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Debate Score:43
Total Votes:43
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gag1192(6) pic

Are some evil deeds justified?


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 24
1 point

Well sure silly, the American government goes it all the time, lets not forget that God does it too, but that don't count because hes God so bad means good even if its the mass murder and raping of children : )

Side: yes
1 point

lets not forget that God does it too, but that don't count because hes God so bad means good even if its the mass murder and raping of children : )

Why is it evil?

Side: no
Warjin(1577) Disputed
2 points

Do you really have to ask lol ? .

Side: yes

If done in name of Allah then what is the truth to do it must be done without mercy !

Side: yes
1 point

Bismillah al Rahman Al raheim. In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful.

Side: no
2 points

It's a trick question.

If it can be justified, then it was never an evil deed.

Side: no
Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

That's not true, the justification can be evil. "They would die eventually anyway"

Side: no
1 point

That's not true, the justification can be evil.

Rationalization is not the same as justification.

Side: yes

It's a trick question.

Agreed. You might also say that nothing that is necessary can be evil. Also, no evil is necessary.

Side: no
2 points

How can a piece of paper be evil?

Side: no

Define evil.

Side: no

If they are properly justifiable, they are not evil in the first place. "Evil" itself is arguably an imaginary concept anyway. At the very least, it is usually very subjective in definition.

Side: no