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outlaw60(15368) pic


ISIS has taken responsibility for the horrifying attacks in Paris that have left more than 150 dead and hundreds wounded. French President Francois Hollande is calling for the closure of his country’s borders. President Barack Obama didn’t condemn Islamic radicals for the attacks, but he did call them “an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians” and “an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share.”

Is Climate Change a greater threat than Terrorism ?

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Is it really necessary to say something dumber than this? Something dumber to say is; "everytime light and dark hit a point on earth, we should rocket earth to move away from the sun to change temperatures!" There might be something happening about more kills on terrorism than climate, because I haven't heard anything happening about dying from heat for a very long peridically time. (yes, i made that joke)

1 point

The fact that climate change poses an imminent threat to end all life on earth if we don't control it is why it's a greater threat than terrorism.

daver(1771) Disputed
3 points

Climate change is renamed "global warming", because somehow that didn't work out. Which cities have been flooded? Which farmers have been effected? Which rivers have dried up? Which coastline has moved inland? Which deserts have significantly expanded? Which of the countless dire predictions have come into reality? What hard evidence exists that we can cause the climate to remain unchanged?

arteaga34(130) Disputed
0 points

How about the biggest drought in California history? Or the hurricane that hit Mexico being the biggest one in history as well? If you would take the time to look some up, you would find plenty, I assure you.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So you say climate change is more of a imminent threat than terrorism ? So what might the people of Paris,France have to say about that ?

arteaga34(130) Disputed
0 points

A more imminent threat than terrorism, "if we don't control it", yes. The people of France are probably still so shaken by what has happened, they wouldn't think clearly about the question itself and would probably not hesitate to say terrorism is more of a threat. this is why it's important to be subjective and look at things from a rational standpoint especially when dealing with questions that could have an impact on the entire world population.

If we had a bad war and reduced the population - it would actually be good for the future of earth. It's not how much co2 u emit so much as how many are doing it (6 billion+). So terrorism could induce this war and be good for earth

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So i see you support terrorism ? What a wild claim to make !

medicfrogs(30) Disputed
1 point

This is the most ridiculous argument ever, and if you truly support it slavedevice, then I invite you to lead by example and offer your life and the lives of those you love to the terrorists in the name of preserving our future against global warming.

1 point

Climate change could potentially cause significantly more deaths and destruction than WW1 and WW2 combined. International terrorism can be confronted and eventually defeated, ( depending on the will and political courage of the world's leaders) but what course of action can be taken to stop, or reverse the deadly march of climate change. Due to most industrial nations opting for short term gain cutting back sufficiently on CO 2 gases seems an impossible task. Rising sea levels, unprecedented torrential rain with the ensuing floods causing 1000s of deaths, total crop failures, and the growing threat that cities such as New York and London being made uninhabitable by floods. President Obama has only reiterated what climatologists and meteorological scientists have been explaining for many years. The indisputable evidence is there and has been in the public domain for decades but as usual there will always be those who prefer to put a bucket over head and scoff at such notions. Such scoffing is akin to ''whistling a happy tune so no one will know I'm afraid''.

1 point

Well, Obama is a true believer in the perils of man made global warming, thus he believes that if it is left unchecked that in the long run it would kill far more than terror has. If the ice caps continue to melt as they have the coastline floods would kill tens of thousands. Maybe more.

Also, Obama has done plenty about ISIS. Fer chrissakes, we are bombing them as we speak and have been for a couple months. We got those rag-heads on the run/ What more do you want?

Here, do a little reading.........

Hope this helps.

medicfrogs(30) Disputed
2 points

The link you provided is just a report of the President's opinions. It literally states no statistical facts. The president's exact words were "I don't think ISIS is gaining strength."

The genesis of the argument revolves around the legitimacy of something that President Obama stated, and you present an argument and supported that argument with... something else that President Obama stated.

Regardless of what any politician would have you believe, shouldn't the high loss of innocent Russian and French lives in the recent weeks be testament alone of the fact that we are not doing enough when it comes to ISIS?

0 points

It is.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Show me how you might explain that ! I do await an intelligent response !

0 points

We all doubt that.

0 points

Climate change is a much greater threat than terror - we are fast approaching (and arguably past) the point of no return when it comes to global warming. Yes, the Paris attacks were a tragedy, but not one that has any comparison to global warming, or traffic fatalities, or fires, or disease, or domestic abuse, or murder, hell even the weather. All of those listed are far greater threats to lives than terrorism, and every single one is receiving ridiculously less effort than terrorism to stop, prevent, or aid the victims of.