
Debate Info

Yes, we are No, were not
Debate Score:101
Total Votes:133
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 Yes, we are (28)
 No, were not (31)

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BlackRaven(101) pic

9/11: Are we starting to forget?

9/11 is such a signifigant date for Americans.

On that day, thousands of innocent lives were taken.

I feel as if the younger generation is forgetting what America went through that day, because we choose not to talk about it. (Rightfully so)

On that day, my father was actually working a few blocks from the towers.(He was a cop) When they heard the first plane crash, they had thought it was an accident, and when panic started to arrise, he was called out to help.


When the tower fell down, a few of his co workers ran into a school building nearby, and stayed there till the dust died down.  They then went back out again, and walked back to thier building.  Just a few hours ago, there were people inside, but now it was deserted. Him and his friends ended up manning that building, giving directions to anyone who had stopped by.


He made it home that day. (Thank God) 

He just told me this story yesterday, and I have such a deep respect for the ones who were not as fortunate.


May we never forget...


Yes, we are

Side Score: 43

No, were not

Side Score: 58
2 points

What americans conveniently don't know (or don't want to know) is that 1.2 million Iraqis died for that attack, are they going to have day or remembrance? Are they going to psoted on every major media outlet non stop for the next few days, no because they are what John Pilger referred to as "unpeople"

What about the 500,000 Iraqis children that starved, and died of health complication due to the US and British backed sanctions against Iraq.

What about the tnes of thousands of afghanis that have died for reasons that the people still don't understand, most of them have never even heard of 9/11

Americans should have taken 9/11 as a wake up call, its time to start unxderstanding the rest of the world, why are there people out there willing to do this, why are there people out there who hate american this much, instead the american people regressed into a coma of complete nationalism, and the elite's who really control the country licked their lips at the prospect of having carte blanche to cut up the middle east as they saw fit, and Iraq and Afghanistan with there oil and strategic importance were the lowest habging fruit, and has the american adminstration "war of terror" and the rest of the world made this world safer, no, you can be fucking sure it hasn't, in fact it has made it far more unsafe.

The reponse to 9/11 only enforeced the bully-boy imperialist narratives constantly labbelled against the US, and blooded and new line of Bin Ladens.

Side: Yes, we are
spacejam(12) Disputed
1 point

You make good points with bad facts. The 1.2 million dead Iraqis [from 2003] is a number pulled out of the Opinion Research Poll's ass. The number is probably around than 600,000 if you colligate most of the reports, although only about 150,000 deaths are certain.

Also to say our sanctions in Iraq BEFORE 9/11 have anything to do with 9/11 is not only syllogistic but anachronistic. The sanctions only prove a point against your argument, that the Iraq war was a postponed war, and Sadaam should have been taken down long before 9/11.

No doubt Iraq was an utter failure and the war in Afghanistan is really an endless catch 22 against self-replicating apparitions. But what are our other options?

To step back and try to understand why??? Your argument falls apart when you state Iraq and Afghanistan as a low hanging fruit; clearly the 10 year occupation of the latter makes it more of unattainable poisonous fruit instead of an easy target or a "carte blanche to cut up the middle east."

"The response to 9/11 only enforced the bully-boy imperialist narratives constantly labelled against the US, and blooded and new line of Bin Ladens."

No doubt I can agree with that but I cannot think of any reasonable alternative than our action. It was a gamble we took and we lost.

Side: No, were not
garry77777(1775) Disputed
0 points

"You make good points with bad facts."

Bad facts, none of facts are bad, or inaccurate for that matter, i can justify every claim i make, just keep reading.

"The 1.2 million dead Iraqis [from 2003] is a number pulled out of the Opinion Research Poll's ass.The number is probably around than 600,000 if you colligate most of the reports, although only about 150,000 deaths are certain."

So what source are you using for that figure of 600,000, or are you just using your intuition? Have you actually colligated the reults of all the reports, and if so what in the hell makes you think thats a reliable way to estimate anything?

Your the one with the bad facts my friend, the figure 600,000 is a gross underestimation of the the total casualities of the war since 2003, this figure was reasonably accurate back in 2006 but since then has doubled, no person serious about the truth would dispute this.Here's the link to survey conducted by the John Hopkins University.

