
Debate Info

Dogs!!! Cats!!!
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:29
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 Dogs!!! (8)
 Cats!!! (9)

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amylynn93(115) pic

Are you more of a dog or cat person?

What do YOU think?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 16
2 points

I have both dogs and cats in my home, but I've always held a preference for dogs.

Side: Dogs!!!
2 points

Although I'd like to think there's room-ba in my heart for both species... But who am I kitten? I prefer dogs! :))

Side: Dogs!!!
2 points

dogs all the way!!!

besides cats and i have a mutual agreement. i hate them. they hate me ;)

Side: Dogs!!!

They are loyal and will always protect you.

Side: Dogs!!!
1 point

I have a cat, and 3 dogs. Dogs are much cuter and fluffier in my opinion (I love Corgi's). Also they are loyal to you, and can protect you more than cats can.

Side: Dogs!!!

I definitely prefer dogs over cats for one good reason, cats aren't as pleasing and loving, and attentive as dogs. Dogs are wired typically to do just about anything to make you happy. Cats don't have that instinct to constantly try to make you happy. I love cats too though, they just will never offer what a dog can offer for me. I am allergic to cats but I have had a cat before and gained an immunity. (Which is gone now).

Side: Dogs!!!
1 point

dogs are good friends... atleast they are not like cats who keep on sneaking here and there

Side: Dogs!!!

Dogs are cuter and I admire their personalities. I like how they wag their tails when they are happy.

Side: Dogs!!!

Dogs are annoying, they chewup and destroy everything, their saliva is so thick stringy and smelly. They are very demanding and require frequent attention.

Cats however are much more independent and less demanding than dogs which take over your life.

Side: Cats!!!
2 points

Kittens! :D

Dogs try to rape people.

Side: Cats!!!
2 points

And dogs run out in the road to chase cars and get killed. I don't want to see another doggy die. :(

I trained my cat not to be lazy so she is just as fun(if not funner) as a dog.

She can tell when I am walking through the house, so sometimes she'll wait around a corner or up on the table against the wall and wait for me to walk by and then pounces at me. Sometimes we get into a game of tag. ;)

Side: Cats!!!
1 point

I've got my cats trained they tell me what they want, one of them does have a habit of raiding neighbours BBQ's and brings me home all sorts of burnt half eaten food, does that count as fetching?

Side: Cats!!!
2 points

I've always had a preference for cats. They're less high-maintenance than dogs, and (in my opinion) they're cuter. (I'm talking about grown up cats here, I honestly can't decide between a kitty and a puppy.) They're just as fun to play with as dogs, and maybe they're not as loyal, but my cat always knows when something is wrong. He'll come up to you and jump in your lap and start purring. It's adorable. They're softer than most dogs I've met too.

Side: Cats!!!


Side: Cats!!!
1 point

cats are awesome

doggy doo can knock you out and dogs destroy everything they come into contact with

Side: Cats!!!
0 points

I like both but at the moment only have two cats, I had Dogs at my mum and dads but can't have dogs at the moment because of work. I was also born in the year of the Dog.

Side: Cats!!!