zionist like Hitler

The characterization of God as all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good

So show us the Bible using these 3 terms.

However ……… reality reigns. WE must fight the realities …. the drugs, the racism, the greed

The antisemitic, anti capitalist strain consuming the Democrat Party...

WE .. would like to get back to working those things out, but, we have to save our democracy (from Trump) FIRST!! (He'll make you wish you'd been born white)!

Riiiight. He's going to send his new first black, female general to get me for skin tone.

Dakota Pipeline: Protesters Soaked With Water in Freezing Temperatures

Nothing, except allow drilling on their lands, polluting the water on their lands, killing the animals on their lands, you know, "how it's always been"!?

During Obama's Presidency, they tried to stop it. Obama turned the fire hoses on them and libs said nothing.

By the way, civil rights Democrats were working on Native American problems before then also.

Democrats mass genocided Natives, marched them into no man's land, all after raping their women and murdering their children.

What'cha think Trump will do for the "red man"?? Hmmmm?? (

Jobs, 401ks through the roof, tax cuts, unemployment down

Nom is the enemy of your enemy. He uses Hitlerian, antisemitic rhetoric towards you on a daily basis.

I can't support those who hate me because I actually like and respect myself. Leftists can support anyone, of any kind, even if that person is Nazi-like if it can somehow be rationalized to be libby in nature.

evidence suggests fluctuations in solar activity can affect climate on Earth

Better ignore that little fact completely, eh nom?

The article you linked is from March 12th, 2007. It's literally twelve years old.


Okay Al. I'll bite. If we got rid of all emissions, and the temperature climbs, what's your plan?

You're not a Native

Sure I am. I'm literally from Tahlequah, Oklahoma where pretty much everyone is Native.

You on the other hand are a white privileged, jealous, failure.

Which Is Better? Crack Cocaine

Jesus. Cocaine will give you withdrawals and addiction.

Struggling to distinguish an immigration debate from your role model, eh Nom?

You're essentially the human personification of Satan

Riiiiight. The characteristics given to Satan in the Bible, and the things warned about in the Bible look like the Democratic Party.

You sit on the internet viciously attacking anybody

Just you.

and everybody who dares put you right.

I'm already right.

Religion is yet another tool you use to galvanise people into hatred and wickedness

You literally worship a man who created an ideology that makes the state your lord and master, and which condones violence and censorship to defend the ideology. And then you turn around and defend Islam.


If you hate Jews, yes, you are a Nazi by definition. Of course you say Zionist repeatedly like a Hitlerian psychopath, which is your tell.

Is salvation, the free gift, Christians can't lose?

Yes. I would reference:

The parable of the tares because it emphaszes that God put wheat in a field, Satan tried to put tares in with it, God let both grow together, and the wheat was still wheat at the end of the parable.

And Jeremiah 1:5 which emphasizes that God knew you and set you apart before you ever lived this life.

If we have to go through 5 more years of this CRAP

Try dealing with rabid antisemites who call you Hitler, anti Americans, race baitors, Alinskyites and Communists from the other side for 48 years.

I wouldn't ……… she won't either. She doesn't like the fact that this country is GOING to CRAP!

She was trashing America before Trump. Maybe she didn't like Obama...

Or reality. She hates America.

Trump to send Rand Paul, to Iran to reduce tensions. Your thoughts?

I'm not a giant Rand Paul fan, but not a complete hater either. He appears diplomatic, but I'm more convinced that your enemy being afraid of you tends to work best. Perhaps he'll play good cop.

Then isn't it incredibly strange how criticising the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli state

Isn't it interesting how you aren't interested in far worse violations, by your own standards, in other countries, thus proving you are anti Jew?

If Palestinians Are Semites And Most Israelis Are Not Semites

Okay, then you're a Jew hater. Feel better?

Then isn't it incredibly strange how criticising the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli state earns one the label of anti-Semite?

So you're Hitlerian. Want a medal?

Democrats’ Impeachment vote goes "Down In Flames" LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

We're paying these clowns $200,000 a year to vote on what they think of Trump's tweets...

I dunno which leftists you're talking about

Not familiar with the "facebook jail", they put conservatives into, eh con?

This is a House who literally voted to condemn Trump. Pointless? Yes. Oooh...a mass condemnation. Now what? Healthcare? Bzzzzzt... negative...

