
Feelingtruth's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Feelingtruth's arguments, looking across every debate.

Why do you take a hypothetical question so seriously?

You don't, you just learn a new perspective

feelingtruth(2774) Clarified
1 point

Yes I agree, outstanding! Let us laugh in ironic mockery

"but when you jumped in to give your own life, you messed with the way things were going."

How do you know that wasn't fate?

How can you base your argument off of fate if it is impossible to know?

Wow your words are so deep how do you do it

Everyone is crazy don't let other people try to tell you what reality is like it's all subjective to an objective experience

I would say studying religion is a very logical thing to do

Does it "Exist" Kind of, but not really. Its just a man made measuring tool. That's like saying do numbers exist? They didn't until humans made them up.

So while it does exist, its not really real

Kind of like what this company is trying to create

I have never seen a cat skeleton in a tree

UPDATE That shit was hilarious

I agree whole heartedly .

i had to think about it hahahaha

God is against the laws of physics.

Lol, god exists outside of the physical universe, so the laws of physics dont apply to it.

God doesn't need a creator, he's eternal.

It exists outside of time and space, the universe, obviously, is within the constraints of time and space.

it is more likely that a rock created the universe Then that rock is considered god.

The only reason we attribute the word "god" to a creator is because there is literally no other way to explain it, and the word is different in every language so this point is kind of invalid...

God is a broad term....

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