
Michael95113's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Michael95113's arguments, looking across every debate.
michael95113(27) Clarified
1 point

I have never said that Jesus is God or another form. Jesus is simply a creation of God. His first creation.

1) God created everything so He can do whatever He wants to every single creation. Yet, He only does so in order for us to benefit. It is a wonder why He doesn't just erase us all from existence whenever we sin. Those Egyptian infants would end up just like their parents. Pagan, sinful, and evil really.

2) God allowed them to be enslaved because most of the Israelites served other gods like the Pagan Nations. So when they realized there was no other god than God that is only when God intervened. The Israelites promised to obey God, but did not live up to it. Therefore, resulting in them being enslaved multiple times all of which God freed them from.

The Egyptians killed all the infants of the Israelites because they were afraid of an uprising. Then when God's angel killed their first born sons of the Egyptians suddenly, He's the unfair one. All the Egyptians had a hand in the mistreatment, massacre, and beating of the Israelites.

3) Crusaders are Christians who twist God's word. Fighting amongst themselves. They were the early Catholic Church.

Please do not mix up popular belief with the Bible. They are not the same.

I think if you would see that quote of air can be transferred to God's guidance.

michael95113(27) Clarified
1 point

I am sorry I looked back ay my earlier argument and I was really tired when I was writing that.

It was a serious mistake.

First of all there are no Scripture validation that this guy was the Messiah. There is however, Scripture mention of a group of people like him in Matthew 24:24 " For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

So this guy was an antichrist. He gained followers, but the true followers of Christ knew better.

Jesus however, has Scripture validation of his identity.

I am sorry, but this will be my last post about this because I realize I am way off course with the original topic.

God created everyone and everything. He does not discriminate. However, many kingdoms over the centuries. Have committed many lawless deeds. In

2 Peter 2:7-10 the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are described as "those who indulged the flesh in its corrupt desires and despised authority" so whatever the dirty mind can think of they did without fear of punishment. No local aurthority kept the people in check.

Can you imagine seeing people murdered, raped, beatened, held against their will, communicating with demons, dabbling in the occult, etc everyday done by everyone even children?

This was what it was like for Lot to witness all these atrocities and nothing he could do, but pray to God and keep his family from the sinfulness of those cities.

They even went as far as attempting to rape God's angels, "the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them." But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, and said, "Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly." Genesis 19:4-13.

So as you can tell the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are extremely wickedy. They had to be destroyed.

In Noah's time angels (before Lot) came down from Heaven. Who defies God and manifested as powerful, large being and had sex with women, and produced half breeds known as Nephilim. These half breeds are described in Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown."

So the sins of mankind increased more so becuase now you have got intelligent beings guiding you away from God even further.

So far everyone including children were not so innocent after all. Not only that, God gave them a chance at redemption. He allowed Noah (in return God will not destroy them) to find 100 - 1 people who are righteous, but Noah could not find at least one person.

The same sins also were practiced by the Egyptians. Pharoah did not want to release God's (now enslaved) chosen people. He treated them cruelly. God in return sent the plagues to convince Pharoah. The last being the slaughter of the first born sons in the land. However, the God gave the Israelites a tip to avoid the angel of death. Only the Israelites were spared of the plagues.

Many of the popular Christian teachings have been interpreted by those who have no understanding of what the Bible or God is about. Take Catholic priests. They all undergo 12+ years of education only a third of this time do they actually learn directly from the Bible. Yet, they are supposed to be experts of the Bible.

God judged people according to their deeds and only when He does do people open their eyes. It takes a miraculous act to convince people. Unbelievable! We ourselves only seem to believe what we can see.

"Air is not important unless you are not getting any."

- Unknown

I will leave this quote up here for you to make whatever you will out of it.

michael95113(27) Clarified
1 point

Jesus Christ was quoting the original law God set in order for he Israelite community to flourish, not diminish. Now keep in mind Jesus did not come to earth as a human yet therefore, the door to everlasting life for humans was closed. No human was forgiven from God before Jesus' time. Most of the population of the Earth were very wicked. They worshipped idols, communicated with demons, murdered, and many other atrocities.

The law that stated those who dishonor their parents must die. This was a must because children of pagans would insult their parents.