It's amazing really. The Democrats get the House. Do they get you healthcare? Nope. Do they get you financial aid? Nope. They get paid $200,000 a year to trash Trump who doesn't care what they think. That's alot of money to get paid to do nothing all day...

I dunno if you've paid attention to the ongoing discussion here on these boards between REAL socialists, and you know who they are, and REAL capitalists like Ameral and myself

Yes. There are reds, then there are normal, sane liberals.

I'm with Trump on the matter.. The US will NEVER be a socialist country.. That ISN'T because socialism is bad. It isn't.. All that sharing and shit.. Who wouldn't like that??

It's the candy trick. Don't you want the candy? It sure tastes good. Then you reach for it and the guy guts you with a knife and laughs in your face.

You have to make shit up. We don't. Your tribe is spewing antisemitism like Nazi Germany while the media and the Democratic Party pass out medals.

It's a shame, really, to see the current occupier of the White House get away, daily, with what would have led to another crucifixion had a Democrat done/said it.

Bwahahaha! A democrat can call half the country deplorable and the media stick its lips firmly to their ass.

that millions can't afford housing, can't afford health care or medicine!? Can't afford college!? Can't afford marriage or children, even.

In other words, how it's always been.

Has anyone noticed how our R-E-S-P-E-C-T is TANKING!?

Yes. The squeaky wheel we call the Democrats, are hard to miss.

When you learn what democracy IS, you can come back.

I thought you already knew Con. My people were here first. Your people stole the land, then told us how shitty it was here. So why don't you thieves just go to this better place you keep pretending exists instead of trashing this one? I support the socialist program called "Plane tickets for all". I hope you like your food halal.

DUDE!!! If I MISUNDERSTOOD the Constitution as much as you do, I'd go back to the banana republic I came from...

You do live in a banana republic. You didn't notice your opposition was being spied on, censored, targeted by the IRS, and run out of restaurants?

Second things is, if a right winger simply doesn't LIKE the subject matter of a protest, he doesn't think the protester has a RIGHT to protest..

I think they have the right to protest. I also think I have the right to point out their fakeness.

The 1st Amendment does NOT have an expiration date..

Cool. Care to answer the debate question?

Antifa is your worst nightmare come true

They are more like a circus that never leaves the safety of its home town.

Oh, Wikipedia is "Hitlerian"?

Sorry Nom. Soros isn't a source. As much as leftists love citogenesis, it won't work here.

Iran hints at possible talks. Will Trump avoid war?

Iran will choose whether there's a war or not, and it simply depends. If the mullahs actually believe the Islamic Nazi shit they say, they might have a death wish. If they don't believe it, they'll choose not to be destroyed.

This Nom Chomsky guy is a Hitlerian Jew hater. Anyone else notice?

He agrees with Hitler on everything, but accuses people who agree with Hitler on nothing of being Hitler. Why? Well, he's a dumbass.

Dick Cheney literally has more credibility than you do.

Dick Cheney has an appropriate first name, and I trashed his administration. What nom? Didn't fit your bullshit narrative?

You see whatever helps you push your vile

Interesting. Define what "vile" means to a Nihilist.

You also believe "Joseph Goebbels was an open Marxist".

Cool buddy. I've given you the quote of him comparing Hitler to Lenin and Nazism to Communism. You never address it.

Why is everything you ever write the precise opposite of the truth?

Haven't heard much from ISIS since Trump took over, eh Nom?

And you're accusing Democrats of denying biology?

I believe in evolution, and still see Democrats denying biology. What happens now nom? Throw us some red meat.

Oh, cutting taxes "literally" increases tax revenue?

Yes. This probably explains why I'm well off, and you await the government to give you some scraps. I understand economics. You don't understand basic adulthood, much less economics.

You probably aren't smart enough to understand it, but here's an article explaining it for you anyway. we-wait-long-enough/amp/

can't afford health care or medicine!?

Democrats in Congress are literally taking lobby money from big pharma.

Can't afford college!?

Liberals literally run these expensive colleges. Liberal politicians literally take salaries from these colleges for half a million dollars.


Yes, with a huge infusion of OUR money given to the investors through a tax cut that WE have to make up

The tax cuts have literally provided more tax revenue through taxes paid on more money being made, more people with jobs, and more things being built and bought.


A bunch of ordinary people

Hispanic ICE officers, the other day, literally kept an ANTIFA member from bombing a facility full of migrants the other day. You are correct to see this as obvious terrorism.

