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 Another mass killing in a gun free zone! Democrats, your war on gun rights is killing us. (48)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Another mass killing in a gun free zone! Democrats, your war on gun rights is killing us.

FOUR MORE DEAD MARINES! How many times will we watch Americans being killed in areas where guns are not allowed? How many times must you be proven wrong before you admit your cultist fear of guns.

What did Conservtives tell you? They said if you ban our freedom to have guns, the criminals will be the only ones with guns because they laugh at your ludicrous laws. They will have easy killing! Terrorists love weak kneed pacifist Democrats.

The growth of ISIS is a direct result of Obama's campaign promise of telling the terrorists we will be leaving Iraq on this date. Terrorists thank all you people who elected an anti Isreal pro muslem President.

Now that we have ISIS becoming so large and indoctrinating people in this nation, these types of killings will grow and grow. This was always my fear because I knew someday if we allowed terrorists to grow overseas, it would come here with home grown terrorists.

With a new age extremist Liberal Democrat party working to censor any mention of our Christian faith and heritage in public, it is no surprise that our culture and society would fall into an amoral anything goes gutter and we are seeing it before our very eyes. When you separate the wisdom of our Christian heritage from this nation, you open the flood gates to hate filled cults.

Can Liberals be any more mindless? It's like the Bible says....


For men shall be lovers of their own selves, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD,  lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

That about sums up today's America after the lie of separation.


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Atrag(5666) Banned
4 points

For men shall be lovers of their own selves

I'm so sick of you advocating homosexuality. Its in every debate that you post. We are not interesting in debating your sick perversion.

3 points

You can't figure out FREEDOM? Are you so indoctrinated not to care when in America, we have been censored from saying a prayer in a school if the people choose to do so? THAT DOES NOT BOTHER YOU? IT SHOULD BOTHER YOU!!!!!!!!

YOU AREN'T BEING STOPPED FROM SAYING A PRAYER IN SCHOOL. A community prayer is an additional freedom that I don't understand you needing.

Athiests used to have more intellect where they understood that freedom allows speech they may not agree with. That was common intellect back before the Liberal thought police came to power.

You haven't lost any religious freedom. You have lost the ability to force a guaranteed time to have a bunch of people pray around a group that doesn't want to pray. Why do you want this freedom?

I understand you are not a Christian and if it bothered you so much, should be able to find the many schoola that would have no prayer.

You want to eliminate the schools that don't have prayers. It bothers me that we are wasting time in school not learning.

If not, do what many Christisn parents do, send the kids to private schools or home school. It's called school choice.

And, I don't understand why. You can pray in public school.

I never said kids would pray along, we used to have a teacher say a simple prayer and the kids would just listen as we do at sporting events, or in Congress each morning.

How does that help? Plus, some kids would pray along, wouldn't they. Are you suggesting a community prayer that the teacher says to the students that no one else even participates in? What's the point of that?

Think about why you are so against free speech to say things you don't agree with.

You have free speech and free prayer. You get no additional rights with the school prayer you are asking for.

Is that the kind of America you want to live in where speech is no longer free if it offends the one?

You are the only one against offensive free speech.

Please spare me the islamic prayer rhetoric

Of course. You don't understand the point of the question. I just want to know why you want a community prayer.

this nation is a majority Christian nation founded on Christian tenants.

It isn't founded on Christian tenants, but it is majority Christian.

If i lived in a Muslem nation, I would expect to hear an islamic prayer in school and would not be offended by it. If it bothered me, I would home school my kids.

Because your religious freedom would be violated, hmmm.

2 points

FOUR MORE DEAD MARINES! How many times will we watch Americans being killed in areas where guns are not allowed? How many times must you be proven wrong before you admit your cultist fear of guns.

While I am a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment, I do love how hypocritical you are being. Not only are you trying to tell individual groups what they are or are not allowed to do on their property, but you are also politicizing an issue immediately after a shooting, something you have called out people on the left for.

What did Conservtives tell you? They said if you ban our freedom to have guns, the criminals will be the only ones with guns because they laugh at your ludicrous laws.

Except nobody has banned the freedom to have guns. But you can't ban the freedom for individual groups to refuse to allow people with guns on their property.

The growth of ISIS is a direct result of Obama's campaign promise of telling the terrorists we will be leaving Iraq on this date.

And what do you suggest? That we make Iraq the 51st state and leave our soldiers their indefinitely? We should not have gone there in the first place.

Terrorists thank all you people who elected an anti Isreal pro muslem President.

