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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Does (3)

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BenCarson(58) pic

Burritolunch claims to have a job where you can debate & play skyrim all day

Let's review.

He says he plays skyrim all day.

He's on this site all day.

He now acts like he has a job, but won't say what it is.

He claims capitalists are slave drivers.

If he has a job where he can debate all day and play skyrim, his capitalist boss isn't very slave driving.

Deduction? You decide what part he's lying on.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 3
2 points

He and I don't see eye to eye often, but if he did tell you what his job was (if he has one) would you even believe him?

He could say whatever he wants, you have no way to prove or disprove and ultimately it simply doesn't matter, does it?

Side: Does

Hi Ben.

It's cute that you want to refer to our exchanges as "debate", but we actually have a betting pool here about exactly which stupid thing you are going to say next. I've been winning a lot recently, which is why I'm the one being honoured with the privilege of calling you a twat.

Side: Does
1 point

Cool. So tell us about your job nom. We are interested in the job.

Side: Does
1 point

Awesome. Nom's on here all day until asked about his job. Then he avoids the topic, and suddenly, no site of him anywhere. just like magic...

Side: Does
1 point

Ben Carson should have stuck to brain surgery. He doesn't do much else well, except cause trouble.

Ya wanna buy a table ………?

Side: Does
1 point

Encourage students to apply their knowledge to real-world issues by presenting them with authentic problems. This could involve research projects, case studies, or simulations that mirror challenges in their field of study. PAY/

Side: Does