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Debate Score:33
Total Votes:35
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 Yes (19)
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Axmeister(4311) pic

Are there "celebrities" on CD?

Would you say that there are those characters, whether famous or infamous, whose presence in a debate seem to cause more people to join it?


Side Score: 24


Side Score: 9
2 points

Too be honest, I made this debate after noticing that Srom tends to get a lot of activity from his arguments, though a mojarity of this is people damning his beliefs.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, i would say there are certain people who fit your judgement. Some people have a gift for sparking debates, and making people want to express their views. I only ever do, when i bring up something controversial! The reason this "Srom" gets activity, is because lots of people disagree with him! Hence the large amounts of activity he gets. Like if i started a debate, talking about controversial topics, i wouldn't be the only one, so people would like what i say for "standing up to what i think" but the people commenting are the real assholes!

Side: Yes
2 points

Its true. If I would be the first one to say something on a debate the next day I log on and I have 3 people who disputed my arguement and all people do disagree with me,

Side: Yes
GeneralLee(133) Clarified
1 point

but the people commenting are the real assholes

Be careful man, this isn't necessarily true. Saying a derogatory statement like that is just likening yourself to the very thing you are criticizing.

Side: Yes

I'm happy to see that many people on this site share a mutual distaste for the imbecile. I genuinely detest him. Hope we can get him to see the light.

Side: Yes
Mors777(56) Disputed
1 point

Actualy, Srom only gets so many comments because his arguments are both intellectual and inspring to so many others.

Side: No
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

Mors777, meet the Laughing Policeman !

Side: Yes
1 point

This post is the single most convincing piece of evidence I have seen in support of the idea that Srom and Mors are the same person. Nobody other than Srom would actually say that.

Side: Yes
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I don't get a lot of activity from my arguments. If you look closely whenever I post something about my belief or I am standing up to my belief there is always someone who downvotes my arguments and I end up having -2 points and then an atheist replies to me and they like 4 points or even more.

Side: No
2 points

Well, there should be three types of celebrities here on CreateDebate.

1. Real public celebrities

2. The CreateDebate celebrities

3. The flash in the pan CreateDebate celebrities

Since we don't yet have anyone in category #1' I will skip to #2 and #3.

In category #2 you have the folks like Joe, and a long list of folks who have been here forever and really make their mark (like it or not)

In category #3 we have the 15 minutes of fame folks. The most prominent of whom is Ismala. Over the weekend she come to the site and through the controversy she created, the site traffic went up by 25% for that week! Thank you Ismaila!

Maybe we can get some real celebrities here soon. I will try to get them.


Side: Yes
1 point

I must say I'm one of the classics. I went away for awhile though. Then there's always Joe.

Side: Yes

How is celebrities imply? Celebrities created on CD within the community or celebrities in the general sense. No celebrity is going to be a CD.

Side: No