Now of course the Israelites did not want to put their own flesh and blood to death. So they made God's teachings of life priority.As a result no one of God's chosen people ever disobeyed the law during the life of a prophet.

The law was given during Moses' time.

Now back to Jesus' time. The priests in the previous verses were accusing Jesus and his apostles of sinning by not washing (as a ceremonial act) before eating.

Jesus in turn rebuked the priests by saying they corrupt the laws of God for their own benefit. The priests changed the original law. So whenever a child dishonors their parents they are to make a donation to the church and seeminly pray long, unnecessary, vain prayers.

Well clearly, you do not understand what I have written or typed very well.

Your argument is invalid.

Which no doubt failed. Only after when the revolt fails that is when people realized that Simon Bar Kokba was a liar.

You know it is amazing how atheists claim they are more rational. Yet, they are not rational enough to study the very thing they are against. The Bible is the only means to study God. Yet skeptics dismiss this wonderful collection of books. For what? For fear to be proven wrong? Fear to find out what they have been denying so long is real? Also theists, most theists don't even understand the Bible at all. We need to learn to listen to eachother and help eachother out. Truth is theists and atheists are bias and narrow minded. Only when you have enough knowledge of what you are both against and for will you be able to find the truth.

Don't dismiss what I am saying so quickly. Many of you will, but doing so will just make you realize you are too narrow minded to even think of the possibility that you are wrong.

I am sure Jonah could have survived in a whale or great fish.

The Scriptures say that God has prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. Now I am assuming God had created a supernautral large fish to swallow Jonah whole. Also whales and whale sharks have been discovered to have whole animals in their bellies. And since the digestion of whales or other large sea animals' digestion process does not begin if the prey is still alive. I would say it is true. Also when a whale swallows it has quite a lot of air to sustain Jonah for three days.

More likely, that it was a different species than of the whale.

Surely if that happened it is not by the work of God.

I hope you know that, but clearly you dont.

You are dishonoring the very Being you want to please.

Of course everyone would. Some of which because they are true followers of God. Most because they are cowards and want what others foughts so hard against everyone who disbelieved them.

God has a plan for everyone but he does not predestine someone's life. People need to stop thinking that whatever they do it is in God's will. No. That is a lie spread by people who are wicked to dishonor God.

His plan is to restore the world and everyone and everything to its perfect status. As a result we would all be happy.

Anyone who thinks life is better witnout God are truly mislead.

God can raise the dead, cure disease, defeat death, and make us happy.

He can protect us from anything harmful.

Imagine living in a world where there is no suffering, plenty food, mild comfortable weather, and no death.

No wars, fights, or violence. God can give us everything good.

However, many people who are blinded by Satan seem to spread lies about God. (contents of a different debate)

If life is better without God then this is all we get right here, right now.

Truth is all of us want to live peacefully and is God to blame for all the wrong in this world. No! We are to blame. We make war with one another. We do evil acts to eachother. How is life better without God?

If you study the Bible a bit more Jesus was not calling for the stoning of children.

Jesus was exposing the priests' hyprocrisy.

ot requesting an execution.

Jesus was quoting the original law of the Israelites. This law also does not literally mean the execution of children it teaches that if a child insults their parents a strict punishment must be given to them.

The priests deviled this law by changing it to add wiggle room. So instead of children learning from their evil acts the parents were to just let them go.

Jesus and God are never for pro death. This was not God's original plan.

Jesus made a lot of enemies many of which are high up the ranks of authority. He exposed them for who they truly are. As a result he was executed.

Why would he do that if he wasn't telling the truth. I am sure you wouldn't do it because you do not have any proof or divine authority. Am I right?

"Hell" is a term used to describe the figurative common grave for all mankind.

The idea of God to (God is the father Jesus is the son) torment disobedient humans is a false truth that has been taught by most Christians who have very little biblical understanding. Also they were under the influence of Satan.

This Scripture you are referring to if you study the rest of the Bible more. Jesus is saying that if you put anyone else before God or give worship that rightfully belongs to God you are not worthy of a place in paradise.

Yes we all love our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers a lot, but you should never place them above God.

If you do however, decide to follow God you will see that nothing that God requires you to do is painful.

So it is a win win situation for us. Not so much for God because as you can see you have fallen for a lie.

God is actually loving and caring more so than anyone can imagine.