Obama has done nothing that warrants calling him "anti-Israel". I do wish he would be a little more realistic when it comes to the state of Islam in the Middle East, however.

Now that we have ISIS becoming so large and indoctrinating people in this nation, these types of killings will grow and grow. This was always my fear because I knew someday if we allowed terrorists to grow overseas, it would come here with home grown terrorists.

Islamic Terrorism in the United States is such a small minority of domestic terrorist cases. Why aren't you worried about the overwhelming majority (we are talking over 90%)?

With a new age extremist Liberal Democrat party working to censor any mention of our Christian faith and heritage in public,

You have been called out on this lie so many times. Nobody is censoring any mention of Christianity in public.

it is no surprise that our culture and society would fall into an amoral anything goes gutter and we are seeing it before our very eyes.

Teen pregnancy: Down.

Sexually transmitted diseases: Down.

Poverty: Down.

Violent Crime: Down.

Education: Up.

Gee, this "amoral anything goes gutter" seems to be a pretty good place.

When you separate the wisdom of our Christian heritage from this nation, you open the flood gates to hate filled cults.

In United States history, the overwhelming majority of hate filled cults have been linked to Christianity (note: I am not saying they were mainstream Christian sects). Take the KKK, for example. Or the Aryan Brotherhood. Or the Army of God. Or any of the other dozens of Christian terrorist groups that have terrorized parts of this country.

Can Liberals be any more mindless?

Yes, they could be like you.

It's like the Bible says....

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

It takes a pretty sever amount of arrogance to try to justify your personal hatred with a holy book. It's par for the course, but still.

That about sums up today's America after the lie of separation.

And yet as I pointed out above, society is getting better, not worse, by almost every metric you could use.

1 point

I agree with everything the author of this comment made. I think the person who wrote the original argument is capitalizing on the death of people to make a political statement, which is despicable!

2 points

Unfortunately, capitalizing on the death of people to push a political statement is standard for both sides.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
-1 points

Telling the truth of what gun control fanatics are doing to our freedoms is not capitalizing on nothing! Every single mass killing we have in this ntion, the Democrats play politics and blame the gun. IT'S TIME THE OTHER SIDE SPOKE UP TO THE INSANITY OF THE LEFT!

1 point

Okay this post is pretty crazy but I'll address the shooting.

We need to be really careful assigning blame when these types of tragedies occur. We've all heard the talking points (there's nothing that could have prevented the shooting, if people had less access to firearms it wouldn't happen, if people had more access to defend themselves it wouldn't happen, etc.) and frankly it's pretty tiring. I do think that the law prohibiting recruitment offices from having firearms is ridiculous.

There's a lot of bad people out there, but there are so many people that are confused and feel a sense of isolation or depression so individuals should just be wary of that in lives. Be sure to let people know you appreciate them in your lives.

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for the moderated and nuanced view on the subject. I do wonder a bit, though, at your concluding remark that seems to imply that these shooting are simply the way things are and we need to adjust ourselves to that reality. While I agree with you that the issue is more complex than it gets credit for, I think it is striking that comparable countries (i.e. Europe/Western) do not have a remotely comparable prevalence of shootings like these. To me this indicates that we need to do more than accept this violence as an immutable fact. Your thoughts?

1 point

To be fair, firearms were never as indelible in Europe as they are and have been in the United States. That being said, I do think it makes the solution much more complicated here. I do not submit to the fact that this violence should be accepted, I was simply noting that mental health is a large concern and I don't think it's a stretch to say that if people in general were more gentle and aware there would be less violence. That's a universal truth but with the abundance of options to kill people with in the US, it seems more pressing and relevant.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

We need to be very careful to quit worrying about assigning blame. It's that kind of sick political correctness where we can no longer say anything is wrong. The Left loves weak kneed say nothing people who watch while they steal our freedoms one by one!

IT'S TIME TO ASSIGN BLAME and it's time to stand up for our rights!

It's obious that if people had guns to protet themselves, we would have far fewer mass killings. It is also obvious that gun laws makes sure that criminals are the only ones with guns! You must use your brains and see through the talking points.

Have you noticed that almost every mass killings have been done by people on anti depressents and drugs? Drugs are a huge part of making a person suicidal or murderous and you hear nothing about from our Liberal media.

Troy8(2417) Disputed
3 points

Alright well I'm really not trying to be politically correct, I just think the issue is way more complex than you make it out to be. I feel like you almost exploit issues like this to spew your agenda against liberals.