ANTIFA is a terrorist organization

Correct. ICE Hispanic officers, the other day, literally kept an ANTIFA member from bombing a facility full of illegals the other day.

remember yesterday, when lying Zionist fool

Stealing Hitlerian terminology again, eh Nom?

Actually it's literally your own logic, and your own argument. A group is whatever is in their name...

They may throw their trash on the ground..


They may even HATE homosexuals..


But, they believe in PUNCHING Nazis..

They literally are openly antisemitic and don't allow minorities in their group, which makes them exactly who you claim to hate.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...

In this case, we have Communists attacking a group literally run by Jason Kessler, who was an Obama supporter in 2016...

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? brawl-11224727.php

The thing I like about ANTIFA, is that they ATTACK Nazis

They attack gay, Asian journalists and the elderly, and firebomb buildings full of migrants under the banner of Communism and claim the open decleration that they want America to be destroyed.

This, from a person who wants me to believe that Nazis and Communists were great buds..

They literally invaded and took over another country together.

And Nazi, Joseph Goebells, said the following-

"Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight."

As quoted in The New York Times, November 28, 1925 (Goebbels' speech Nov. 27, 1925)

Which part of that would you like to challenge?

Do you remember when school children would fight & call each other names? HELLO?

Yes. I just watched the Democratic Party debates.

That bit of white nationalism once again UNITED the left..

Actually, Pelosi, who was distancing herself and the party from these clowns, was forced to defend people polling at 8%. It's not about convincing you or me. It's about convincing the others, and the "Squad" polls like shit.

He is worshipped and accepts it in the Bible. He alse receives his authority at the right hand of God, the same right hand sworn by and spoken of by God in the OT.

Suffering shows peoples' true colors and where their true allegiances lie.

I sure do wish cops controlled by Democrat mayors would control themselves.

when you open threads like this in which you try to con people into believing anti-Semitism is the same thing as fascism.

When you say Fascism, it's always in reference to Nazism, which was antisemitic, just like you buddy. You hate Jews just as much as Muslims hate Jews and you.

Does hatred of Muslims run in your family?

Hatred for atheists and homosexuals runs in Muslim families buddy. How long have you hated yourself so much that you defend people who hate you more than I ever will?

Let's assume your community voted to have Muslim prayers every morning.. Even if done in a respectful manner, would YOU be offended if YOUR kids were forced to stand by while MUSLIM prayers were being spoken???

Nope. If I were in a majority Muslim area, I'd respect it or move. If a Christian voted on prayer bothers you, Pakistan is right there with incoming flights. Hop on.

white supremacy in Charlottesville

The point has already been made that there are so few white supremacists in America, that not one person on the site claims to have met one, and the leftist named Jason Kessler had to pretend to be one in Charlottesville. The Charlottesville incident was literally formed by a member of Occupy Wallstreet member who voted for Obama.

You keep going back to debunked points because you're too stupid to come up with a new or true argument.

Hitler's too, if I recall correctly

Nope. Hitler's position was hate America, support Palestine, hate Jews, demonize capitalism, attack the church, and censor dissent. Your exact position point for point.

My position is pro America, pro capitalism, pro Jew, pro church. The opposite of you and your fuhrer's bastardized ideology.

On the contrary Herr Bronto, making them leave was his idea.

You forgot to mention that Trump said, "and come back after you fix those countries, and help us." Why? Because you're a lying piece of dog shit.

Oh, and you agree with Hitler every time he spoke.

while local authorities have been starved of funds and services cut, contributing to social care problems faced across the UK.

So why don't you help the poor Nom? You said you were rich. Ah, that's right. You lied about being rich to not look like a stupid failure of a human being.

white supremacy in Charlottesville

There are so little white supremacists in America that we've never met them or seen them, and a leftist named Jason Kessler had to pretend to be one.

the repeated attacks on voting rights


and free speech

Your ideology is literally banning, censoring, and using violence on anyone who dissents.

and a free press

The leftist press literally attacks all other forms of media.

Tax cuts for the rich have deprived the UK public of almost £14 billion

They worked here. Maybe the British are just a bunch of idiots

Hitler hated Jews just like the left. You forgot that part buddy. You also forgot that you threatened to do to any nonleftists, what Hitler literally did to Jews. Seeing that the people Trump attacked, openly hate Jews, that makes Trump the actual ANTIFA.