Now the survey has been criticised ( from people with a pro-western agenda who want to down play casualities)) and applauded, it is the only survey to use a scientific methid in analysing casualities, and it is widely acknowledged as being the most accurate, and comprehensive estimate of the numbers killed since the war was illegally started by the US but don't take my word it, do your own investigating, the wiki page isnt a bad place to start:

I having taken many advanced statistics courses during my education, im not saying this to toot my own horn, im saying it because ive looked into the methodology used in estimating the casualities, and this one is by far the most reliable estimate of Iraqi deaths, but again don't take my word for it, heres what the western governments would like to sweep under the carpet:

(Keep in mind the figure quoted here is 650,000 as this dates back to 2006 when the figure 650,000 was accurate)

You see most fo the other methods rely on counting methods that are highly unreliable especially in a place like Iraq which has been in total flux since the start of the invasion. The accracy this kind of statistical analysis cannot be question, the math doesn't lie, thats why that top UK scientist came out in support of it after examining the findings.

Now if you are still in denial about the varacity of my claims and the accuracy of the figures i have presented please take the time to research the John Hopkins report, you can critique the analysis methods all you want if you are capable:

This is the report they released in 2006 that details the casualities from 2004-2006, since then they have updated and refined there study, the latest figure is 1.2 million dead Iraqis like it or fuckin lump it.

"although only about 150,000 deaths are certain. "

NO about 1.2 million deaths from combat related situations (not to mention those from lack of health, clean water etc, as the US has completely destroyed the infrastructure) are certain, why not do some investigating before you spread your misinformation.

"Also to say our sanctions in Iraq BEFORE 9/11 have anything to do with 9/11 is not only syllogistic but anachronistic"

Of course they have somthing to do with 9/11, all the US's imperialist actions in the middle east contributed to 9/11, and thats not even how i meant it in the first place.

Now i will admit that the views i espouse maybe slightly syllogistic, i call it using making inferences from the available evidence with a dash common sense involved in the process, im not saying the process is proves 100% effective 100% of the time, such a process doesn't exist but ive predicted many things, and my suspicions have nearly always been proven to be within a certain tolerable level of accuracy, leaving aside the emotional bias of course which i have been trained to do.

As for saying 9/11 being related to the sanctions imposed on Iraq is an anachronism i really have to disagree, you think you can starve a muslim country, and prevent them from importing medicine, and have no ripple effect, do you seriously beleive you can make that many people suffer that much and not have any effect, if so you need a lesson in causality my friend;-)

" The sanctions only prove a point against your argument, that the Iraq war was a postponed war, and Sadaam should have been taken down long before 9/11. "

Really they work agaisnt me do they, well ive never heard that interpretation before, so killing about 1.5 million Iraqis (of which 500,000 were children) through brutal sanctions that were almost universally opposed somehow works against my piont about the extreme loss of life the US's actsion have inflicted on worn torn impoverished nations.

Also you seem to be conveniently forgetting Saddam was a cherished US guard dog before he got off his leash deveoped imperialistic ambitions of his own, and went sniffing around Kuwait, up until then he was to quote Donald Rumsfeld: "Our man in the region"

This is btw when he was gasing Kurds with chemical weapons supplied by the US and west, you know that major arsenal you supplied him with in order to massacre the Iranian people when he decided to invade that country, or have all these events conveniently slipped your extremely selective memory.

Saddams genocide only became a reportable story in the West when Saddam fell out of favour with the West, the fact is he was allowed to do what he did with impunity with the West having full knowledge of it cause in reality they don't give two fucks if a few hundred thousand Kurds go missing in mass graves but when it came time to invade you can be fucking sure the entire news watching population of the west was fully aware of what he had done as it fitted conveniently into their bullshit brainwashing propaganda.

"No doubt Iraq was an utter failure "

Understatement of the century, a more correct interpretation is, *Iraq has proved (if we were ever in any doubt not that we were) that the US is just as bad(if not worse) , as all the people it loves to call bogey men , and scare its own population with the thought of them, whether it be Iran, North Korea, or anyone else, its words are hollow, its actions define it, and they have spoken volumes.

"and the war in Afghanistan is really an endless catch 22 against self-replicating apparitions. "

You don't get it, 9/11 was the excuse thats all, they US knew they could justfiy goin on a serious rampage(at least with their own people) all they ahd to do was dress it up with rhetoric and their bullshit ideology, they spun a globe, they weighed up the pros and cons, and Iraq and Afghanistan were the lowest hanging fruit, they knew Iran would be a little too hard to crack without some serious calsualities on their side so that was out. This has even been stated by ex-chief of staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell, watch for yourself:

"To step back and try to understand why"

Because you have been systematically preventing democracy in that region since the end of WW2, you have been the main driver ensuring the safety of the worse regime int he region, you have robbed the region and prevented the people from having any freedom, anytime someone in the region has challenged this you have dealt with them severly to say the least. The US needed to understand the reasons behind 9/11 instead they just cried "the hate our freedom" lets bomb the fuck out them.

