
Debate Info

Looks like it I don't believe that stuff
Debate Score:38
Total Votes:43
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 Looks like it (19)
 I don't believe that stuff (16)

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excon(18262) pic

Are these the end times?

Looks like it

Side Score: 19

I don't believe that stuff

Side Score: 19

It sure as hell isn't the beginning ;)

Side: Looks like it
1 point

I don't think so, but the current situation gives us a glimpse of what the end of times for mankind may be like.

Side: I don't believe that stuff

I agree with you. Have you noticed, that big government, has also gorwn, under Trump?

Side: I don't believe that stuff

I agree with you. Have you noticed, that big government, has also gorwn, under Trump?

Another hallmark of fascism. They tell you that the government is too big and controlling, then provide you with the antidote: a government which is even bigger and more controlling. Same with the media. Journalists are all liars, so here are some of our journalists who are going to tell you the truth from now on.

Make no mistake. Fascism is happening in the United States right at this moment. It isn't an exaggeration, a partisan attack or a conspiracy. It is happening right now, today, out in the open, and Trump is the catalyst.

Side: I don't believe that stuff

This is a great dress rehearsal for when shit gets real. Like a big solar storm, are a big rock in the Leonid meteorite field which we see in November.

Side: I don't believe that stuff

I'm sorry, for treating you like shit. Even if you never forgive me, I truly am, sorry. Thanks, for reading, this.

Side: I don't believe that stuff