I do agree that gun control is not the answer, but what you're saying about drugs doesn't seem very valid. Do you have any facts to support that claim? I'd say prescriptions for mental disorders do far more good than harm.

skyfish(276) Clarified Banned
1 point

we ARE assigning the blame... the blame goes to the bigots and haters


like you.


the blame goes to the greedy.


like youi

IAmSparticus(1516) Disputed Banned
1 point

We need to be very careful to quit worrying about assigning blame. It's that kind of sick political correctness where we can no longer say anything is wrong. The Left loves weak kneed say nothing people who watch while they steal our freedoms one by one!

So you attack the left when they assign blame, but believe you are justified in doing so? Don't you think that is hypocritical?

IT'S TIME TO ASSIGN BLAME and it's time to stand up for our rights!

You should indeed prevent anyone from using these situations to try to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.

It's obious that if people had guns to protet themselves, we would have far fewer mass killings. It is also obvious that gun laws makes sure that criminals are the only ones with guns! You must use your brains and see through the talking points.

Gun laws (both those I find acceptable and those I don't) have not done that, luckily. There is plenty of access to legal gun ownership in this country, which is a good thing, and crime in this country continues to go down.

Have you noticed that almost every mass killings have been done by people on anti depressents and drugs?

That is a good reason for improving the state of mental health care in this country.

Drugs are a huge part of making a person suicidal or murderous and you hear nothing about from our Liberal media.

Illegal drugs are almost never a part of the issue. If any drugs are involved, they are usually proscription drugs for a mental condition. I have heard the liberal media address the usage of said substances in conjunction with mass shootings all the time, however.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
-1 points

Also, it's pretty crazy that people such as yourself think it is pretty crazy hearing some verses from the Bible. Whether you understand it or not, you have been conditioned to make fun of religious expression when you hear it in public. That is pretty sad indeed! Very much a sign of our judgemental times and this anti God culture from the Left.

Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

Also, it's pretty crazy that people such as yourself think it is pretty crazy hearing some verses from the Bible.

Simply hearing Bible verses is not crazy. I'm a Christian and I believe they are quite important. The way that you utilize the Bible to hate people and defend certain beliefs is pretty troubling for me.

Whether you understand it or not, you have been conditioned to make fun of religious expression when you hear it in public.

Well this just isn't true. I do not make fun of religious expression when I hear it in public. You really make a lot of assumptions from very little information.

Very much a sign of our judgemental times and this anti God culture from the Left.

If by anti-God you mean keeping religion out of politics, then you're absolutely right.

IAmSparticus(1516) Disputed Banned
1 point

Why are you putting words in his mouth? He never said it is crazy hearing some verses from the Bible.

skyfish(276) Banned
1 point

that's like saying operating rooms are causing the spread of disease.

the REASON we have places where guns are not allowed, (you know, places like the NRA headquarters), is because guns are dangerous and need to have regulation.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

DRUGS ARE FAR MORE DANGEROUS!......................................................................

1 point

DRUGS ARE FAR MORE DANGEROUS!......................................................................

Sure. And that's a good reason to make sure that drugs are regulated effectively.

1 point

HOGWASH LIE!...........................................................................................

0 points

You are a fool to say I use the Bible to hate people. I hate no one. As I say, you insult Christians who actually stand up for their faith by calling it hateful to disagree with the Left's agendas. Is it hateful to stand up for what your faith actually says?

What I do hate is this new age Liberal attack on our religious freedoms of expression in public places.

I hate this politically correct forcing Christian family owned businesses to cater Gay wedding receptions, or anything ese that goes against their faith.

I hate these left wing Liberal democrat policies that are forcing Christians and everyone else to pay for abortions! You say you are a Christian? Do you like paying for abortions through medicaid, etc.?

You are probably one of these new age Politically correct(not Godly correct) individuals who deny that the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, or that abortions are murder, or that we should not have Gay pastors or Gay sunday school teachers, etc.

Are you one of the judgemental Liberal Christians who ridicule so called "BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS"? Liberals have judged Christians who actually have the nerve to believe the scriptures that they confess to believe. HOW DARE WE BELIEVE OUR NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE!

Yes I want to keep religion out of politics, and our Constitution says that Government shall not pass laws prohibiting the free excersize of religion. It also says that Government shall not establish a religion which it has never done in this nation. We always had the FREEDOM to have school prayers before the control police started censoring our freedoms. No child is forced to pray but they still censored a community's freedom to choose a school prayer if the majority of people wanted it.

This nation is dieing from the Left wing anti God control fanatics and I'm sure you could care less what is gong on..

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

HOGWASH LIE!...........................................................................................