"Your argument falls apart when you state Iraq and Afghanistan as a low hanging fruit"

Really, the ex-chief of staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell would disagree with you on that score my friend, im sorry if the truth hurts, go watch the video.

"10 year occupation of the latter makes it more of unattainable poisonous fruit instead of an easy target "

Its quite obvious to anyone that the actual results of the invasion were completely underestimated by the administration, that in no way invalidates my piont, and you should really know that.

"No doubt I can agree with that but I cannot think of any reasonable alternative than our action."

You see your countries actions through the eyes of person grossly misinformed about the reality of US froeigh policy and its effecdts on the world since the end of WW2, the fact is you had plenty of other options, 9/11 was a crime by a small number of extreme individuals, itn was not an attack by another soveriegn country, but the response was kind you would expect if it was, i am referring to afghanistan of course. If the taliban had conducted 9/11 i wouldn't have be so against the invasion of afghanistan, but they didn't, a small group of criminals did and the US made million and milions of people suffer for something they still have very little understanding of. The people responsible for the attack could have hunted down, of this is no doubt, the US government however didn't give a fuck about 9/11, they were delighted it happened, it gave them carte blanche to act out whatever imperialistic ambitions that had been only fantasies prior to the invasion.

Im not even goin to talk on Iraq, the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach

Side: Yes, we are
0 points

Your argument is absurd. What exactly do you like about the Iraqi terrorist so much that you want to give them a remembrance day. Does Hitler and his followers have a remembrance day? Thousands of them died. we can feel sorry for the innocent people caught in the middle (of both sides) without making sure everyone has a "fare" pity party. What would you have suggested we do different?

For your information there were plenty of occasions for us to kill bin laden but he surrounded himself with women and children (like most terrorist do) so we chose not to attack. Name another country that would do that.

As sorry as i feel for the Iraqi civilians, their the ones who let these extremist get out of control, they are the ones who should have stopped them but they didn't and then the terrorist attract US so we are stopping them.

Side: No, were not
casper3912(1556) Disputed
3 points

Not all Iraqis are terrorists and the Iraqis weren't invaded because of them harboring terrorists but because their dictator apparently had "weapons of mass destruction", remember that? What happened to the punishment fitting the crime, do innocent civilians deserve to die because of a few rebels and bad intelligence?

When could we of gotten bid laden? It seems we were too focus on Hussein for most of the time to even think about him much.

The middle east is a product of the west, they were colonized, given weapons, used as tools, etc by the west for awhile. It is no wonder why they don't like us. For example, bin laden was used to fight the soviets for us. To blame the victims for the extremists is quite absurd.

Side: Yes, we are
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"Your argument is absurd. What exactly do you like about the Iraqi terrorist so much that you want to give them a remembrance day."

The fact that you think the 1.2 million people that have ided in Iraq were terrorists speaks for itself really.

"Does Hitler and his followers have a remembrance day?"

Ya he probably does but that besides the piont.

" What would you have suggested we do different? "

I wouldn't suggest anything to you, there's simply no piont.

"For your information there were plenty of occasions for us to kill bin laden but he surrounded himself with women and children (like most terrorist do) so we chose not to attack."

Really??? For my information??? Well i gues ive got it all wrong, i see the light, hallelujah!!!!!!!!

"Name another country that would do that."

My God.

"As sorry as i feel for the Iraqi civilians, their the ones who let these extremist get out of control, they are the ones who should have stopped them but they didn't and then the terrorist attract US so we are stopping them."

Ignorance truly is bliss.

Side: Yes, we are

What Now?... 9/11-------------------------------------------

Side: Yes, we are
1 point

No offence, but that's really old now. Can't the U.S just accept that people died and get on with life?

Nearly all great powers in the World have been hit by terrorists and only the U.S reminds that rest of the world, 10 years later, that they were hit by a couple of planes. I swear this whole "10 year anniversary" stunt if to boost tourism in New York.

I still regret what happened and acknoledge that many thousands of people died, but it's time to move on now.

Side: Yes, we are
3 points

It can't be time to move on. Why do you think we remember the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, the Assassinations of Kennedy or MLKJ? We remember them to make sure they never happen again. If we start to "forget" about 9/11, then we as a nation and as a world will be more likely to commit or be victimized by the unspeakable.

