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We all Fuck Up. Weakness is Fatal
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:13
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 We all Fuck Up. (4)
 Weakness is Fatal (4)

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ChickenBeer(250) pic

Admitting you were wrong is a sign of strength

We all Fuck Up.

Side Score: 7

Weakness is Fatal

Side Score: 4

Admitting you were wrong is a sign of strength

And not just strength. Also intelligence and self-awareness. Many people are incapable of analysing their own thought processes and/or belief systems. The brain simply forbids them from doing it for fear of unravelling a lifetime of illogic.

Side: We all Fuck Up.

Absolutely .

Side: We all Fuck Up.
1 point

And ………. when was the last (first?) time anyone has heard John Trump admit he made a mistake …. or was wrong?? That makes him the WEAKEST occupier of the White House in our history. :-(

Side: We all Fuck Up.
1 point

And ………. when was the last (first?) time anyone has heard John Trump admit he made a mistake …. or was wrong?? That makes him the WEAKEST occupier of the White House in our history. :-(

Side: Weakness is Fatal
1 point

Well, I recognise that I have many faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.

Side: Weakness is Fatal
-1 points

Admitting you were wrong is a sign of strength

Depends. If you are objectively correct, it could be a form of weakness. If you are objectively wrong, it could be a form of strength. If you find yourself doing it all of the time, you're probably just a cuck and a simp.

Side: Weakness is Fatal
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
2 points

Some would argue that the most successful people have failed repeatedly before at last succeeding - and that the thing that makes successful people different than failures is simply that they didn't give up :)

Side: We all Fuck Up.
1 point

Depends. If you are objectively correct, it could be a form of weakness.

If you are "objectively correct" then you are not "wrong", are you? Can you even read English you complete imbecile? If you are not wrong then there is nothing to admit in the first place.

Side: We all Fuck Up.
1 point

If you are "objectively correct" then you are not "wrong", are you?

No shit. Thanks for detailing exactly what my statement meant. Excellent job stating the obvious...

Side: Weakness is Fatal