Hitler didn't let anyone leave. He mass killed them. Maybe you should come up with adult comparisons buddy. You're being an utter failure in life explains why your debates are utter failures as well.

We put no one in furnaces while the left censors speech and uses violence and mob rule, just like the Nazis.

"You can come back". Literally the opposite of Hitler. Took me 3 seconds to debunk your childlike argument. A whole 3 seconds. Isn't it magnificent that if you are a grown ass adult, you can debunk your attempts in a whole 3 seconds?

Hitler, on sending the Jews back to Palestine:-

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.."

Riiiiight. He never let them leave and come back. So it's literally...the opposite...

That bit of white nationalism once again UNITED the left..

There's nothing nationalist about noticing some antisemitic Nazis got loose in the country and are trashing Jews and America.

when he suggested that if they didn't like America, they could leave..

Pretty much the bronto position.

You keep repeating this "180 days" line because during a conversation we had after this date in which you began lying again, I made an estimate of 180 days

Which is proven to be impossible, seeing I have literally zero posts of any kind anywhere near that time period. Anyone can check out my waterfall and see that you lied.


Yes, it's okay. The left feigns concern when they hear the dog whistle. Until then they are busy.

By 1967, state investigators found that out of some 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, seven were occupied by African-American families.

Not very convincing. The racist with 7 buildings full of African Americans during a non-inclusive time in history. Gonna have to do better than that Nom.

Yes, yes. The racist who puts a black woman into a position of extreme power in the US military and a black man to head HUD. Not a very good racist.


You though, hate the Jews and use the word "Jew", meant as an insult. Isn't that sick you little Hitlerian goblin?

Mingiwuwu was severely abused by aliens

Yes. The Nom clone army probes anyone it thinks it can possibly probe.

and how humanity was cast out of Eden because of a talking snake.

Obviously a metaphor.

Satan is also referred to as a dragon, a lion, a sheep-like creature, a goat, a cherub, a father, the god of this world, etc.

And the word "Adam" literally means humankind and the Earth.

The point? If you're going to go full militant atheist, at least know what you're talking about.

It also talks about how the Earth is 6,000 years old

Cool. So give us the verse saying the Earth is 6,000 years old. I've gotta see this.

Nom declaring his evidence is in a conversation we had "180 days ago"-

Proof that we had no coversations of any kind anywhere in the vicinity of 180 days ago.

Got caught lying and making it up once again, eh nom?



I DID say that... But, it doesn't mean that I support EVERY position he ever took..

A clever attempt at sliding around the point. I will give you that. But the actual claims by you are:

1)Billy Graham was a good man.

2)Billy Graham's position here is what religious whackjobs who secretly want to rape women do.

One or the other must be untrue. Which do you pick?

I always enjoy reading fascist propaganda

Aha! See? I told you so.

Nothing you say is EVER true.

Sure they are. I even made a debate about how Noam Chomsky contradicted half of your claims. You ignored the debate all together.

The very fact you have said it at all qualifies as evidence that it is not true

You literally claimed we had a conversation 180 days ago, and I literally provided my waterfall showing I made no comments 180 days ago. You also have only been a member for 43 days.

,If he's been CONVICTED of a violent crime, and is walking our streets, and ICE KNOWS where he is, and they HAVEN'T gotten him BEFORE today, they are DERELICT in their sworn duty

That's what happens when Democrat politicians warn them about raids.

ICE says Oakland mayor's warning to illegal immigrants protected convicted criminals amp=true

Okay. Here's where you need to switch positions to stay with the hive and not get targeted and destroyed by them for dissent.

I have trouble with that term.. Under NO set of circumstances, including the most LIBERAL of policies, is a VIOLENT criminal undocumented person ALLOWED to be in the US.

No shit. That's why we are trying to get them out. Of course you welcome them in faster than we can round them up.

Honestly, just what kind of retarded fucking fascist idiot claims Hitler

We are going to need a detailed analysis of why if Hitler said 50 things, you take all of those positions, and I take the opposite position. Go ahead. Tell us why.

Honestly, just what kind of retarded fucking fascist idiot claims Hitler supported the Palestinians and then attempts to evidence it with a story about how an Indian once saluted him?

Struggling today aren't you nom?

Amin al-Husseini

Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (Arabic: محمد أمين الحسيني‎;[5] c. 1897[6][7] – 4 July 1974) was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine

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