I was 49, and on my way to work in Midtown Manhattan when it happened. I was crossing the Brooklyn Bridge when I saw the explosion of the first tower. Traffic stopped quickly and, shortly thereafter I watched the airplane heading towards and crashing into the second tower. It was awful. And I can't imagine that anybody who was over 6 or 7 years old at the time could ever forget.

Side: No, were not
garry77777(1775) Disputed
3 points

"We remember them to make sure they never happen again."

Really you conveniently forgot the movement againt the vietnam war when you decided to let your country invade Iraq?

"If we start to "forget" about 9/11, then we as a nation and as a world will be more likely to commit or be victimized by the unspeakable. "

Im sorry but this view is just covered with subjective bias, very few american can say what crimes there coutnry has commited against the world even though they are infinitely more frequent than those against amerian and orders of magnitude worlse in there destruction of peoples live, causing deaths, destroying the environment etc. etc.

Side: Yes, we are
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
2 points

"It can't be time to move on. Why do you think we remember the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, the Assassinations of Kennedy or MLKJ? We remember them to make sure they never happen again. If we start to "forget" about 9/11, then we as a nation and as a world will be more likely to commit or be victimized by the unspeakable"

Let's put it into context for a bit, if Britian had been hit by a terrorist attack the U.S would not be giving the media coverage of it like Britain has done today. In fact I'ld go to say that americans would be the ones telling us to shut up and move on. And because of the U.S's attitude to the rest of the world, I feel obliged to make statements like that, if it was any other country I'ld have the same level of sympathy as many people today.

I noticed how you haven't including the nuking of 2 entire Japanese towns in your list of horrific events, but thought the murder of 1 american guy was comparable to the destruction of two entire towers filled with people.

Side: Yes, we are
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

It's not about moving on... we have moved on, how have we not? We can move an and still remember.

Side: No, were not
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

We have accepted and we have moved on remembering is hardly evil, and if you look at the number of attacks and the number of casualties the USA has by far the worst with I believe less than ten attacks and thousands of casualties far more than these other great powers.

Side: No, were not
1 point

9-what now? I literally have no idea what this date could be in reference to. It must have completely slipped my mind.

Side: Yes, we are

Why is this question being asked? Why? Really? Why...

Here's a better question, for all the Jewish people whom read it.

The Holocaust: Are you starting to forget? No? Yes?

The point is that some people will say yes and others will say no, both to that question and this debate question. What matters is what the event means to you. If you've forgotten, and it means nothing, good for you! If you haven't forgotten, and it means something, good for you to!

There is no point otherwise to this... people die all the time. People are born all the time to. People love and people hate. People make and people destroy.

It's all in the past.

Whether it means anything to you or not, that's just the truth. The past, in a sense, is always forgotten, and yet never forgotten.

What's really important is right now. This moment. The moment that over 100 billion dead humans will never get to experience.

That's the only thing I'm worried about people forgetting.

Side: Yes, we are
3 points

I would say no. I am 15 and I never forget it. I have respect for those who died and those who didn't. I will never forget what happen on 9/11.

Side: No, were not
3 points

I certainly hope that we are not forgetting... I know I never will.

Side: No, were not
2 points

Pretty pathetic that someone would down vote this...

Side: No, were not
1 point

Theres a few points for you. Your welcome. and just remember that next time you consider downvoting me.

Side: No, were not
1 point

We are no where near forgetting what happened on September 11th, 2001, starting at 8:46am.

Side: No, were not
1 point

No, we will never forget....ever! !

Side: No, were not

Of course not. :) You still see it on tv and i bet it would still be on tv forever on every 9/11 date. Why? It seems illogical for someone to forget something that huge. A lot of people died.

I don't think it is best to forget because history repeat itself. It is best to consider to what went wrong on 9/11. Definetely we need better security.

Me? When i think about 9/11 a lot, i do get sad. Some parts of me want to forget, some parts don't.

Overall, who's dead is dead. We can't change that. All we can do is learn and reinforce.

Side: No, were not
1 point

It's far from too soon to forget. Rather or not people agree with all the attention/ lack of attention being given to the day, ask anyone, they will remember where they were at the time.

Side: No, were not
1 point

No, but it's time to move on.

More Americans are murdered by Americans every year... like 50 times as many. Time to stop using it as a political wedge issue. Either that or start a vague war on Americans and run ads about how scarry your neighbor is.

Side: No, were not
1 point

no we are not. i'm sure that we'll never forget our fds our beloved. but life must go on. we cannot let sorrow bury us. we shall never forget, but we should live our lives beautifully live for those who sacrificed

Side: No, were not
0 points

10th anniversary, and remembrances and tributes are still going strong!

Side: No, were not
-2 points