Jesus Christ is the best role model because he imitated his Father so perfectly.

Jesus was never greedy. Isn't that what we tell our children to never be?

Jesus spoke the truth. Isn't that what we tell our children to do?

Jesus respected and loved his earthly parents. Isn't that what we want from our children?

Jesus loved and was kind to everyone. Isn't that the kind of people we want our children to be?

Jesus never caused pain or suffering. Isn't that what we want our children to do?

Jesus always gave. isn't that what we want our children to do?

Jesus was described as poor, and uneducated.

Yet he understood the Scriptures better than the High Priests and gained large numbers of followers whom he fed and took care of.

He wasn't crucified for nothing. The authority of those days felt threatened of Jesus becuase he exposes the hyprocrisy and evil within them.

3 points

The Bible is a book from God and therefore, is 110 percent accurate of its content.

This is why.

The Bible is a book or a collection of books really that had 40 different writers with different backgrounds living in different times and in many different locations. The earliest writings of the Bible is around 3500 years ago. Although, the writers and the times change one thing that remains consistent is they all claim to have been inspired by God in their works.

In Job 26:7 The earth is decribed as hanging on nothing.

Today it is common knowledge that the earth does indeed hang on nothing, but is being manipulated by the gravity pull of the sun. In those days, mankind did not have the technology to discover this fact.

So how did Job know this when no one else knew? Tell me.

Furthermore, in Isaiah 40:22 the earth is described as a circle. Now hang on! Wasn't Christophor Columbus the one that discovered this scientific fact?

Well sorry to burst you bubble, but Isaiah seems to have won the race thousands of years before Chris C.

Concerning the scientific facts above the Bible seemed to be 100% accurate.

Many prophecies have been foretold by the Bible and all of which have been fulfilled and recorded in the Bible. Now I could post it here but you can just Google it.

The Bible also offers perfect advice for difficulties in life. Now I am sure if you study the Bible more you will see why.

The Bible also never will contradict itself just like God. If you do find something that seems to contradict in the Bible. I am sure if you study it you will find out that they don't.

People who claim that the Bible is false or who do not answer this question with Scripture proof are people who never read or who do not understand the Bible. Yet, they act as if they are experts of the Bible.

Why would God hate his creation. He doesn't hate the world, but what the world has come to.

I'm sorry but I just had to say that what you are doing is not honoring God. Just because you believe in God doesn't mean you are of God. Jesus said, "Not all those saying, "Lord! Lord!" will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

You may think you are on God's side but your comment has nothing but Satan in it.

Atheism is the disbelief of a god. Therefore, spiritually they believe in nothing.

Theism is the belief in a Supreme Being or Beings.

These words are used to describe a general group.

I'm sure that not all atheists or theists have been accounted for when posting the results stated in this topic.

Albert Einstein was a theist.

Everyone has more knowledge than the next. It might not be in the same thing, but one person is smarter than the other.

Like let's say a man has more knowledge in cars than his wife does that mean that he is smarter than is wife? Absolutely not.

I realize that this topis has not been given enough thought. In order to answer this question we will have to go to Genesis. In the book of Genesis God is creating the heavens and the earth and the sea. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

When God created Adam and Eve the first human beings he gave them this commandment,

"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.”

So God put mankind into a peaceful, beautiful paradise known as the Garden of Eden gave them rule over every other living thing on the earth, and delicious fruits to eat. This is what God originally planned for mankind. What dirty work did God make Adam and Eve do? As far as I can tell God did all the work.

The verse that is on topic is God giving the Israelites guidance to ensure their survival. Because the surrounding nations were both pagans and much, much more powerful than the Israelites God realized the importance.

Jesus is not God in the flesh. In Matthew 24:36 Jesus clearly states that he is not equal to God. "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the Son, but the Father only."

We know that Jesus taught he is the Son of God not God himself.

Many people believe that God is a Trinity, but that teaching is rooted in Pagan worship from Babylon. Therefore, it is not of the Bible. So clearly, that teaching has to be dismissed.

Also in Matthew 26:39 Jesus is praying to God. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as Thou will."

If God is Jesus in the flesh then that means physically God the Supreme Being will have had to come down to Earth, leaving Heaven but Jesus is clearly calling upon his Father. How can Jesus be praying to his God if God is Jesus?

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